This guy made a Skyrim Dragonborn Helmet

Post from Reddit. Thought this was pretty sick.
Link to the whole project:

Yeah nobody has ever done that before.

>skyrim is my favorite game,can't wait for skyrim 2 xDD us gaymers amirite?

these things stopped being impressive when 3d printers started to be a thing, I still get impressed by the fellas of man at arms tho

The detail on this one is pretty incredible tho. Love it!

go back to redit and stay there

>a shitty helmet
>a reddit link
>pretty sick
very subtle OP will surely get at least 20 - 30 replies

>it's just drybrushed foam
as expected of reddit.

>hey guise my gf made this check it out!! :DD

>Doing stuff
>Being a normie

Fuck off. Take your shit link with you.
Go to Reddit and stay there.

>Sup Forums hates reddit
>Sup Forums hates skyrim
>Sup Forums hates shill

still posting and calls it "sick"

>my autistic gf made this after her mom passed away last month,also here is a picture of her and her cat while playing skyrim gib uboats Edit:thanks for the gold kind stranger

This is some truly advanced bait user.

Lame. Notify me when somebody makes a full suit of Ordinator armor as functional platemail.


implying anyone on reddit knows about games before skyrim
the don't get you any upboats

You are strangely familiar with how things going on the said website, user. It almost makes me ... suspicious.

please never post on this website again

I bet he never finished Skyrim.

it amazes me that there are people who couldn't finish skyrim. I finished literally every major quest chain in a weekend

You and people like you need to leave.

but how would you know? :^)


You sound like you belong there yourself judging by everything from your post. kys


top kuk

Everyone in this board visits reddit but no one wants to admit it because "fuck normiefags amirite fellow harcurr gamers lulz!!"

I like going to Redit, it's so easy to trigger people. Massive butthurt ensues of you post anything slightly negative or against the grain.

My favourite thing is to message spoilers to other users. At first I made threads but you get banned pretty quite and then I thought, hey, why not just message people directly? Top Keks

Give it a try, you won't regret it. Although you may cringe at the exceptionally faggoty stuff posted there, but that's pretty much the same as Sup Forums anyway

speak for yourself faggot

and fuck off while you're at it

Its a trashhole, every time I go there they make fun of me for insisting that the earth is flat and their beloved "science" has been lying to them in the forms of NASA, bill nye, and Neil tyson


F-from a friend, I promise! O-Okay, I gotta go to do things anyway, so...

fuck off back there faggot, you are the cancer of this site
probably started browsing in 2012-13 as well

that's because reddit serves only as a hugbox for autistic people

the one on the left is curved too

Not too bad, OP. I'm sure it was fun and the end result looks p good, all memes aside. For some reason I think it would look better with a bit longer horns but that'd be my own touch.

Speak for yourself you piece of cancerous shit

You aren't welcome here and people like you are the reason why this place is becoming worse and worse every year

You're the type who spams "Sup Forums hates games lol!!" everytime someone criticizes your favorite game

Just leave

That's pretty sad

>e-everyone goes to reddit a-anyway!

Its not, the video of him falling also shows the earth concave at several moments, and high altitude gallon footage shows a flat horizon much higher that Felix went

>First time on redit because people talk about some obscure game and want to see what it's about
>I loved the game (454 upvotes)
>Post is hiden due to negative votes (-320 votes)

Comment was
>I didn't like the game, it was good but it could be so much better
And I never went back to this shithole

fuck off

so this is why my communist memes folder grew 5x in size

If the earth is flat how come you don't fall off the edges

fucking keep it there you son of a bitch

It's decent, probably fetched a decent amount of upboats on reddit since they eat this shit up like it's never been done before.

it's just a shitty Sup Forums

I actually didn't finish Skyrim because I just got too distracted by some of the side quests and exploring.

The main questline was too forgettable in my opinion. I didn't care enough to do anything about it

what a massive cuck

>le communist are coming maymay

>d-do I fit in yet guise??

would i get a shitload of upboats if i posted my homemade hunter axe on reddit?


Who the fuck cares?

fuck off

You apparently since you made a post! :^)

>t. assmad redditor who doesn't fit in

Only one way to find out

wheres the video games

>What is adoption?

You guys are too stupid to step outside into the real world for a second.

holy shit kill yourself you literal waste of space. Reddit is cancerous as fuck and no one wants anything to do with it or the people who visit it


Sounds like Sup Forums desu

Got the animated version of this?


Wake up moron. Sup Forums is a hugbox.

OP is a shitposting genius

Neo-Sup Forums maybe.

that would get you downboated on leddit :^)

Your point?

speak for yourself you massive fucking faglet

that you're a faggot

No no, you clearly mentioned it would be downvoted on reddit for a reason.
Again, what was your point in saying that?

im not enough of a faggot to make a reddit account
so i'll just post it here

>posting from Reddit

Haha nice, I'm a Leafy fan too.

>we all go to reddit
>i don't

my point is that anything offensive gets downboated into oblivion on leddit,so you'll have to scroll for days to find it if it's not deleted already
that's a hugbox
here i can call you faggot all day and you'll still be able to see my comment

You're supposed to say your gf made it for your birthday

>establish /hs/ and /lit/ as communist whilst repelling raids from Sup Forums
this is a fucking cantonese basket weaving forum why are they going on like armchair generals

They need to do a sandbox Middle Earth game, desu. All these modern fantasy settings are just poor man's imitations of Middle Earth anyway.

So you're saying I can see useless comments like yours on here instead of ones with substance on reddit?
You're saying that Sup Forums focuses on negativity instead of adding anything worthwhile to the conversation?
You're saying that Sup Forums encourages negativity, thus creating its own hugbox to hate anything that's even remotely resembling a coherent discussion?
Got it. Have a nice day.

I-is this a get thread?
C-check my 5


user, you do realize that cosplay is a thing right? And that there's even a board right here where people make shit like this on the daily like it's no big deal.

it's time for you to go back

Because reddit

off you go then lad, surely after epiphany like that you shall never post again

No, it allows you to see everyone's thoughts, not only the ones that appeal to the majority.

I love how your way of typing instantly makes reddit logo appear in my mind

looks like shit

No don't be mean to him

I think it looks very nice.

If you think that's bad you should have been in Sup Forums during election season

Fuck it



whats the meaning of life and why do we all pretend like we're not all gonna die

these thoughts keep me up at night aswell as the always present fear of dying

this is why i drink

>intro to nihilism
Read more

I think reddit is awful as its upvote system is completely fucking stupid
Threads with controversy can get 100 upvotes and 100 downvotes and stir discussion and new ideas
But in the end it has 0 total votes and is never seen
But hivemind garbage that everyone already agrees with gets to the top and is posted endlessly

i dont wanna learn about this shit, i want it to end

all my life i have wanted to be retarded for this reason. Retards are always happy.


you sound like me when I was 16 and thinking I'm better and smarter than everyone and that's the reason that I'm depressed
you'll grow up eventually don't try to force it