He has an anime girl as a steam avatar

>he has an anime girl as a steam avatar

Other urls found in this thread:


>he shills

>he's a faggot

I wanna fuck Wendy. FT MMO where I can ERP as Wendy when

>he is an anime girl

You caught this but literally missed a lemon zest pic earlier.
I think it's still fucking up, too.

But how can I pretend to be cute on the internet without an anime girl Avatar?

>he uses Steam

Which one?

Find it yourself, Lee Goldson.

>>he has an anime girl as a steam avatar

The lord is back, and i shall spread his holy work.

You apparently have a feed that lets you know, find it yourself. It's still up, I just checked.

Hey, just asking.

Only the OP pictures of threads.

>>he has an anime girl as a steam avatar

and there's a problem?

How the fuck do you know. You remember the whole booru in your head?

What if their avatar is the antagonist of an 80s cartoon?

Because that picture was literally just posted in another thread

>he has a character from a visual novel as his steam avatar

i've had the same avatar for 3 years

Post profiles. I'm lonely.

You first


She's Levy from Fairy Tail

we know you're OP anyway, fag