>that beak
Fuck i wish i had a 10/10 qt3.14 white gf
Crebain from Dunland!
>not having a thicc gamer gf
>Dat beak nose
Caw caw
Pick one.
Imagine if she's holding you like that while you're both watching TV
>that skull shape
Unless they are absolute hambeasts white women tend to be atleast strong 7's
Epic meme. White women are trash.
White women will never surpass 6
>someone post an attractive woman on Sup Forums
>"looks like a fuckin jew bird"
>I post my hips and legs on Sup Forums
>I wanna fuck that.jpg
wow you guys are really gay lol
Literally disgusting and the stretch marks must be just as horrendous
>that beak nose
>he fell for the thicc meme
>he fell for a feminist psyop
>not having a thicc brown gamer gf
The nose knows plastic
Post it
Christ what a white trash plastic slut.
Yeah. Brown chicks are the best am i right?
Race traitor
>dating women who are into video games
Sounds like you want a bf nigga. My gf wants nothing to do with video games. Works great for me because we don't share it as an interest and I can use video games to zone out from her and our relationship as needed
pls be in london
No lie, I would let her have sex with me.
what the fuck man
They always flock to the big name shit. Don't even try to pretend to have any more depth outside of the most shallow, surface content.
Who bitch this is?
If a guy wore a Mario shirt I'd call him an autist and porbably have shit taste
is that a loss edit made with the poop?
she has really sexy hands. I'd lick her fingers and sniff them, get a little palm action in there as well
Gamer girls are fucking disgusting.
Why the fuck would you want one of those.
what are you
iirc the context was it was some dude's gf watching the Switch video and being told to hold the hype box to avoid prior mistakes
I don't give a fuck
Post it
Is this a jojo reference?
what a fucking faggot
won't even post his dick for us to see
what are you?
a fucking queer?
thanks reddit
>blonde bimbo coworker
>keeps telling everyone about how she loves to play games and is totally addicted to them
>anytime someone asks her what she plays she says skyrim
>played maybe 20 hours tops in the 2 years she owns it
>hear her bringing it up to every guy in the entire office
>switch job
>legit gaymur girl there
>you know she's for real cause she's fat and ugly
>chill with her in breaks sometimes
>one day she comes to work wearing a LoL sweatshirt
>tells me she's saving up to buy an alienware pc the same day
really makes you think
Not to be that guy, but platinum blonde hair and tanned skin is a shit look on any female.
Underappreciated post.
Post it you fag
>that fucking nose
Why did you post that? Do you think anyone cares about your pedantic stories?
we all make mistakes, user
Wasn't this that girlfriend that the user a few days ago made her hold the box in some vain attempt to remind her that the switch might be shit?
>you know she's for real cause she's fat and ugly
How sad and pathetic must your life be if you hold fat ugly women in high regard?
>they're not as dedicated to gaming like me
Who fucking cares what people do with their games
Nobody cares about your Work drama, fuckboy.
the nose knows
Does she look decent? If she is above a 5 you might want to hit that fat chicks are desperate and would do anything to get some dill
Nice blog g4mEr bro
Jealous black woman detected.
It's clearly edited. There is no way they're all related. The third one looks 100% white and the rest don't.
atleast they dont lie about their appearance and try to hide their flaws with metric fucktons of makeup
t.spic that doesn't understand race
I'm glad you shared this part of your life with us, user. Is there a link to your full blog?
holy kek
does your gf play games with you Sup Forums?
I thought it was Anita holding "No Man's" Sky.
no better way to tell someone that you don't care then giving him (you)'s right?
this fucker will come back here everyday now because you just couldn't ignore it.
That nose looooooool
the nose ALWAYS knows
You know white American women are the worst. By far.
>The Witcher 3
How in the hell does the guy see?
What stopped him from doing it before?
>muh (you)'s
Yeah they just have no self-control and eat 6000 calories a day. What a wonderful character trait.
>"Hi, I'm a girl and I like games. I'd say I'm fairly decent at them"
>she's fucking trash at every game
what did she mean by this?
Thanks for the (you)
Can I get 2 more?
If you're gonna post a hot white girl to prove them wrong, it might be helpful if you post one that is hot.
Here i'll do your job for you. Anti-white, cissy neckhairs get BTFO. You're so virgin you don't even know there are hot white women.
yes, we play farmville on facebook together
Those feet were never, ever washed.
>yeah Im such a gamur I love mare-eeoh, look my phone even looks like a microsoft wii controller
Is it this?
all I know is that it's a female(male) hooker
>That one with practically nothing
Eat something more than once a day, fuck sake.