Are the Dark Souls games on PC good?

Are the Dark Souls games on PC good?

Dark Souls is.

DS1 with the fix yes, but the elevator jump is bit a harder for reasons.
No problems with DS2 PC-wise (still a shit game though).
No problems with DS3.

Dark Souls is a shitty port: better on consoles.
Dark Souls II and III are better on PC.

The others are NeverEver

DS1 with DSFix is great, but still I'd play it at 30 fps unless you want some broken iframes.
DS2 is really well optimized but shitty.
DS3 is well optimized but not 2good.

I enjoyed DS2 pvp more than the new one to be honest

The PC port for the first one is pretty garbage but with mods that fix shit like connection and framerate issues and with a controller it becomes good.

On another hand souls games also have issues on consoles that cant be fixed like you could on a PC and Dark souls 2 looks like garbage.

Just get the PC version and use a controller and you'll get the best of both sides.

The BB and DeS are dark souls games meme needs to end

It's called Soulsborne for a reason kid.
They're all the same general archetype of game despite many differences.

BB > DS > DeS > DS3 > DS2

>but the elevator jump is bit a harder for reasons.

What elevator jump?

I meant the problems one might have with DS2 are not PC-specifc.

>DS > DeS


Dark Souls is literally just an optimized version of Demon's Souls. No item burden, magic is balanced better, boss fights are better, level design is better, etc.

He's probably talking about the Archives skip to avoid the first Seath encounter.

>Dark Souls is a shitty port: better on consoles.


Enjoy your 15fps WITH MASSIVE DROPS Blighttown and stuck at 720p forever. PC can handle consistent 30fps. And it allows for any arbitrary resolution with out any issues with dsfix.

On top of that, you can go 60fps, which indeed does cause some problems but it's optiona.

>shittier lightning for one
>reused animations as much as possible from the base game
>boss fights are better
>level design is better

Blighttown has only one drop by the bonfire. The rest of it is fine.
But keep spouting memes kid.
Do you have an actual argument?

He probablly means the jump from the Church elevator to get to the bird's nest.

When you get off the elevator to jump on the pillar to go back to the asylum. With the 60 fps fix, you can barely make the jump, while at 30 fps it's super easy. It seems the jump lenght is tied to fps.

Do you?


I think to get back to Undead Asylum? It's not an elevator jump itself, but after rolling off the elevator between Undead Parish and Firelink Shrine, there's a jump onto a pillar thing that lets your get to the bird's nest. to get to the Asylum. But the jump is hard because of the shit jumping controls and problems on PC.

A fucking fan made word, faggot.
How mature, my man

dark souls 1 runs exactly the same on PC as on consoles
it's not a hardware issue, it's how the game is made
>b-b-but muh mods

A jump isn't required for that. You walk to the right ledge, center the camera behind your character while looking at the piece of tower sticking out where you want to land, and roll forward. No jump necessary.

Dark Souls runs like shit on PC. We had huge threads blowing up how fucking awful it was optimized and people getting crash errors when it was released as a port.

>dark souls 1 runs exactly the same on PC as on consoles

Yes, but you can have more powerful hardware, which means consitent 30fps with zero drops. PS3/360 can't do that all the time, and Blighttown is really bad on consoles.

>It seems the jump lenght is tied to fps.

The physics is tied to fps. Faster fps means everything is heavier.

Well yeah that's the thing. On PC we have a fix that lets you plays at 1080p/60fps.

Yes, on console or without the fix you can just roll forward and make it. With he 60fps fix, you don't go far enough. Not exactly a big problem as you can toggle it with Scroll Lock, but that took me a while to realise when I played DS on PC after doing on on console.

>Not exactly a big problem as you can toggle it with Scroll Lock
Wait that button is actually used?

they are the same on console

It's usually not used, hence why post-injectors and mods often use it as a toggle key.

Didn't the VP of Sony say DeS would be a failure or something because it was too hard in his eyes to play?

Can confirm. I played DS and DS3 on PC with a controller and enjoyed both immensely. DS is a little clunky but not enough to affect the overall experience.

Yes, the only issue is the first DaS because it was truly an abhorrent port, but DSfix is free and takes care of everything. I have hundreds of hours across the series on PC and performance isn't an issue.