If Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't get a PC port, I am going to jump off a cliff

If Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't get a PC port, I am going to jump off a cliff.

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>implying it won't be available on windows 10

>caring about stupid japanese shit tier game with jewish disney characters

you should kill yourself right now

Do a flip

It has disney properties, if mods do sick shits to disney characters. Disney is gonna sue

May start to search for the right cliff at the moment


It actually may happen, despite what this thread says

My dad works at Disney he told me there will be a pc port.

Exactly. All of the Final Fantasy games except 15 are on PC. Kingdom Hearts PC seems pretty likely.

Make sure to do a flip

Do a flip

Kingdom Hearts is such a retarded series anyway.

Who the fuck actually likes Disney characters. They're for fags.

>implying anyone cares about this garbage with the quantity of games PC has
Nice falseflag


I like Disney characters. They're well designed.

Unfortunatly I stopped playing KH ages ago, because the series was ruined by focussing on Final Fantasy characters. Now THOSE are for fags.

Wow, you're so badass. Tell me more about how much of a man you are, Chad.

lucky, it must be awesome to have your dad work at disney

and the world will be better off for it.


That's why NONE of the games to this point have been on PC?
And why the 1.5/2.5 collection is being re-released, still exclusive to PS4?!

Why would it get a PC port? Literally none of the other entries in the series went to pc.

.2 runs at 60fps on the pro. no need.

uh... w-well... er.. t-thats because....

more money

Help me out guys, I just saw Back Cover but never played Chi or Unchained:

> Braig goes back in time (?)
> Fucks with dumbasses
> Sets them up to fail
> For some reason they never actually told eachother what their roles were

I think I'm missing something here. I'm amazed how the 20 second snippets from the trailer showed pretty much everything the 1 hour movie did.

It's not braig

then how am I playing it in 4k on my pc right now?

By using shitty software that doesn't play the actual game, just an approximation of it.

Illegitimate means

emulation isn't illegal

pcsx2 reads ps2 discs

1. Emulation is illegal if you don't own the game.
2. PCSX2 is no PS2, it's a grungy approximation of one. There's a reason no one emulates games like Silent Hill: because they were intended with specific PS2 hardware.

Will it be on the Switch?

get jumping then fag

Only if FFXV will be.

Can we please not devolve KH threads into consolewar shitposting? This series should have immunity for having the series spread across every single console and handheld.

>PCSX2 is no PS2, it's a grungy approximation of one.
That's a good thing considering a lot of games look better on it.

>a lot of games look better on it.
This is what PC kids say in order to feel better about not being able to afford a $50 PS2 and $10 games.

1. I own the game, also it's not entirely illegal for games you don't own if they are no longer being sold as companies can't claim market harm for items they are no longer selling
2. depends on the game, most will run much better than on an actual ps2, and it's only getting better with new releases

>for having the series spread across every single console and handheld.
except Xbox.

>he played Kingdom Hearts either on PS2 or PS3
>somehow decided to switch to PC only gaming
why would you do this?
some people are really dumb

>also it's not entirely illegal for games you don't own if they are no longer being sold
Not Kingdom Hearts.
>most will run much better
And look wrong. You can tell yourself your abominations of AA and SSAO are good but it's just comfortable lies.

I want to fuck Sora

I always thought the reason it don´t have a pc version is the "we are not allowed to give the game digitally, because of utada", but now with 2.8 and the whole collection coming to ps4. I really don´t get it why they won´t port it, especially now where square puts its whole library on the pc.

Also I am interested if there will be a switch port. Switch can UE4, half of the kh games orginated from Nintendo plattforms and two of them were main titles, also it is only cell shading so downgrading it won´t be a huge pain in the ass.

That's ok, maybe one day you'll be able to afford a good PC and do the same.

>"we are not allowed to give the game digitally, because of utada",
Because that was never true
Nomura dispelled that rumor 6 years ago

I don't want a good PC, I want good games.

>itt everyone falling for console war bait, again

oh yeah, that´s right. But what were the true reason? Is Disney afraid of Modders or what?
This is literally the only thing I can think of.

>implying PC doesn't have a better library than any console ESPECIALLY than 8th gen consoles
Kill yourself.

pc has the greatest amounts of good games and is the most pro-consumer platform there is

>And look wrong. You can tell yourself your abominations of AA and SSAO are good but it's just comfortable lies.
yea you don't know what you're talking about, keep living in denial

>The problem does not lie with Square Enix, Disney or Hikaru Utada who performed the game’s theme song. "It’s difficult because of a reason I cannot say," Nomura explained. Nomura says he is thinking about how to make a downloadable version available, but he needs more time.

Square has only put mainline FF on PC as far as I'm aware.
Stuff like DQ, KH, CT etc has all stayed on Playstation/nintendo consoles.

If PC was getting Kingdom Hearts at all they would've received the 1.5 & 2.5 HD remasters by now.
Even the ones coming out in march are still PS4 exclusive so I doubt PC will be seeing them.

III is portable since it's on UE4, but Square wouldn't know if there's any demand for it on PC And I honestly doubt there is because the entire series has mainly been on consoles and handhelds.

so what the fuck else is the problem? I mean he can´t obviously say because of the companies, if that would be the case.
It really is strange.

well yeah so the question is, why won´t the switch get the kh games? It supports UE4 and it shouldn´t be a huge problem to downgrade it.

Seems pretty clear that Squeenix is taking the Rockstar approach to PC ports, with them being delayed after enough people have caved and bought the game on console already. Doesn't seem too unlikely that it'll happen.

I hope we get the ff12 remaster on PC.

No digital distribution means NEVER EVER.

At least hope it comes to the Switch

>why won´t the switch get the kh games?
Well KH has been in development for a while and although nintendo consoles have had KH games its been years since we've seen one on there.

So far SE has been focusing on putting out remastered KH titles on PS3/PS4.

The fact that Switch getting them seems like a stretch to me make me think that PC has an even slimer chance.

At least with nintendo there's a fairly substantial jrpg fanbase so Square might see a potential profit there.
But on PC the jrpg fanbase is really niche.

Dragon Quest Heroes is on PC


Isn't that the MMO?
That would make sense, but mainline stuff doesn't seem to be on there.

>kh games nintendo consoles
Yeah fuck, 3d came out 5 years ago. But I can understand why the wiiu didn´t get one. And that nomura has much other games to do.

But like I said Nintendo handhelds got 2 main games and half of the games were published on them. Porting stuff also shouldn´t be that much difficult because of ue4 and cellshading.

Also Ps4 doesn´t sell super well on japan. And if the switch gets stuff like monhun, pokemon and splatoon it should make decent sales in japan. Look at ffxv, that thing sold less than ff13 on launchday in japan. Having a handheld version looks like a good choice for me.

Like it matters. We'll be able to emulate your Shitstation 4 games in about a year's time, anyway. Stay mad, Sonigger.

No, it's the musou
A lot of Dragon Quest games are also on Android, I wouldn't be surprised if Square started porting them to PC

>focussing on Final Fantasy characters
I wish, they are basically all forgotten after 2.