You see this, nin-cucks? This is why you will never have a good gaming console again. The gamecube was supposed to at least match the PS2, instead it was beaten into the dirt by it, so nintendo tried something different with the WII and it sold like hotcakes. Nintendo doesn't care about traditional video games anymore, they just want whatever gimmick device will sell the most. Sure the WII U failed, but you nin-cucks will buy the shit out the switch and have to play mario clone number 48000. While more traditional games are kicked to the curb.
You see this, nin-cucks? This is why you will never have a good gaming console again...
what the fuck happened to the old Nintendo?
Look at the chart, thats why. "old nintendo" doesn't sell.
Sony's not faring much better you shill. PS3 was abysmal compared to PS2 and it looks like the PS4 won't come close either. Not to mention the failure that is the Pro
>PS Vita
>PS Pro
Why it's so important for you to see a company you don't like failing? I mean, reading this post I assume that you don't play Nintendo games.
I'll never understand this. For example, in my case, I don't like Microsoft consoles but that don't pushes me to write long shitposts about how Microsoft should fail and stop making consoles. I simply don't care about them, that's all. Moreover, I think it would be bad for the videogame industry that one of the big three companies failed.
It was becouse Microsoft came into play. It was piss easy to win for PS2. Microsoft was still new in the market, without developers. Nintendo was already labelled as kiddy console, ofcourse you wanted to have PSX with twisted metal 2, lots of ports of PC games including RTS(even next generations were low on that), lots of themes for everyone. So people assumed PS2 would continue adult/normal theme of PSX(it kind of didnt though...)
PS3 and xbox360 sales were smiliar, and they made money, no? So why are you saying Sony is not faring nicely in game department?
Old Nintendo didn't sell because they alienated third party by "special snowflake" hardware design and an SDK that was awkward to use.
This is why PS1 and PS2 were successful and why Nintendo will end up Dreamcasting themselves off a cliff.
The ps4 is the faster selling console of all time, and is on root to surpass the ps2.
But it might not happen because the ps4 buttfucked the current gen so hard, it forced microsoft to start and new gen only 3-4 years in.
Because Sonyggers are insecure, pathetic manchildren who want everyone to fail because their own system is allready a huge failure and has no qualities, which is why they need to constantly start consolewars to justify their horrible purchases. Have you ever seen XBone or PC fanbases shitpost so much? I sure haven't. Maybe because they have acuall games to play
>Sold over 80 million
>PS2 sold over 100 million
Putting idiots aside, could somebody tell me why Sony is rumored to have financial problems? Is making video game consoles not profitable enough, and income must come from other sources like electonics, or systems like windows?
Sounds like you're projecting your shitting taste in a system, there.
Oh great. Another
1.Falseflagging faggot trying to piss off the sonyggers and draw the autistic nintendo defense force into the thread to hugbox.
2.Actual rampantly retarded sonnygger trying to start yet ANOTHER flame war.
I love this shit. I really do.
It's a meme. They were doing bad about 5-7 years ago because of other bad investments but they are good now. Especially since PS4 selling like hotcakes and gaining profit. Software sales also get profit.
Probably the second. Sonyggers have no games to play so they just flood Sup Forums with consolewars threads all day
They lose money on every console they same as microsoft
They face tough competition from the likes of Matsushita and Phillips inc, whom together make pretty much everything on the planet
Sony are making a loss in most of their divisions, Playstation is one of the few Sony divisions that is profitable.
At first they lose money, but than they start to gain it back because the parts get cheaper to make and software. Also, didn't Sony state they were gaining profit for every PS4 sold? I could of swore something like that.
It still was my favourite console, its exclusives were some of nintendo's best, and there was never a dull moment, two zeldas, sunshine, metroid, pikmin, best smash bros, and hours on countless others.
PS2 had some titles that i liked, but other than that, to me, it was nothing more than an overhyped DVD player. My gamecube was the best console in the world.
(It also had the best controller ever)
This. I like to compare PS2 to the Wii. It was selling because of gimmick only. It was never because of games, same with DS, it had one thing and it intrested people.
DVD player which can also play games, Wii Sports for christmas, Touchscreen games, so cuuuute
IMO the true best sellers just for games, are consoles like PS3 and Xbox 360, the gamecube, the 3DS (kinda), and the NES, SNES era.
True game consoles, not gimmick sellers. Sale units dont mean shit, people wil buy anything if you make it look attractive enough, doesnt mean youll get gamers who love it.
Gamecube is amongst the best consoles of all time, a true heavyweight, had awesome shit constantly.
Sony really needs to get rid of their other divisions. Especially their movie division now that it's infested with retarded sjw. Fuckers actually thought they can afford to shit over all the old Ghostbuster fans and then mock them on twitter while claiming muh-soggy-knees is why Ghostbusters did poorly.
Ps4 isn't even close to wii sales
Why do you care so much?
>It was never because of games
Tell yourself that if it helps but I can tell you kids didn't give a fuck about movies on the system.
The library is biggest of the 6th gen and also has plenty of untopped exclusives. It's not just a lot of games but also the best games with most variety.
PS1 sold 103 million
PS2 sold 155 million
Now compare that to the PS3's 80 million. Do you see how abysmal this is? They barely broke half the amount the PS2 sold AND they took major losses on the thing
Sony's only success they've seen in years is the vanilla PS4 and that will probably only end up with PS3 numbers. Their other gaming ventures is the Vita, an utter failure, and the PS4 Pro, which sold like shit, aren't doing so hot right now.
They might be leading in the console industry, but they're but a shell of their former glory
>tfw gamecube was my favorite but sold like shit
8th gen is right on track to be the first console gen to sell less consoles than the previous one
Psvita bombed compared to psp
3ds sold great but isn't impressive compared to the ds
Wii u was pathetic blunder
Xbone I think is on par with the x360
Ps4 is outselling the ps3
no, third parties didn't want to develop for the gamecube because the PS2 was selling millions because everyone wanted a cheap DVD player