Even they're losing hope on the Switch being good

Mike wants to know where all the good and different games went since Nintendo used to offer variety and now all they offer is shit for babies or 5 year old games.

James is about to take the hot lead pill to free himself from his mortal coil in order to end his suffering since Nintendo does not see the error of it's ways after 20 years.

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Mike goes on tirade about how there are no games and that controllers are fucking expensive and fuck this

>Bitch about how Nintendo used to offer variety
>If Nintendo dares to offer variety, everyone bitches about it being "shit for babies"
Stuff like Splatoon and Arms are both original and creative. Stuff like 1 2 Switch is fucking classic Nintendo prioritizing fun and quirkiness, but everyone will bitch about that just like they bitched about Tomodachi Life. Nothing Nintendo does will ever be good enough for anybody who goes out of their way to bitch about them.


1,2, Switch isn't even a videogame because they wanted to remove the video aspect of it which is stupid as hell.

It's also 60 fucking dollars

>Claim to want variety
>Ignore everything but Mario and LoZ

Mike bought one for him, one for Claire and one for his dick
I think Mike can say what he wants an yes Nintendo should listen to its customers

You don't stay alive for 150 years by listening to retards.

I don't care if people criticize the Switch, but these guys are kind of low IQ shitters.

James barely knows anything about videogames past 32 bit era, and Mike's not the sharpest tool in the shed either.

Everything other than Zeld and Mario was utter shit.

Splatoon was cockbeaten by Overwatch

What did he say that sound retarded?


they're right, look at the fucking games
>le epic gay elf game
>muh mario
>entire WiiU library
>puyo puyo x tetris in english

and that's it

Nintendo hasn't been making games for 150 years

most of that 150 years involved dozens of failed business ventures who's impact were softened by a forgiving japanese banking system.

And what if more games are announced in the coming weeks?

What if Nintendo is pacing out announcements specifically as insurance against droughts?

These guys are the quintessential smart enough to think they know exactly what's up, but not smart enough to know that they're jumping the gun and likely wrong.


No,you survive by having a retarded fanbase that will eat everything you shit out for 400$.

Here's a tablet that can oc itself,400$ pls.What you want to actually play on this thing?100$ for the controllers,goy

>1, 2, Switch isn't even packaged in with the game
Yeah, like anyone's going to buy a tech demo.
Honestly I wish a company was brave enough to start cutting down the prices of games. I don't see how a game like 1, 2, Switch or Arms will be worth more than $30.

>"nintendo is doomed" shitposting
>e-celeb shitposting

Damn, OP. Apply yourself.


Mike has a point

Nintendo this time has to deliver. No more bullshit.
Also cut those prices.

How's there no variety? Even from the get-go they've announced Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, and Mario Odyssey for 2017. A few other things people might eat up like Arms, but that shit's on par with ZombiU for me, not worth buying at all.

Do these people not remember what launch years usually look like or something? Wii U was like NSMBU and Pikmin 3. XBONE was Ryse and I don't even know what else. PS4 was Knack and Bloodborne.

Here's the realization. Nintendo doesn't care about you. They make games for kids mostly. They will never grow with you. Because your taste change. While kids stay kids and there is always a new crop of kids coming up. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about you.

People also tend to forget that even if a new Mario or Zelda game is superficially a rehash, each series has considerable internal variety. More than other series of games.

>kids play on ps4, xbox, iphone an pc
Nice strategy

Because it's meant for some people to be their first zelda and not the people that were playing for years.

SS was bad about that but they may not repeat that mistake. Probably not given what we know about BotW.
The trailer for the Mario game suggests that they've given up trying to sell 3D Mario to casuals but we'll see.

here's the thing Nintendo fucked up on the wii-u and killed it back in 2015.

They had years to get games on The Switch so history would not repeat itself. They now release it with a lineup that's less than the wiiu's.

They had to have more to show in order to make up for their fuckups, they didn't make the cut. MK8 Deluxe should be 30-40 bucks like any other remaster, Splatoon 2 doesn't look any different from the original.A rms and 12ASwitch are tech demo garbage.

Nintendo is the only company who has to make up for fucking up this generation and all it showed is that it's still fucking up.

>Where's the variety? Let me just ignore the variety and complain about these two games

Like I said, you don't stay alive for 150 years by listening to retards.

>now all they offer is shit for babies or 5 year old games.

Jesus Christ the asspained spin in this sentence.

For the last fucking time, worthwhile variety does not equate to worthless gimmicks and bad ideas.

Nintendo has had dozens upon dozens of failed nusiness ventures that it learned nothing from. They at one point had their own TV channel and the failure of it was catastrophic.

>They now release it with a lineup that's less than the wiiu's.

But that's wrong.

It's not, the only game that people generally want is also coming to the Wii-U. None of the launch exclusives are desirable.

>since Nintendo used to offer variety
they havent offered that since SNES

Ask yourself other than Zelda do any of the games stand up to the likes of Persona, Kingdom hearts, Tales of Series, or any of the other big name games coming down the pipes? You have Mario coming for Christmas right along with a shitload of other high caliber games from Sony at around the exact same time.

The PS4 is at 50+ million sold at this point and the switch is coming well late into the game. Mario isn't enough to make a dent.

Wow it's a good thing everyone has a Wii U, huh.

Not at all like it's the poorest selling console that's also consisting of the group of people who are also most likely to buy a Switch.

Also only some PS2 remasters are $30-40, the PS3 ones are pretty universally $60 on release.

Either way, you sound ridiculous. Seriously, name some year 1 lineups for consoles, what the actual fuck is worth buying when you're admitting Arms isn't. Like you're in some fucking microcosm where nothing but Nintendo Wii U has ever existed and acting like launch lineup killed that system, yet every other one got a free pass just coincidentally?

Mind you the following did not save the Wii-U:

>Super Mario 3d land
>Super Mario kart 8
>Donkey Kong
>Smash brothers
>Gay Stupid Zelda musou game
>Another 2d Mario game
>a level design pack of a 2D Mario game sold as a full priced game for 60 dollars

Nintnedo isn't even bringing the heat and they had two years to prepare for this.

>Cucks and memes
Oh no. It's if ecelebs are trash

I got the feeling from the video mike is going through a mid-life crisis where nothing is fun anymore.

Hope he doesn't have a breakdown.

>James has finally JUSTed Mike
It's over.

Nintendo sunk the wii-u intentionally to develop the switch since the PS4 and Xbox One were already beating the wii-u despite the wii-u having a massive head start.

Sony still had the PS3 going strong the year the PS4 was released. Nintendo killed the wii the moment the wii-u was announced and they killed the wii-u a full two years before they had The Switch out. Now The Switch isn't even backed up by games and the PS4 is alreayd revved up and all previous sony systems have had 10 year+ lifecycles.


Nintendo needed to hit the ground running to prove to everyone that they still had it, they instead proved that they're still the same nintendo that fucks up the simplest of tasks because 3d games are still too hard to make right.

>ARMS is $60
>1 2 Switch is $50

>you will never have a horselike penis like Mike "bigdick" Mattel

>Splatoon and ARMS put a spin to classic genres

Who and who?

Splatoon was a better game than Overwatch.

but-but-but muh Nintendo

go fuck yourself nigger

Bloodborne took 2 years to come out.

fucking drones, jesus christ

2 games


One of which is genuinely original and commendable but the other almost feels like one of those countless dual-wielding VR games except without the VR and in third person. Really not the most compelling thing but they will get an "I Tried" award.

Hey everyone good news we removed region locking from our new nintendo console
>people clap and cheer

We instead are having you use your own phone for a separate paid voicechat app instea dof regular headphones to talk over games, are making the controller piecemeal and ungodly expensive, and we're not even are going to include a USB charger for your controller and are actually packaging a plastic housing that looks just like the USB charger. Also 2.5 bettery hours for playing any actual games on the go and the system requires you to carry a man-purse to tote it around because it's like an Xbox for your Pocket.


Arms and 1,2, Switch are the Nintendoland and ZombiU/Tank Tank Tank for the Switch. As soon as real games come out for the system people will forget they exist.

>the other almost feels like one of those countless dual-wielding VR games except without the VR and in third person.
You know you can use traditional controls as well right?

>look at this piece of diarrhea donkey dick
>it had some thing where you could take the game on the go with you. Because that's what every kid wanted. To show everyone their badass new "Switch" on the school bus. What a shitload of fuck

You're quite the optimist Nintendo man.I like you. Too bad Nintendo's track record doesn't inspire hope in many other people. I honestly can't understand how people can hold out so much hope for a company that only excels in doing handheld game systems.

>implying kids taste in games hasn't changed over the years

Hey that game was plenty enjoyable.

I played the PS4 version and had some good fun.

They're right user. You're the one who doesn't know what he's talking here.

For all the hours of BOTW footage Nintendo has yet to show one full dungeon in game.

It's making it look like that the dungeon content can be cleared real quickly and the game can actually be beaten in under 5 hours. I mean all this time and zero dungeons. OOT shown two when it first came out and MM had two dungeons to fully explore as well.

>AVGN more like AVGC

>Yeah, like anyone's going to buy a tech demo.