This was the best indie game released last year

This was the best indie game released last year

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I don't remember that pilot in Brigador.

Looks like you posted an empty image, been a while since I've seen that.

it will also be the best indie game released this year

lmoa dude postmodern XDDF

Not really, it fails both at being a VN and an actual game. It has nothing going for it except memes and lesbians waifu pandering.




A shitty VN with nonexistent bar tending mechanics. Correct answer is Furi.

>tfw most if not all girls in this game are used goods
Not fucking fair

>muh purity

I was gonna say Axiom Verge, but then remembered that was year before last.
Still going to say Axiom Verge.


when did you develop a cuckolding fetish?

>I dont mind if a girl took a million cocks haha xD
Go prep the bull

Furi was fun,and interesting.
Except when it camr to Bloody sniper bitch bullet hell phase.

I could perfect the previous phases. They were piss easy... Then that shit comes. And kills you over and over.

That's not N++

But i am the bull.

Black and white polarizing much?

But user, there are no girls who I know whom never had a boyfriend. My gf had about 3 before me. But it's cool, my waifu needs to be perfect loner virgin with no sexuality at all unless it's me.

>My gf had about 3 before me
She's fucking chad behind your back right now

It was great but there were also:
> Furi
> Hyper Light Drifter
> The Witness

git gud

I agree

>my waifu needs to be perfect loner virgin with no sexuality at all unless it's me
now we're talking. this is the way it's supposed to be

I really didn't like Furi, but I understand why people love it so much.

Best indie game last year for me would be N++. Deadbolt is pretty cool too, but I'm just now getting around to playing it.

To use scanlines or not to use scanlines

Nah, The Witness was.

Jill a cute! A CUTE!



The length of the last two fingers on her left hand bothers me so much

I want Jill to step on me.

if you can see the beer itself below the grip suddenly toes to the left.

It's simple, Glitch City is so shit that their locally manufactured cans have all kinds of imperfections in them!



>play the game
>fighting against The Edge
>spending 15 minutes against him, not because I couldn't beat him, but because I didn't want to win until I could parry the shit out of him

Game has its own way to cheer you up in gitting gud


>no tits

the things i would do with you

best OST released that year too

>Small chest, tight arse, thick thighs and a slightly toned midriff

Literally perfect, just try to refute this.


Only played the demo, did the rest of the game live up to expectations?

Why is everyone here so obsessed with virginity?

Fun fact about women without sexual experience; if they're not clingy and obsessive to the point of being unhealthy and smothering you, they're significantly more likely to cheat on you or dump you out of the blue. Most people who have fucked just one or two people naturally want to see what others are like and tend to get bored easily. The most loyal and appreciative girlfriends I've had (including my fiance of 3 years) were ex-sluts because, unlike girls without experience, they know what other men are like and aren't curious about what they're missing. Sluts know your lack or experience can simply just be fucked out of you and often get a thrill from being your personal sex trainer. Your idea of pure virginal waifu is an extreme romanticization far from the reality you would most likely end up in.

Also, I will never understand why your type thinks all women are whores. They're not, plus men are way bigger whores as a whole, this is just a biological fact. Then again, I guess when you're a beta virgin getting your info on women from other beta virgins, you're not really going to have an accurate picture in the slightest.

So yeah, have fun dying alone due to your misguided pure girl requirements, while I enjoy having amazing sex with a girlfriend who treats me like I'm the second coming of Christ.

>good taste detected




Rabi-Ribi, by an order of magnitude

As someone who regularly plays weaboo trash this was pretty underwhelming. Why even bother with a bartending mechanic when it's inconsequential and there is no way you can fuck it up?

It's like it doesn't want to be a game or a VN and it's stuck in the middle with the worst traits of both worlds.

>it's inconsequential

t. never played the game

Ehh, best soundtrack for sure. Writing kind of drifted off in the second half.



this ain't the place to take shit seriously

What the fuck are you talking about? The endings completely differ on how much money you have. You get more from doing the shit right.
Did you even finish the game?


I really disliked the protagonist. Fuck off with your stupid dead lesbian girlfriend drama.

Vita release when?!?

Never ;_;

>stupid meat rod

>He bought a Vita

oh gee another visual novel on steam

what great video games steam please keep up to good work with your cutting edge high quality content

thanks for adding hundreds of 5-10 dollar RPG maker games it really make me want to use your service

This is the face of a PC mustard race bab who spent $1000 on his computer and is asshurt his shitty platform on has indie games on it when his taste revolves entirely around triple a mass produced third person open world tripe garbage that ubisoft and EA shit out yearly

sorry this game doesn't have enough feathers for you to collect, user

stop talking to yourself.

Of course I finished the game. What I meant to say is that you can redo the drink as many times as you need until you get what you want.
You need to be retarded to fuck that up, there is no penalty for wasting shit or taking too long.

Best VN. VNs are not games.

It's meant to be a comfy game dipshit

You know what isn't comfy? A game over screen. Or would you prefer a time limit? Sounds comfy to me.

Did you not know that there's several points where giving them drinks they didn't ask for can unlock secret dialogues?
Also don't forget that they can try and fuck with you. Several times where you have to think a little, so there's at least something.

This basically. There's multiple times where there's multiple drinks that trigger different dialogue that causes branching conversations. Plenty of times where giving them something different changes stuff. Might want to know what you're talking about before you call something 'inconsequential'.

Pretty sure that's a pasta m8



>glitch city mecha rampage
i want this

I can't believe it took six posts for someone to correct OP with the right answer.

Far from the best, but I don't think I've seen anyone else ever post about Mother Russia Bleeds.

Deadbolt is also good.

Disregard people saying Furi: It's just french people shilling for their country.


I 100%'d valhalla, I have 34 hours in it. I love it but no way is it best indie, I'd vote Furi too.

valhalla is my goty though

that make no sense

It was okay. Too bad the writing was a "slice of life" type of junk, cleverly written but not my kind of thing.
The drink mixing was mind numbingly dull. Constantly made me question why it was so simple. It was cute that you could get different dialogue depending what drinks you give, but I didn't care about the characters enough to explore it all.
Honestly the music makes up over half of the game.

It accomplishes what it tries though, a comfy game that only waifu posters give a fuck about after playing.

My my, english doesn't seem to be your native language.
How strange!

tg fdp

correct answer

i want to fuck that cat


I'm 100% Pure White British male my friend

Let me simplify it a bit then
>I loved both games
>I think Furi is objectively the better game
>I personally prefer Va-11 halla because I love visual novels and being pandered to

>her name is Dorothy
>probably named after the Wizard of Oz heroine
>her "artistic" name is Dolores Haze
>she is a DFC-72 model android
>all artists and most importantly porn ones draw her with massive boobs


Furi is a game made for gamers, and it excels in the execution.

Valhalla is an atmosphere made for yurifags, and it's simply functional.

In the game, she said she dropped the name "Dolores Haze" because that wouldn't be subtle

>They tried their hardest to make the girls as bland looking as possible.

That´s kind of an achievement.

>Furi is a game made for nugamers

Still too subtle for the drawfags I guess.



Yeah and when you give a guy only bad/wrong drinks he just keeps coming back to tell you about their life story as if you were best buddies.

>It's meant to be a comfy game dipshit
I tried really hard to like this game, but the constant immersion breaking got tiresome.
It has the foundations of a great game but it just feels hollow.

>Lolita would probably be considered "too problematic" these days

She's a 24 years old robot, its okay.

This game got me through a pretty dark week when my ram cards died and I had to send out for a replacement.
Those anons who posted the megas really saved my evenings

It's a pretty shallow game, I agree