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i'm kinda hyped for it, dad

>helps you up so he can chase you more

jack is a psychopath

What the fuck is up with this plot? Not that it looks bad but I've seen it stated that this is in the same RE universe as the previous entries. Is it just psychos in Louisiana or is there an actual virus?

RIP in piece Chris


There's an umbrella badge in the demo, and the voice on the phone is maybe Ada Wong.

guess we'll have to find out if the Resident really is Evil 7™

Ur looking for ur bitch who left u for whatever reason in a mansion with cannibal hillbillies that are trying to "welcome you to the family"

Personally after that dinner scene I would run right through the fucking door and tell that bitch to fuck off if she keeps sending me messages to come save her

>leg gets chopped off
>liquid just reconnects everything and its useable

bla bla realism in a zombie game, but wtf honestly?

For 6 games they smoked weed to heal wounds.

That's the thing, we don't know. I've seen people talk about an underground Umberla lab, i've seen people talk about actual zombies and parts of a city, I've seen lots of things. Capcom is doing weird stuff.

Even the demo we had (which is beyond god tier btw), clearly states the actual game won't be exactly like that. And we know it's gonna be over 13h long.

So we really don't know if the entire game takes place in the Baker's house, we don't know what enemies we'll be fighting (even tho we know we have guns and weapons), we don't know anything except that we'll be able to play "flashbacks" throught video tapes.

But, without shilling or anything, I seriously think this migh end being the RE4 of our generation, a complete change of direction and atmosphere that'll set a new standard for first person survival horror games, just like RE4 did for third person games.

To me it kind of looks very loosely related. I feel as if they wanted to make a new game but didn't want to risk it failing so they used a current 'big' name to sell their game.

Baker mansion = Spanish village
Swamp = castle
Lab = island

Resident Evil has always been kinda crazy with healing. Almost dead? Just eat or smoke this green herb. Or combine it (god knows how) with this red herb.

Some user earlier today said we might be "zombies" just like the Bakers, that's why we can "regenerate" limbs and shit. Just like Baker dad cut his son's arm and the kid yelled "oh no not again" or something. The demo also mentionned LSD, so every fucked up shit might be an hallucination, an experiment, actual reality, who knows.

They better have the announcer saying the title. Builds/hypes the creepiness so much more

ADA WONG ! sounds cool time to post Ada Wong pics.

This game is definitely just a bad acid trip in some psycho's house.

I feel as if they wanted to make a new game but didn't want to risk it failing so they used a current 'big' name to sell their game.

This is possible, sure, but one can say the same thing about RE4. The game changed almost everything, and we can even see what it looked like before they made it that way, a Silent Hill clone.

You might be right, but as I said before, they also might release the RE4 of our generation.

Where'd u here about the VHS flashbacks I thought it was only the demo?

Why does he look so fucked up in the demo but normal in the full game?

Probably gets more fucked up as you progress.
Leaks say he mutates into a centipede like BOW

But I thought the demo takes place before the full game? What happened to him in that time?

wonder why he say "welcome to the family"?
you already are one of them

Dunno but I'm hyped for resident evil 8 that's going "back to its roots"
Leon is now called racer mcree as he battles other racers in deserted cities because we love that tense atmosphere
Sometimes he doesn't wear seat belts as he lives life on the edge truly horrifying
Jill valentine is your co driver and every time you take a corner you almost make a jill sandwich

Cannot wait

I think he only looked like that in the first demo. Which is why people thought that the demo was set after the main game, with the player character being you.

I really couldn't give you a source. But I did read multiple times (through links provided by Sup Forums, I don't browse other gaming sites/boards) that VHS tapes will be a big part of the game and that they let you experience previous events from different perspectives. Also it doesn't make sense for a great feature that fits the game's setting so well to only be available in the demo.

Don't know much more, sorry user.

If they can make a virus that can transform a person into a mold monster I'm pretty sure they have the tech to make a regen serum

That's the water from the infected swamp.


No Jill
No Chris
No Claire
No Leon
No Ada
No Wesker
No Rebecca
No Barry
No Sherry
No Sheva
No Helena
No Jake

Not a Resident Evil game without any of these characters

Youtube bait plz go

>getting gorged by a tyrant's colossal fucking claws

>first aid spray, all good

>its been this way since the first fucking game.

Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up.


It actually does make a bit of sense if the protagonist is infected with whatever shit the Baker family has.

yes, the story ties into the whole RE canon/plot

yes, there's a new virus

change is good, autist

>There's an umbrella badge in the demo


that was the only remotely Resident Evil thing that I've seen from the game so far.

Thanks, can i call you dad or is that unappropriate?
This game is gonna suck

>No Jill
already in too many games
>No Chris
already in too many games
>No Claire
>No Leon
would be cool to see him again
>No Ada
who cares
>No Wesker
>No Rebecca
who cares
>No Barry
who cares
>No Sherry
who cares
>No Sheva
who cares
>No Helena
>No Jake
I honestly have no clue who are these two

>Demo True Ending
>Escape house
>Go to police
>Authorities don't believe you because they found some LSD in your possession


All the stories she has been in are self contained with the exception of RE2, she is by definition irrelevant to the plot.

>Is it just psychos in Louisiana or is there an actual virus?
Tbh i prefer psychos in Louisiana rather generic waifu "horror" game.

>i have never player RE: the post


normie plz go

Yeah but will RE7 have CUTE girls with FAT asses?

>Severed foot hovers in mid-air in front of your face somehow
>Bottle vanishes when you "pick it up" somehow
Excuse me


This is where punching pepe was born

Too videogamey for you?

who's this joseph smith looking motherfucker in the tv reflection?

Yes please.

>tfw you have to protect her

It's like they went half-way with their measures. Lazy bums. Can you even see your legs in RE7?

Hottie ghost?

>Can you even see your legs in RE7?

If the demo is any indication, yes, you can.

She's not a ghost, she's your missing wife, you went there to save her.

youtube.com/watch?v=HrsFgTtoGjU at 0:20

"First Aid Med: Closes up wounds and promotes cell regeneration"

You bitches better thank Tricell for this marvel in medical science


who /cautiouslyoptimistic/ here?

I hope they pull a RE4 in terms of surprise quality.

Literally impossible

Yup, same here.

Also helps I sucked Alien Isolations dick when that came out so even if it's not really a good RE game, I'll still love it just because it's a big budget horror game you can defend yourself in.

$60 seems a bit much for a 20 hour Outlast clone.

Holy fuck that is creepy.
Like worse than Nemesis creepy since he got 'killed' and just gets back up.

I think its going to be good.

At least, a good game.

Will there be hilarious glitch/bug videos, yeah.

But I can see a batch of fresh memes come out of this one.

>Outlast close
go fuck yourself

I've already pre-ordered deluxe edition

Anyway, there'll be more gun-toting gameplay then you'd expect in the later half of the game I think.

Notice the jump edit in the quick turn when Baker starts to get up? They masked the passage of time with that. In the full game, they'll obviously stay down for much longer, I'd assume about a full 3-7 minutes.

Also no video tape even though you had the video tape on you.
Was it in your head?, or is this some Silent Hill shit?

I guess we're just meant to assume he left the tape at the house. It does disappear from your inventory when you use it from what I remember anyway.

I really, REALLY hope that the "BLOODY SCREEN SO REEEEEEAAAAL" shit can be disabled/modded out in the full game.

fuck she's cute, thats even more depressing since she's going to betray you

>rapes your tight boipucci
>cums his hot mutant load


cum shoots from your penis and your sphincter twitches in ecstasy

re4 was shit and it pretty much killed the series

Theres an option in the demo to change it

>modded out


>No Wesker

Or is he...?
