Size of the PEGI logo is 17 x 21mm

size of the PEGI logo is 17 x 21mm

so Switch game cases are ~11,9cm x 18,9cm

Okay, but what is that in units that are actually relevant?

1/15646734 of the football field x 1/193459873 of the football field

OP already posted in these units

11,9cm x 18,9cm.
Can't you read?

who care about the size?

for american wage slaves that's 4 inches by 8 Inches

many people here

8 inches long just like my dick

>8 inches

I'm a girl and I'd laugh at you.

Doesnt really matter when its spaghetti thin.

Are they not allowed to change the size of the logo? Whats if its shrunken.

just like my dick

Your not a girl.

Fuck off spic


hey cletus, how's the trailerpark?

Why can't they just put the age rating as a sticker on the outside of the wrapping? Covering up art with that shit is a sin.

You realize they can print the Pegi Logo in a different size?

There's no way they are that freaking big, OP.
PS4 cases are 13x17cm

sorry, but I don't know what that is in burgers

Dawww look how tiny and cute it is.

>so ugly he has to bang toys

It's the law that it has to be those exact dimensions for visibility ya goof.

How big is ps4 cases?

170mm x 135mm

Thanks user