>game allows you to play with a unique looking character
Game allows you to play with a unique looking character
did you hack dusan yet
How do you hack into an apartment?
thanks doc
when will u fags apologize to ubisoft?
She looks like a Hot Topic fell on her.
im so sorry for vivendi, ubisoft (laughs)
So is this game worth a buy or not?
>really good port
>interesting story about dumb corny hacker teens trying to take down the man
It's a shame all Sup Forums sees is politics and sjw boogeymen, the game isn't half bad desu
many of the new homes built in California are "smart" homes, so you dont need a key, so you can access your home with your smartphone or RFID chip. Its actually good, because black people that used to rob in those houses no longer can do it, because there's no keyhole on the doors and they are too stupid to learn how to hack the RFID systems, that's actually not that hard to do it, you only have to brute force your way into the combination, but it may take anywhere between 2 minutes to 40 minutes, and in that time the security cameras will already sent a report to the police with your picture on it
Is that a mod or do you actually get to play a different character?
answer me honestly, how long does obisoft have left as a company? it looks like each new game they put out isn't doing well. normies are also finally getting tired of assassin's creed so that well has dried as well.
>Interesting story
Well... I mean, it's not the storm of clichés the first one was but the story was basically
>group x does something unethical
>get informartion about them
>find some weakness you can exploit
>exploit it and publicly humiliate them.
Repeated for a cult, multiple tech companies and a drug cartel (And what was up with that anyway? For that single questline the game seemed to be way darker than it was otherwise)
It's alright but I wish the overarching plot was a bit stronger.
Look at the post directly under yours you retard and go make up your own mind
Yeah interesting wasn't the right word. I should've said entertaining
Siege and The Division ended up selling quite well and being okay games after their rough start though. Maybe Ubi will finally stop with their shit games with their "open world" formula.
what? vivendi did hostile takeover already?
That's one heck of a Tumblerina you have there I tell you what
>how long does ubisoft have left as a company?
>normies are also finally getting tired of assassin's creed so that well has dried as well.
Are you aware that each of the last 4 Assassins Creed games released sold more than their predecesor? Not to mention all those mobile AC games sold a lot
>that scene during her section where the guy basically gets blackmailed into being some business womans stay at home submissive fucktoy
Wow, aren't you a funny and witty memer.
Go fucking kill yourself.
Only during one mission
Why would they stop making shit games with open world formula when The Division sold well?