preorder thread
have you preorderd?
if yes what have you preorderd?
I got the Switch, Zelda and a pro controller
preorder thread
have you preorderd?
if yes what have you preorderd?
I got the Switch, Zelda and a pro controller
switch, zelda master edition at bestbuy and gamestop
plan to preorder bomberman once it's up
Switch and Zelda BOTW
Why the fuck are Switch games 69,99 €. Holy shit.
because it's not the final price. wait a few more weeks
Yes. Just like the ouya. Thanks for believing.
thanks for the bump
I preordered one for each of my wife's sons.
We're gonna have so much fun playing mario and zelda together!
I got the console and Zelda.
I wanted the Red/Blue Switch but Amazon apparently listed it separately instead of as an option on the main page, so I wound up with the basic grey one thinking they just weren't stocking the other.
I'm poor
don't laugh at me
Welp, I'm gonna live off the 3DS backlog for my handheld gaming and my PC for home gaming until this shit becomes hackable and the price drops for it. Probably near the end of its cycle, but when most of the games are already available for it.
No, I'm waiting until the holiday bundle with Odyssey gets released for 250 bucks.
Was thinking about it but Bomberman, Zelda, and Odyssey are all I really want. Might bite the bullet early if more games for this year get announced at E3
Neon switch and zelda for me.
Grey switch for a friend.
Maybe bomber man or 1-2 switch digitally.
Pro controllers still haven't gone up for pre order here
>pcmr polack with his toaster build posting leddit tier memes
you faggots are worse than those nintendrones
what did you mean by this?
I got Zelda BTFO special edition.
I'll preorder the console later.
When will they ever learn?
Mario Kart
Disgaea 5
Also for those who didn't know, if you have amazon prime every game pre-order for the switch is 20% off.
Grey Switch, Zelda, and a case.
I couldn't justify spending $70 on the pro controller. I'll probably just wait for that Hori one coming out.
Pre ordered mine for 270€
I preordered just the Switch thinking I'd scalp it.
Now that I think about it, I think I'll just trade in my Wii U and all the games. I can get 270 from Amazon if I do. I don't even use my Wii U anyways.
Should I do it Sup Forums?
Haven't gotten switch yet but got zelda special from best buy. Kinda wanted master but it was sold out; not sure if I'll upgrade if given the chance. Don't really care tooooo much if I can't get Switch on launch day but I'm concerned that if I don't it might take a few weeks.
Bad idea.
>pr ordered 5
>scalping 5
Where do you get the money to buy this thing?
How do you even justify pre-rodering it?
>thinking i'll scalp it
that worked so well for the Wii U.
But why? I haven't played any video games on the Wii U for like 6 months man.
>preordering in this day and age
Just... Wow..
switch and zelda.
there's not much else yet
or for the rest of the year
I pre-ordered your mom sitting on my fat dick later today
Comfy golf course job. I don't make much but the cost of living here is ridiculously cheap. I justify it because I like being an idort and I enjoy almost every video game.
I bought one to price gouge
idk if I'll keep it
it's a lot of money for Mario Kart
who gives a fuck about Zelda in a world of Witcher & Skyrim
Its a Nintendo product so autismbucks clearly.
Not him but every place I look the preorders are gone. Do you really think there aren't suckers out there willing for a mark up for day/week one release?
report the shills and move on
>who gives a fuck about Zelda in a world of Witcher & Skyrim
They are different fucking game, Zelda isn't an RPG, it's a game that sells itself as an action adventure but it's dirty secret is that it's as puzzle game, where as Witcher & Skyrim are pure RPGs, and as far as Skyrim is concerned it's "puzzles" are just embarrassing.
That's not to say either of them are bad.
I have a fucking job you underaged faggot
There will be some, but the Wii U was sold out too. At most you will probably get $100 per switch if you are lucky, but the days of 200% returns on scalping are gone.
I had no idea there were so many RETARDS on
this board. and I throughly apple fans were bad.
Ahhhhh I remember the good times of the Wii Mini Club Nintendo Coins Exploitations of downloading Wii U/3DS codes and gaining ALL the physical items before it was mainstream.
Now it really shows that Nintendo is taking the jew route after that stunt.
Only makes me want to exploit them some more.
it's just 3-400€. what do I care? I spend more on my aquariums
Got Wonderful 101 out of this exploit.
Worth every minute of my time.
Its technically not falling for bait if I'm making fun of you for trying.
It's not for me??
Switch Gray
Zelda Limited Edition
Are you in the states?
This. I used to be big on fish/aqauriums. But moving to many times killed the hobby for me. Plus the fish i like would grow too big too fast. Sucks having to give them away.
>20% off
fucking jews. over here in europe we only get -2€
no ;_;
I preordered in the UK and got it just before it sold out on UK Amazon.
On the Switch games it says I can save £2.00 at checkout with prime membership. But for the switch it looks like it's going to charge me the full £279.99 ;_;
by having a job? it's not hard to save a few hundred euros if you have one, you know?
Eurofag here, fuck those conversions:
Console is 330€ ($350), games are between 40~70€ ($42~75) and pro pad is 75€ ($80).
Usually we would already be shafted by a few dollars because of the €=$ politic but now that's way too much.
Does anyone know where to preorder all that for a fairer price? (amazon stocks are already unavailable...)
I have 5 aquariums
>I'd like to buy a Nintendo Switch
>did you preorder?
>welp, sold out, now fuck off
I aqcuire monetary compensation in exchange for goods and services
In the UK its £279.99 (~£340.00).
Games are £50 (~$60).
I'm surprised we haven't been shafted even more to be honest. We usually are and the £ is v weak rn.
Whats out on release?
bestbuy has a better deal
gamers club gives 20% off, plus bestbuy gives 2% cash back through their reward system. and I have a visa card that gives me 5% cash back at bestbuy (and amazon) so essentially thats 7% cash back + 20% discount at bestbuy.
>Games are £50
I think between me and my old roomate we had 5 as well. Id like to get back into it sometime since i own a house now.
Zelda for the Wii U looks like it's going to be £40 so I don't doubt that it will be £50 for the switch.
i can only find it for 330€
the lowest price here is 310 and they have all been sold out so far
>Suggested retail price is $299
>Check retailers in my country
>All of them have the console listed at $599
I guess none of the local retailers have updated their prices to match the suggested retail price, but fuck, how did all of them estimate such a high price for a consle such as that?
Console and Zelda (walk-in GameStop and Best Buy online, respectively). Can't seem to preorder the Pro controller anywhere but it's pricey anyway (might just buy it used).
Zelda, Bomberman and some other shit day 1.
Literal 10/10 GOTYAY Snipperclips same month
It's not bait.
Wait....What?! Explain?
How do you know?
I wouldn't find that surprising since NoE is always fucking things up but the console is getting released in less than 2 months.
Really interested too, feed us user.
Well then you are a retard.
I don't live in a shithole like the USA.
Switch and BotW SE.
Getting a bit worried because Amazon is still listing BotW as releasing on Mar. 13.
Was able to preorder the Switch and Zelda Good thing I did, the Switch is already being scalped to hell and back on eBay
I have a bunch of games pre-ordered on Amazon. I can't say for sure that I'll keep all of them, though.
I didn't get the system itself because it sold out in the time it took me to take a dump. They probably got less than 100 units for the entirety of Canada.
did anyone else get 20% off the switch?
I think bestbuy fucked up for me in a good way. it says I'm getting the switch for $300 + 20% gamers club discount = $240
I got the neon Switch. Haven't pre-ordered Zelda, but i might do that next week when i pick up Gravity Rush 2. Will wait to see how the controller is like out of the box before thinking about a Pro crontroller.
it was the same with previous consoles. it's a placeholder price
I doubt it. I mean talking about the exploit.
Amazon does that all the time on game releases. My Persona 5 is still listed as Feb 14. You'll be fine.
>two (2) launch exclusives
>two (2) hours battery life
Physical items orders were cancelled tho
Still I got Star Fox 64, Kid Icarus Uprising, Harmoknight, and that NES Classic game for Wii U.
I miss those days.
Red and Blue switch and Zelda. Only thing I'm interested in at the moment.
How much of a desperate corporate dicksucking nincuck do you have to be to go as far as preordering this overpriced dumbed down paid online tablet with no fucking games? It's like you fucking idiots never learn, and because of that Nintendo keeps pulling retarded prices and retarded decisions.
Seriously I am most likely going to buy this sooner or later (most likely not before 2 or 3 years like I did the Wii U), I buy pretty much every console because I have tons of disposable income due to my job but you'd have to be a fucking retard to buy this at launch or even worse preorder it.
It isn't going to be worth it to preorder and then sell at a higher price since I seriously doubt there will be shortages, unless Nintendo puts out the smallest batch yet to create artificial demand.
Wait for the inevitable price drop (that is going to happen within 6 months because at 300 bucks / 330 euros this shit is not going to sell well at all when the fucking PS4 & a game costs less especially in europe) or bundle with classic controller + dock + charging base + game for 300.
That being said I'm going to buy the PS4 when this comes out.
I managed to get my physical items the year before they announced the shutdown of Club Nintendo.
I already have the other consoles on the market.
>two (2) launch exclusives
You mean 2 good launch exclusives thats 2 more PS4 had
>two (2) hours battery life
Stop spreading false information shitposter
Bruh are you getting paid to get this mad about buying video games?
>two (2) launch exclusives
But that's wrong, faggot.
>two (2) hours battery life
2.5 hours minimum, which given the basic rules of mathmatics is rounded up to 3, so that's wrong too.
Thank god I already posted this so I can just use it as an anchor to point out butthurt sonyponies so the thread doesn't derail from people actually replying to these fuckheads.
This is literally you right now.
You should have plenty to play without having to support nu-tendo this shamelessly like a fucking goy.
>Switch coloured joycon
>Switch grey joycon
>Trying to see if we'll get Master version of Zelda (Canada here, JUST). If not, I'll get the special or regular.
>Interested in ARMS
Fuck I was too late. If only I had acted sooner!
From now on please direct any and all blatant sonypony consolewarfaggots to this post
grey switch, zelda and a pro controller
Switch and Zelda for now. Pro later and some other fancy accessories if I have money.
I got the one with the neon dongles, grey was out of stock, but I kind of like the colors anyway.
Only game so far is Zelda. Doesn't seem like there's a whole lot to pick from at launch though, which is kind of disappointing, giving me Wii U vibes. Would've thought they'd step it up a bit. Not surprised they'd hold Mario off till Christmas though.
I'm interested in Arms, but they haven't shown enough to get me to pay full price for it. Might grab Xenoblade too. I can't believe how much they're asking for that bomberman game. I'll definitely be getting monster hunter. Hoping for a good Metroid and Bayonetta at some point. I'll get fire emblem musou if it's as good as or better than Hyrule Warriors but I'm not big into FE. Last 3D Mario I played was Galaxy 2 and I found it way too simple and easy, so I don't know if I'll get Odyssey, I think the Mario ship has sailed for me.
I wonder why captcha is obsessed with store fronts and street signs
Back when Club Nintendo ended, they had a shit ton of digital games you could buy with your remaining coins. Conveniently around that time someone figured out that those shitty Wii Minis all had a very similar Club Nintendo code. All you had to do was put random letters in for certain spots and eventually you'd get a real code. Everyone took advantage of this and got tons of free shit from it.
>two lies
>That being said I'm going to buy the PS4 when this comes out.
enough said right there.
the switch is not for you.
opinions differ.
>my wife's sons
you can't write this shit
preordered the console haven't preordered any games yet.
Definitely getting zelda at launch and might get bomberman if they dont jew the price
Germany Gamestop
They had a trade in offer which gave you double the money for every trade in. Got about 60€ more for 6 games compared to Ebay