Help Sup Forums. Why is everything so fucking fast in this game...

Help Sup Forums. Why is everything so fucking fast in this game? It's like they just copy pasted enemies from Bloodborne and made them look different.

Don't play with a slow weapon, scrub


>Dark Souls 3

no more please

Fewer frames on all the animations.

A roll in DS3 has about 2/3rds of the frames that a roll in DS2 had, so at the same FPS, DS3 plays faster.

On the plus side, they hand out Iframes like candy.

>"Don't use like half of the weapons the game provides."

Its more like only a quarter of the weapons are good. The rest mark you as a shitter.

I'm on a new playtrough of this game and it made me appreciate how well DaS let you have multiple play styles all work.
Like you can't hide behind a shield and go slowly at the start because the lothric knights will just hit with their 4 hit combo with barely any wind up time, unlike the balder knights in Das, where their swords bounced off your shield. Lothric knights will just pummel you until you're out of stamina or roll away.
the fast paced, roll or die stunlock(no poise lol) to win gameplay makes the game very exhausting on long play troughs, there's one strategy that's so much better than all the others it's ridiculous.

If you're using a slow weapon, wear heavy armor and stack poise. Otherwise just roll a lot because they're basically free.

>the dogs
Because they did just copy paste enemies
Fucking STUPID teleporting dogs, heck off back to bloodborne.

Is Anri's sword really the best in the game?


I've been playing through every Souls game coop with a friend. For DaS3, I decided to play a flippy dex build, and he is going str.

I have had no problems, and have killed nearly every boss on the first or second try, he's been having a hell of a time.

At 40 luck it does 388 with the bare minimum str/dex requirements.
It has straight-sword stamina requirements.

OP here. I upgraded a lot of strength because i didn't know how fast this game would be. I think i'll just start a new character because this is fucking impossible. What should i upgrade?

>Dark Souls is a slow-paced defensive game focused on exploration
>Bloodborne is a fast-paced offensive game focused on combat
>Dark Souls 3 decides to be a fast-paced defensive game with worse exploration than 1 and less combat mechanics than 2
This is why 3 can never ever be considered the best. The Bloodborne formula does not work with Dark Souls, that is specifically why its a different fucking game.

It's compensated for by a ludicrously low stamina cost for rolling. Just roll spam your way through the game.

Nearly all weapons are useless, because they are too slow or don't provide enough hyperarmor. With the increased speed and no poise, the game becomes bad, regardless how much fun combat can make. Every Souls game prior did a much much better job.

go for quality (both str and dex equally leveled)

Nothing in this post is true, please disregard.

Best combat in the series, just roll spam and R1 with straight sword., I know.

Can you play Souls 3 like its BB wo using shields.

Tired it in 2 the homing attack enemies have makes it near impossible unless you have time to learn all the invincibility frame timing.

>It's like they just copy pasted enemies from Bloodborne
>and made them look different.
Haha. No.

>use the best, most casual weapon class in the game that's designed to be easymode for shitters
>wow this game is too easy combat is shit 0/10
Maybe try not being a scrub and using different weapons.
>hurr hurr no reason to use anything but straight sword
If you're someone who always needs to use the best thing in game, you're a shitter.

I don't use straight swords, I never did. But just becuase you don't use it, doesn't mean it simply vanishes from existing. I don't know if magic is OP again in DS3, but a OP melee weapon class is complete garbage.

They're not "OP", they're just easier to use in PvE because of the speed of many enemies and bosses. And people seem to forget about the horrible weapon balancing of the previous Souls games. Hating DS3 is just a meme because it's the newest installment.

They make the game ridiculousy easy, just like magic did in DaS and lightning/hexes in DaS2, in my book they are OP.
And hating on DaS3 happens, becuase it is the most uninspired in the series, with rehashes and references left and right.
It isn't a meme, hating on DaS2 is the meme.

Gitgud shitters. DaS3 is best soulsborne game and the hardest, DaS shitters hate it because they can't exploit godmode turtle shield + poise 0 skill settup. Bloodborne shitters hate it because they actually get punished for mistakes in this game, non baby mode retaliation mechanic to magically give you back lost hp if you spam r1 like a braindead console kiddo, which bloodborne was made for.

DaS3 has best, hardest and most skill based PvE and PvP out of all Soulsborne games. Ss this and post in future DaS3 threads to shut the shitposters up.

How is it possible to have opinions this absurdly wrong?

Just because it has a lot of callbacks and fanservice, which I agree felt cheap sometimes, doesn't mean it doesn't do a lot of good on its own. People constantly shit on MUH ROLL SPAM and MUH REMEMBER DARK SOULS 1 while conveniently forgetting the things DaS3 did better than the other two.

The funny thing is you're being an ironic false flagging shitposter but I agree with everything in this post except the PvP part. Souls 2 had the most skill-based PvP.

I personally don't really hate the game, but I do believe it's the worst. But I don't know, I'm planning to go back to it when I'm not burned out on the series anymore. Same with Bloodborne.
I will always despise all the callbacks though. Gundyrs armor being based on Old King in DeS is nice and subtle, but the Stormruler and enemies and whole fucking areas being back is retarded.

Why do people act like DS3 having some enemies that are a little faster makes slower weapons impossible to use when one of the best weapons by far in BB is a heavy greatsword and everyone constantly talks about how much they love using the big slow hammer?

Trust me, go back to the series when you're not burnt out. Start with 1. I had the same mentality as you until I went back and replayed them all, and after replaying the trilogy I firmly believe 3 is the best. Not by much, but it is. It just nails down so many things the other two had trouble with. Loving 1 is mostly muh nostalgia and muh map layout while forgetting about all the shit 1 got wrong.