Why are we not talking about how pure sex the new UI is?

Why are we not talking about how pure sex the new UI is?

Other urls found in this thread:


>video games
how far neo/v/ has fallen

>the only "feature" I care about on my 9th gen console is the how easy I can navigate the UI to the streaming services


is that the equivalent of the fat girl camera angle?

>no browser

Where the fuck are the miis?

i wonder which one of those icons i will have to click to run homebrew channel

No browser to prevent browser exploits

Probably replaces Mario in the top left when you log in

Top right maybe? Definitely an icon there not fully visible.

What is the icon on the right of the app tray?

Because Nintendo never bothered to showcase it at their big event. I'm hype af and preordered, but why didn't they mention ANYTHING about the OS (not to mention digital purchases, etc)


>80's - 2000's handheld gaming
>put the cartridge and power the console
>play the game

>2010's handheld gaming
>put the cartridge and power the console
>wait for the UI to boot
>update the UI
>update the game
>pay DLCs
>download DLCs
>start the game
>play the game


Where is this from? Treehouse?

>icon on the bottom left changes

Life finds a way.

someone post the video of the new UI?

The UI is so simple because they don't want to eat up the only 4GB of RAM this thing has.

It doesn't seem like it has a web browser either. This doesn't bother me though, console web browsers are garbage.

Why do you want a browser? Its a handheld gaming console.

Don't you have a phone?

what if you have more than 4 games

scroll. it's not hard to figure out.

You're asking a Nintendo fan if they have a phone.

> only 4GB of RAM this thing has.
is that why they have to run the voice chat app on our phones?

We don't know that yet. All we know is the online feature has something to do with your phone

Here's what's gonna happen, guaranteed

>store uses hidden web browser so they can easily change the displayed UI without pushing updates
>on your router, redirect traffic from store.nintendo.com to local server
>now can run anything in the browser
>look for exploit that way



>“The bigger vision is that we are going to provide an overall online service, subscription-based, that not only will capture the multiplayer opportunity, but also the voice chat capability that we’re going to provide through a global app. We think that that’s just as important as access to Virtual Console content.

>The reason for that is, it continues to reinforce our commitment to online, and do so in a way that will enable the consumer to enjoy their Nintendo Switch and to still be able to play those connected experiences—like Splatoon, like Kart, like fill in the blank—while they’re on the go.Instead of having some sort of bulky gamer headset, you’ll be able to do it right off your smartphone, put in your earbuds that you use for your standard mobile device. We think that’s a pretty sweet solution.That’s part of the overall opportunity that we see in a subscription service.”

Of all Nintendo's weird ideas, I actually really like this whole "offload online interactions to the phone" thing

No buttons on the switch need to be wasted for network options or anything, and I'm gonna be able to find more headset options and the like compatible with phones

I bet miiverse and streetpass will also move to that mobile app

also excuses the lack of a browser on this thing

everyone has a phone so these netflix things can stay there and nintendo can just focus on gaming on the switch hardware itself

I can hardly make out the UI desu.

I doubt Streetpass will move to phones. The whole point was to get you to take your 3DS with you and use it in public. Nintendo doesn't care if you use your phone or not.

The switch can't hold more than 4 games due to it's pitiful unupgradable 32GB storage.

>Netflix can stay there

I can forgive giving up miiverse, a browser, and dedicating voice chat to your phone

However the big four video apps, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, and YouTube, are all 100 percent necessary to sell a console to normies. Especially when the gimmick is carrying around the screen and propping it up on tables. Doesn't have to come preinstalled, but it would be a huge mistake to not have them on the eShop.

Actually considering the eShop, I can see them making the online browser avalible from there for people who really need it. Same with the voice chat "app". Put it on the eShop for people who don't have a phone, but keep it not preinstalled for the people who don't want it to take up so much RAM and room on the system

There is a microsd slot. It's perfectly upgradable

>unupgradable 32GB storage.
Nintendo literally said that they have up to 2tb support.

>poor man's material design
>""""""""""""""pure sex""""""""""""""

You can't make this shit up. Fucking nintoddlers man.

Ditch the Switch!

>poor man's material design
>material design

what the fuck is material design? Do you mean Industrial Design? Interactive Design? UI/UX design? you nog.

>No Splatoon city as the main console OS/UI

Wasted opportunity

graphic designer here, material design is (unfortunately) a real term.

Applefag detected.


That said, the Switch UI looks nothing like Google's UI design.

I'm not a graphic designer, but that doesn't look anything like material design. no shadows.

Nothing special.
I swear to God you're grasping for positive things to say about this shit.

I guess

and I didn't consider it would be convenient to have streaming services on this because of the seamless docking

>Material Design is a UI design language developed by Google in 2014

Jesus, I'm out of touch apparently. This sounds horrible m8 wtf.

That's why it's a poor man's material design. They can't even fucking rip off material design properly.

>""""""""""""""pure sex""""""""""""""

I can't fucking get over the fact he used this term. Fucking marketers these days.

because this is a videogames board?

What is this? Some kind of sound exploit?

>the switch is complete garbage and the bad news keeps piling up
>b-b-but the ui is like le pure pure sex

These desperate damage control attempts are pure sex.

I like it. I hope they have themes or you can change the background color.

>I swear to God you're grasping for positive things to say about this shit.

Literally the only legitimate complaints about this thing are
>Too expensive
>Not powerful enough
>Paid online
>Only 2 launch titles
The thing looks like a solid piece of hardware and it will eventually have all the high-quality games Nintendo always makes. If Nintendo weren't so Jewish I would buy it day one.

Soundhax is the latest 3ds exploit. Everything up to 12.0 is modable.

>pure sex

Maybe because they weren't trying to rip off of material design in the slightest? If anything it looks more similar to Windows 10. Retard.

such pure sex thx op i came on cat she hiss at penis

it better still have easter eggs in the OS

like pikmin loading

or the wii escaping cat

or the DSi secret tune

some things just write themselves.

>nintendogaf thinks this looks good

Fucking pathetic

>Circle icons
>white backgrounds
>flat ui

Cheap ripoff of material design with no shadows.

lets talk about how the switch DOESNT HAVE A FUCKING DPAD


just stop

Define "pure sex".

has it been confirmed to be running android?

>that fucking huge bezel around the screen
720p and that huge bezel? The entire design is fucking horrible. A tablet with one of those android controllers attached at the sides literally looks better and is probably more ergonomic

because when you split the controllers both players get buttons

>I'm retarded
Flat UI has been a trend for years now, in case you haven't noticed. Just because someone makes a flat design doesn't mean they're trying to rip off of Google. Now please go back to sucking Google's cock and stop shilling.

I noticed that immediately, it's really beautiful

also don't forget to secure your user IDs, lads


>airplane mode

so this can use sim cards or some shit?

I find it ridiculous that people actually hire designers for minimalist garbage like this

much pure
such sex


>scrolling titles
Just why. You could easily just fit the whole title "The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild" in that space. No need for such a retardedly small character limit.

>permavirgin nintoddlers comparing their shitty ui to pure sex

My fucking sides.

You've got your phone.

>material design with no shadows
Shadows IS part of the material design
You mean "flat design" or "generic minimalistic design"
Material Design didn't invent minimalism you retard

Literally a dumbed down tablet holy shit. But hey, at least the ui is pure sex.

IT'S 2017

This. You'll likely have your phone out for the online features of the device anyways.

Stop the bitching.

Four face buttons and one stick. How many games work with that configuration?

Look at the person who tweeted it and think about why he tweeted it

Blame hackers breaking 3DS and WiiU security using browser exploits.


It's a gaming platform that requires a smartphone app to access online voice chat, friendlists, etc. anyways.

I do hope it has a browser. I use the Wii U one regularly in bed.

>PS4 UI but without the social shit/advertisements below the game icons
eh/10, I hope you can press a button to change the amount of tiles on the screen so you don't have to scroll along a long line to find something you haven't played in a while.

But was the PS4 UI pure sex?

Anything in 2D.

I like the idea since I don't like how the Wiimote was just a NES controller, the joycons being SNES controllers.

But seriously fuck that button placement, it looks really uncomfortable since it's too close to the middle

It has 4 L/R buttons and 2 triggers as well. It's a very versatile controller.

>airplane mode
will it support mobile data?

what gets me is the second plastic bezel around it. It reminds me of old HTC phones or my old Nook tablet.

Hopefully, but don't count on it.
Probably not, and it just switches off the wifi.

>"instead of fixing our shitty webkit that always leads to our systems being hacked, let's just remove the browser entirely!"
fucking hell nintendo

Tbh the ps4 is cluttered and has ads everywhere. This is considerably more sexy

>Of all Nintendo's weird ideas, I actually really like this whole "offload online interactions to the phone" thing
You know everyone already does that, right? except it's optional for those who like it and not mandatory for the majority who don't.

>No buttons on the switch need to be wasted for network options or anything
No other conosles waste buttons for that either, what are you even talking about here?

>and I'm gonna be able to find more headset options and the like compatible with phones
Every """phone""" headset is compatible with consoles and portable devices. I'm using a headset "made for" phones with an in-line mic and it works just as well on PC and consoles. What are you going on about? What the fuck it up with people like you? I don't get it. Are you all brainwashed or something?
If you like small ear-buds will a simple in-line microphone you CAN use those on the switch itself (if it had voice chat), no one is stoping you, ya know?

No, removing Partty chat from the Switch is HORRIBLE, there is no other way of thinking about it. If you like using your phone instead to manage friends, buy games, etc. then Nintendo could've made it a second option just like everyone else, but ALSO include those feattures on the system (again, just like everyone else). That way everyone is happy.

I also hope you realise this means that you will ONLY hear chat audio and the game's audio will blast through your TV (or Switch itself, in public) right? Do you realise how horrible that is? That you can't hear the game and people through the same channel?
Jesus fuck...

The Defence Force is strong in you, little ones.


that app is such a pos

> Using a console browser
> Ever

Liar detected.
Console browsers are slow, lacking in features, and unsafe as fuck. And why leave the gameplay of your game when you can just pause and quickly search the Web with your phone or PC?

>that fucking gif