This entire board right now


Other urls found in this thread:

>paying 360 USD to play one game

I HAVE to play Yooka-Laylee on a Nintendo console.

>Nintoddlers have no friends so they're shaking hands with themselves

Makes sense

>it just doesn't feel right on X

>it's ok when Nintendo has one game
>one that isn't even exclusive


Not an arguement

>Nintoddlers only have one game
>have to compare it to the worst upcoming ps4 game
come on now that's like comparing nioh to 1 2 blunder

>nintendo shaking hands with itself

you are supposed to use pictures of a 3rd party game you dumb fucking nintendrone

People paid $460 to play Bloodborne

positively results in me considering the deepness of this mental image

It's pretty sad to see it. It feels like Sup Forums after an Apple product announcement that ends being a massive success anyway.

> nintendo shakes hands with zelda
> nintendrones' IQ

>this whole board always


Is that supposed to be Sony handing over games to Steam? Also why is the Nintendo one not wahooing externally?

I don't think there ever will be anything more funny than wahoo posting.

Do you guys think stefanie will be in death stranding?

>Sonyggers shitpost the most about pc gaming
>Now they act like they are the friends of pc gaming

They are the only two viable systems right now

>600 burger gaming tablet with paid online and cell phone voice chat

People paid 599 US Dollars to play NO GAEMS.


>I don't consider a Switch worth 300 dollars when it won't have any of the multiplats PS4 or eveh Xbox does and the exclusives it does have aren't as appealing as the ones PS4 has, as well as their online not being worth paying for considering they won't have any games worth playing online and they don't have an on system party chat
Who sounds like the person autistically screeching?

This, you barely see PCfags shit on nintendofags and vice versa these days, consolewars are just sonyfags trying to provoke both.

I heard someone say she is confirmed on here but I have no idea if it's true.

>its just sonyfags!
So a sonyfag made this thread?

>Sonyggers are one person

You dont visit the new zelda threads comparing the shitty fps on the switch? How is not that pc shitposting nintendo.

blown the cuck out

Reminder that you'll be able to emulate BOTW



Every time.

Why the fuck do people get so defensive about their console purchases, goddamn

T-thanks for beta-testing Cemu, please buy our new release.

>people still thinking the PC crowd won't play it in 4K/60fps FOR FREE in april

What the fuck

>tfw I'm going to play BotW for free via Cemu

sonyggers are friends with whoever suits their argument at the given time

sorry I'm not a nintoddler

>sonyggers been saying it was worth getting ps4 for bloodborne alone for almost 2 years now
>"I get xbox for halo"


If emulation doesnt kill the zelda game then the pc market is shit and is not threat for consoles.

B-but without Patreon money we won't update the emulator.

I'm a Nintendo fan, but you really don't need to get a Switch for BotW because it's also on Wii U.

People pay $1000 to play 0 games on the PC.

Zelda is fucking gay shit bro

You forgot nintendo fans (pretty much like Sony and Microsoft fans) like to get fucked in the ass.
They would buy it even if there was a better, free alternative

they WILL buy it even if there's a better, free alternative

If you're a Nintendo fan you presumably already own a Wii U. It's more like buying a PS4 only for TLOU remastered.

At least you could play your entire PS1 and PS2 library without having to pay them again (they removed the possibility of playing PS2 games on later revisions, but only the first revision costed FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS), and the PS3 eventually got games.

Meanwhile the Switch will get games NEVER EVER and you have to pay 10 bucks to play a game released on a console that was discontinued before 75% of the Switch userbase was even born and that you can play for free even on the shittiest of smartphones.

>Nintendo jerking itself off over a 20 year old game while Sony shits on the floor

Pretty accurate, now you just need PC playing video games and you've got it exact

>paying for things you should pay for is getting fucked in the ass

What is this image trying to say?

People pay 1000$ to pay 0$ for games

>comparing a multiplat to an exclusive
And the worst part is, the best version isn't even going to be on a Nintendo platform

If there's better alternatives, pretty much

Why do those old men at nintendo seem to think that motion controls are such a good feature?

I'm fine with spending 300 on a new system for the superior version. It's from my favorite game series of all time and a new game is released once, sometimes twice per decade. I'll manage just fine, thanks!

It worked once.

>the emulated Wii U version of BOTW will run BETTER than the Switch version

>zelda is his favorite game series

>It's from my favorite game series of all time
That is so damned sad...

And maybe someone feels the same way about TLOU. But Nintendrones have been nonstop shitposting about TLOU remastered for years.

>for the superior version
Should emulate it on pc then

I emulated Twilight Princess in 2008 (480p to 1080p) and I regretted playing it sooner on Wii
I also regretted playing GTA V on 360 instead of waiting for the superior PC port

But those "better alternatives" are illegal if you don't buy the software. At least pay for the game if you're going to emulate it on launch day.

>psvita has gyro and touchpads
>ps4 has touchpad, gyro and light for motion sensor that drain the battery
really makes me think

>But those "better alternatives" are illegal if you don't buy the software
Buy the software then, if giving Nintendo money is the most important thing to you.
I would emulate the game even if I got a switch on Day 1.

a link to the past
ocarina of time
majora's mask
wind waker

show me another game series on playstation or xbox with 4 games that's a solid 10/10.

I'll wait.

Lmao just give it time sony bros

horizon looks like the same old open world crafting """"survival"""". nobody will remember the game within a month.

Link to the past and Majora's mask are the only good games you listed.

Demons souls

because the wii is by far the best selling console ever?


It's not even better than Twilight "8.8" Princess.

Just like Nintenyearolds and Xbots.
>muh Wii60
>muh Sonyntendo domination
>muh PC+Wii U
>muh PC+PS4
You're all just piggybackers.

>Buying a new console to play a game when you probably already own a Wii U where you can play it (or easily pirate)

Guy, Nintendo fucked up with the Switch you gotta come to terms with it

>Wind Waker
>Majora's Mask

I can give you ALTTP because it was genuinely really great, Ocarina because it was groundbreaking. And even then, it's only a 10 for the time they were released.
Majora's Mask is my favorite one (except Link's Awakening maybe) but it clearly isn't a perfect game, and saying that about Wind Waker just makes me laugh
And probably invalidate your whole point


Metal Gear Solid
Twisted Metal
Ninja Gaiden
Dead Rising (1 2 and OtR)
3D final fantasy
Basically every good series that isn't on a nintendo system really.

>u-uh so I agree with three of those 4 games you listed but that last one invalidate your post hehe

getting nervous, sonygger? I thought you would give me uncharted, you know those playstation exclusive movies? I hear they are really good!

>another multiplat
when will these sonyggers learn?

Played it on my brother's ps4 and it was better than anything "nintendo" I bought in the last decade.
Smash 3DS was the last straw

Exclusively not on Switch

PC players are mostly normal but "master race" are shitposting faggots. This is average mustard


Unless by some miracle Nintendo programmed the game to use Delta Time (you know, like the rest of the developed world has been using since the 90s), you'll be stuck at 30FPS due to brilliant Japanese programming where logic is linked to framerate one million times folded.

All these sad fuckers defining their identity with giant corporations that don't give a fuck about them. just play what you want where you want to.

I'm actually sharing a video game forum with people who think Halo and Dead Rising are better game series than Zelda

If there ever was a proof that most people here are 1999 or later, this is it. I'm done. I'm actually embarrassed to have spent time here.


>played all the Zelda game

It's so depressing, I'd rather believe that you're just some sony fan falseflagging to make nintendo fans look even more retarded.

>another thread about people being mad about PS4 having games.
Do they not realize how obvious they are?

This dude would look a hell of a lot better if he kept the hair but trimmed his beard to a chinstrap.

A sonygger is anyone who participates in consolewars so he's right, not all people who own a PS4 are sonyggers.

Why can't we all just shut the fuck up and talk about the good shit, not what's better, or what's about these things. If it can play as video game then it's fine. We are all in the wrong here for starting this argument, personally these little console wars should be a ban-able offense for how often they start on this board.

Angry nintoddler detected

>paying 399$ for a Bloodborne machine

Upgraded framerate can be forced bro

t. faggot

Well they are uniformally retarded wastes of space, so yeah.

Truly us PS4 owners are THE master race

Which Backstreet boy is that?

>no PS4 games even mentioned in the thread
Yeah ok sure