This is a 9th generation "killer" "app" by Nintendo. On a $300 system.
This is a 9th generation "killer" "app" by Nintendo. On a $300 system
b-but you can climb walls
this is a sub 30fps ps4 pro game
It looks like crap, but still better and more ambitious than this Zelda game, senpai.
and it makes Sonyggers mad like hell
Goddamn this shit looks so damn washed out and grainy
At least it runs at 60
About that...
>Beefed up version of a Vita game
It gets lower.
This shit looks like an original Xbox game..
Nintendo you've really outdone yourself this time.
Graphics should be the last thing you consider when you judge a game. You'll figure it out.
What about content, gameplay and framerate?
zelda was never a "killer app"
Skyward Sword sold less than Uncharted 3 even though wii had over 2x the install base
They're just trying to recreate the feel of the N64 jeez
>cherry picking the only two 2 second drops in the hour of his playtime
This. The N64 OOT also ran at 20 fps, they're just recreating it.
It's a the perfect design if you think about it.
The game has shitty graphics. So you play for 2.5 hours and then while its charging you convince yourself that it's all about the gameplay anyway as well as defending it online for free because you wasted money on a piece of shit.
Why do people pop like if the character just got within their spawn range?
>defending it online for free1 2
>1 Free for the first months, paid subscription service after it
>2 Requires a Smartphone to defend your Nintendo franchise online, sold separately
jesus, it looks like ICO. Wasn't that a PS2 launch game?
>more ambitious
Gameplay isn't generic, son. Everything that Zelda is doing has been done before.
Tell me one game that has similar gameplay to Gravity Rush. I'll wait.
Not him, but unique != good.
Better than not unique and not good, like Zelda is shaping up to be. Breath of the Wild looks like a Dragon's Dogma with less things to do, less gameplay mechanics etc.
well for starters it's a direct sequel so it has been done before. secondly novelty is not a sufficient condition for ambitiousness
This is the ps vita, you're a fucking idiot.
Skyward Sword was the worse selling Zelda game.
See Twilight Princess.
14m, of which only 15% where on the game cube
How does being a vita game excuses the pop-in?
Bad graphics because of limitations are a thing, but this is just bad programming.
it was also the last mainline zelda game on a console that had one of the highest install bases of all time
>we apologize for the error
One of the last games released on a console nobody cared about anymore.
Most people had jumped ship by the time it was released
you see those trees?
you can cut then/ burn then/ climb then
every single one
yeah it's pretty average by today's standard the ground textures in particular aren't too hot
>Dragon's Dogma with less things to do
I got the dragons dogma vibe but I can't imagine it having less things to do, dragons dogma is very obviously gutted of loads of content and quite frankly unfinished
Is the entire game just a big green field with a shitty view distance and LOD?
That's vita res m88
>pre alpha demo version
Also OP you forgot to mention the game runs at 900p 20fps.
Nintendo fans cannot accept criticism. They're like the Donald trump supporters of video games. If you make a comment that's not 100%!positive. They'll call you names like Sony pony. Grow up.
No, you deluded Sonygger, it is not. And it does not matter how much you shitpost.
People who actually know shit about graphics and made analysis videos called the game beautiful. The art is amazing, Switch version is very colorful.
It does not matter what shit pictures you cherry-pick.
And the gameplay and level design of this game is 500 times better than everything that was ever released on a Palystation system combined.
>they downgraded it even further since this image
Not really, actually looks better than even the reveal trailer now. You can cherry-pick everything, though.
But that's not a vita game.
>Switch version is very colorful
Top fucking kek. Nintendo made the Wii U version washed out on purpose to make you retards buy the shitty Switch, as if you need a fucking dumbed down nVidia Shield to render non washed out colors.
What a shit game, what a shit company, what a shit fanbase. Get the fuck out nintoddler, I heard your kind is relocating to neogaf lately.
>full on damage control
You are literally a delusional faggot who is likely underage for even bringing in console wars to a thread not even related.
Yes, didn't you want that? It's open world.
This, desu.
I'm a nintendofag but this screen is edited from what I remember.
Anyway games like this and MK8 looks way better in motion.
not like what I say matters since nintendo games will always look worse than X1/PS4/PC games and graphic whores will always find something to complain about
Play Dragon's Dogma Online. It's where the developers were able to dump all the unfished shit into.
So it feels like you are actually part of a game world instead of "playing" a tech demo à la Witcher 3.
It's edited but there surely willl be nice looking locations and not so nice looking locations. This one probably looks similarly good in the game (Switch).
>zelda was never a "killer app"
it sells consoles, it's a killer app.
You can't do literally anything in Dragon's Dogma except killing piss easy cyclops and those lion goat things.
Please go back to NeoGAF if you want to overhype already overhyped shit games.
Even heavily edited, it looks like no man's sky. Sheeeeeiiit
so your definition of video games is cutting trees?
you know that there are fucktons of video games like that and they are boring as fuck?
Why would I?
After an hour the novelty of cutting down trees and setting grass on fire will wear, and you'll be left with a boring, excessively large world to traverse, sparsely filled with dumb enemies that telegraph their attacks so you know when to dodge or block.
But at least you can climb that mountain that probably won't have anything interesting at the top!
>Anyway games like this and MK8 looks way better in motion.
Yeah, pretty much any game which doesn't use a realistic artstyle is meant to be looked at in motion and it doesn't even make sense looking at stills, but since the point of the whole board is now shitposting that doesn't matter much.
For example if the game which people wanted to shitpost about was Alice: Madness Returns you would see shit like this instead of the enormous amount of great aesthetics the game has
it actually sad how bad botw looks.
You don't have a smartphone?
So BOW will look slightly less shit while in motion, which is true for even games going for a more realistic look.
I hope you're getting paid to defend Nintendo. It's sad if you're doing it for free.
>gameplay flow constantly interrupted by having to go to a menu to eat and equip gear because they decided to make every item have very low durability
>when open world developers are currently moving away from durability mechanics or creating mechanics to let you fix / craft gear without going to menus or interrupting gameplay (see: Rise of the Tomb Raider arrow crafting).
Why is Nintendo always seven years behind the competition both in graphics and gameplay?
I bet Yooka Laylee will be better than Oddyssey too in terms of level design.
Aonuma and his Zelda team are shit. If not for Monolith salvaging this game I can only imagine how bad it'd have turned out.
>everyone hypes BotW
>it's just Skyrim with swords
This is Star Fox Zero on the Wii U.
Remember when Nintendo games looked great?
Link and NPC's look so fucking out of place. Unlike in WW the world in BoTW has texture detail but they decided to keep Link and NPC's just blobs of color.
>I bet Yooka Laylee will be better than Oddyssey too in terms of level design.
I'd consider that if it wasn't because mario games are literally a reference for good level design, and have been for literal decades.
Level design is what made SMG games the best 3d platformers this world has known
>Why is Nintendo always seven years behind the competition both in graphics and gameplay?
other modern games might look pretty but the gameplay is always complete dogshit, nintendo might not do anything particularly innovative but their shit is always solid and consistent
Tell that to metroid fans.
Where did you get a time machine to 2006?
>Remember when Nintendo games looked great?
And they will most likely remember prime rather than Other:M, and agree.
Their previous two 3D games (3D Land and 3D World) were terrible in terms of level design, with blocks randomly floating around the air, like fan made games. There's no design to it, just blocks randomly put together for jumping.
Yooka Laylee looks like a game with direction, a game where each world feels different and every piece of land has a reason to exist.
I agree SMG 1 and 2 are some of the best, but that's a Nintendo we haven't seen for years.
a-and set the g-grass on fire.
>Skyrim with swords
You mean like Far Cry 3 but with stone physics?
Speaking of which, anyone else think the boulder physics look really fucking lightweight and floaty? Like there's no impact to it, Link barely puts in any effort and the rocks just topple over and maintain a constant speed without any initial inertia. It just looks wrong imo
Hard to cherry pick that much grass and color missing
>but their shit is always solid and consistent
I think you mean they're consistently shitting solid bricks. They haven't released a good game in years. Their last good game was Super Mario Maker, which isn't even great.
no my definition of a game is being able to play with the world
why make a fucking OPEN WORLD GAME if you cant play with the world?
every corner there is a animal, or a leaf man or a enemy, you can cilmb stuff and find secrets, you can blow walls and find stuff.
thats what a game should be.
don't kid yourself, even gamecube looked like shit compared to everything else at the time
it's the vita version
>ign reviews
lol guess they weren't paid enough mcgriddles
Modern Nintendo would never have a beautiful game like RE4 or that Metroid on its system, though.
These aren't just ign reviews.
You tried but Xenoblade exists
WiiU footage tbqh.
You mean the series that was developed by Retro studios, a group Nintendo threw money at to make a good Metroid because they couldn't hack it anymore.
...and who then jumped back in and took over when prime became popular, and turned it into a "play with friendz" chibi big-head shovelware game that lasted about 2 hours max?
looks like they were just unlaoding all their failed and rushed projects onto the wii u since they knew it was a lost cause
you're not seriously comparing botw to amiibo festival are you? their games for the switch look pretty good so im hopeful
nah, the devs saw the last guardian and took inspiration.
Hell, let's go beyond RE4 or Metroid.
In 1996 this was basically Crysis for console and Nintendo made it. It had better looking water than any arcade game at the time.
Gameplay in this game looks shit too when compared to other action adventure games.
>People who actually know shit about graphics and made analysis videos called the game beautiful. The art is amazing, Switch version is very colorful.
Lol no
>Nintendo made the Wii U version washed out on purpose to make you retards buy the shitty Switch
or you could just, y'know, change your picture settings
Nintendo completely dropped the ball with the Wii U.
I don't know about chibi robot but 3DS games are mostly very solid, and they are known for having very few bugs to none in a normal walkthrough.
I'm also playing tons of games on the PS4 and PC and this is far from true here.
Doesn't mean the switch will be back in line with the NES/SNES/64/GC eras with good games at every corner but just BOTW and Odyssey look good enough to give me hope.
Now we just need more games and more 3rd party/indie or whatever the switch needs to attract more gamers and not just casuals and fanboys.
>After an hour the novelty of cutting down trees and setting grass on fire will wear, and you'll be left with a boring, excessively large world to traverse,
>sparsely filled with dumb enemies
not realy because the ia seens to be REALY good.
>that telegraph their attacks so you know when to dodge
well it IS a fucking game, thats how it works. if they dont telegraph their atacks, it becomes a shit show
>intentionally leaving out Bayo 2's 10/10
shadow of the colossus was released at the end of the ps2 lifetime prime was at the start.
now show me that resident evil 4 footage.