UT 2004

Did you play Unreal Tournament 2004? What character did you play as? What was your favorite game mode? Favorite map? Was anything able to replace UT2004 as your go-to online shooter?

If you prefer the first UT, you don't have to post in this thread as it's about UT2004.

Sorry dude, but nobody here is old enough to have played UT2004 or any UT at all.


>Did you play Unreal Tournament 2004?
>What character did you play as?
Mr. Crow or one of the robots.
>What was your favorite game mode?
>Favorite map?
>Was anything able to replace UT2004 as your go-to online shooter?
Battlefield series has always been my favorite online shooter, however Quake 3 Arena and UT2K4 are my favorite arena shooters, and nope, nothing good has come out since then, UT3 and UT4 are trash, caustically optimistic about Quake Champions, if the character abilities don't have a big impact on the game

Is it just me or did people really love this robot team? I've seen several players who named themselves after the specific character they were using.

>nothing good has come out since then
and by that i mean arena shooters, obviously i enjoyed some of the COD games and R6 Siege and whatnot (still play BF1), but no arena shooters has come out after 2K4.
ofcourse i tried Reflex or whatever, but they were kinda meh tb-h.

One of the black guys, not Malcom.
Onslaught (or Assault on Convoy/the ion tank map)

I really like 2k4, but I think its weapons are some of the least good in the series. I hope 4 can actually get close to the rest of the stuff 2k4 did because a lot of its weapons are really good.



Why is the Thundercrash team full of niggers?
Is it because the team is officially named NEG Thunder Crash, and NEG means negro?

I only got it for the continuation of the Make Something Unreal Contest

The Ballistic Weapons mod was pretty great at least

>not playing manlet bot of champions
bombing run

I ran a clan that competed in a lot of tournaments. We had a small following but we never got super serious it was all for the fun.

onslaught and the wave based npc invasion because you could telefrag teammates that hid in out of reach places to grief them. Oh god please take me back.
>Fav map
too many
Nothing as good.

>bombing run
Best mode.

>deathmatch normie
>deck 16 normie
>Quake 3/cpma
Does anyone here play the UT4 alhpa? My name on there is Inexpensive_jew

>playing a character that had a flip animation


i played the new UT. The movemnt is completely different from UT2k4.

in ut2k4 there were variations on the way you could mix up dodge/double jump. The new one feels like it's limiting you when you're dodging.


cant do shit like that in the new one

I'd be more concerned about paid mods. I hope it doesn't result in a Skyrim paid mod type of fiasco and makes the modding scene DOA. I have like 10 gigs of mods for both 99 and 2k4, if every modder went paid route it'd be a moneysink to mod the fuck out of my game.

I always see this is a non-argument. If the game can't survive on itself without having to rely on mods, it is not worth my time to begin with...