Overpriced as fuck

>overpriced as fuck
>underpowered as fuck, literally outdated android tablet hardware
>here's your controller bro.jpg
>no fucking d pad on a fucking nintendo system
>uncomfortable as fuck
>shit screen
>shit battery life
>shit build quality
>no third party support
>it's only decent looking game is a delayed Wii U port
>said wii u port runs at 900p 20fps in 2017
>other than that no fucking games
>no backwards compatibility either
>paid online
>overpriced accessories
>doesn't come with a dock
>not portable
>can't charge controllers and play at the same time
>paid voice chat using a phone
>still targeting the casuals and shitting on the core audience
>minigame collection not even a pack in, costs 50 bucks

They can't keep getting away with this can they?

Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot that it doesn't have a Web browser

>wasting your time shitposting on an image board

I agree with you but it does come with the dock.

>telling people they are wasting their time on a chinese traditional cooking imageboard while posting on said imageboard yourself
Double sad.

I've been a nintenfag for the past 2 decades, I've even Stockholm syndrome'd the WiiU. But this shit is simply irredeemable. As shilly as both Sony and MS are, ignoring games and exclusives, at least they have a competitive machine for a product. There's literally no reason to get the Switch, but people will still do it, and convince Nintendo that they're doing good.

As of now a n3DS is a better investment than the Switch. I'm glad they aren't just going to forget about that at least.

>no backwards compatability

Wait, are you serious? I missed that in the reveal stream.
Not even gba or snes ports of games?
You know, games that would be perfect to play on a """""portable""""" console?

b-but.. m-muh.. zelda.. muh mario

will this be censored in the US version?

>Doesn't have backward compatibility with the 3DS

How much do you want to bet they're gonna charge you full price for any VC games you have on your 3DS/Wii U again?

Of course.
Breath of the wild does look promising, but I honestly can't remember the last good open world game nintendo did as a first party title.

Xenoblade chronicles was fucking great, kinda held back by the wii, and was amazing when emulated on a high end pc.

Fuck, has Nintendo even made any first party open world games? This is starting to bug me. Now I'm REALLY worried that they are just going to use other open world games as references, without refining the details that make open world games actually interesting to play.

This might turn into another game filled with nothing but glorified fetch quests, people both love and hate those types of games, so expect nothing but mixed opinions for the entire month of march

This Console resolves none of Nintendo's past issues in regards to

•Online Infastructure
•3rd Party Support
•Overly Catering to the Younger Demographic

My Overall Nintendo Switch Thoughts

•Looks to be a good portable system
•Looks to have some JRPGS
•Powerful Portable
•Unique Hybrid Gaming Device
•USB – C Charge Port

•Overpriced Hardware
•Overpriced Peripherals
•Underpowered Home Console
•No Ethernet Port
•Limited Launch Lineup
•Pay to Play Online
•No Announced Achievements
•3rd Party Support
•No Retro Studios Game
•32GB Storage Capacity
•High End SD Card Are Expensive $150 - $200
•SD Cards Are Slow
•Max Transfer Rate of 95MB/Second
•Half the speed of a 7200RPM HDD
•Non-Removable Battery

I wouldn't be surprised at all.

I can forgive the voice chat thing being done through some mobile app because it's kind of an interesting way to go about it, and I personally don't care because I never use voice chat.


>720p screen

I'd expect that on a bargain bin tablet, but not a premium console.

>overpriced as fuck
it's the 4th cheapest console of all time
>underpowered as fuck, literally outdated android tablet hardware
we still have no idea what the power is other than the stuff from the leakers who have gotten everything else wrong
>here's your controller bro.jpg
yeah i agree no one is ever going to use the joy cons for 2 player
>no fucking d pad on a fucking nintendo system
pro controller does
>uncomfortable as fuck
all the people who were at the event have been saying it feels better than it looks
>shit screen
720p IPS is perfectly fine for a screen of that size
>shit battery life
>shit build quality
literall how would you know that
>no third party support
looks like there will be plenty JRPGs, if you are talking about CoD/Battlefield style games, why would you ever want to play those on a switch instead of your PC?
>it's only decent looking game is a delayed Wii U port
Mario looks fantastic, Splatoon looks good as well
>said wii u port runs at 900p 20fps in 2017
it's a very stable 30
>other than that no fucking games
just like every console at launch
>no backwards compatibility either
NES and SNES virtual console confirmed with online multiplayer for 2 playert games
>paid online
yeah thats really shitty
>overpriced accessories
also shitty
>doesn't come with a dock
yes it does what the fuck are you talking about
>not portable
how is it not portable?
>can't charge controllers and play at the same time
yes you can, you can plug a usb 3 into the grip as well as the pro controller
>paid voice chat using a phone
agreed retarded
>still targeting the casuals and shitting on the core audience
1 2 switch is literally the onle casual game, the rest are core
>minigame collection not even a pack in, costs 50 bucks
agreed huge mistake

You left out the part where their current system has been dead as fuck for two years and they still barely have anything ready to go for launch.

If I want to pay for voice chat, it better be done through the system, otherwise what stops me from just using discord with my friends?

No one at nintendo over 30 has played a videogame in 20 years. It would be interesting if they took something from SotC, but as it is, it's probably just going to be what OoT was supposed to be. Zeldarim.

Yeah the SD card thing is kind of an issue.
And aren't they supposedly using cartridges for games? How the fuck are they going to make that work with larger titles?

I'm betting you'll have to download the content for games like on xbone or ps4. If there's one thing I hate about newer games, it's having to install an update before you can even play the fucking thing.

So, ... I guess you don't like it?


>no backwards compatibility
>paid online

that's it. Out of your entire list, those are the only things that are true. This is some next level shitposting, user. Why you so mad though?

Everything has garbage artstyles too


>if they took something from SotC
See, that'd be a great way to go about it.

The skyrim point you made is pretty understandable though, like honestly Nintendo is probably going to dumb it down since this console is mostly being targeted to children again. Something also tells me they're going to pull a FFXV with it and claim the map is fuck-huge and have a massive fucking portion of it closed off or inaccessible.

How would it even be possible? People bitched at their last account system, so they changed it. Those games are tied to those old accounts.

>Fuck, has Nintendo even made any first party open world games?
Yeah, the original Zelda

well, given that the pre-orders are sold out nearly everywhere already I think they just may get away with it again.

>two launch titles

No, just a lot of mad scalpers

Three decades ago.

Something tells me people are going to be let down immensely. Get ready for those buyer's remorse threads.

My biggest concern is that they will lose how well-designed the areas usually are with this open world mess. Linear sections aren't a bad thing and I need towns and forests that feel like forests. It already looks too much like the Great Sea only with guardians instead of barrels and a horse instead of a boat.


Never gets old.

>shit screen
>shit build quality
Fuck off, those two are things people that have been hands on with the damn thing are giving props to Nintendo for.
>doesn't come with a dock
>not portable
It does come with a dock and it is as portable as the New 3DS XL. Here is an actual objective list of Pros and Cons:

>Good build quality for the system
>Major Nintendo IPs coming in its first year
>No mandatory gimmicks, i.e. you can use it as a regular home console or handheld without having to bother about the other
>No region lock
>Uses USB Type-C

>Weak as fuck launch line-up
>High cost peripherals
>No built in voice chat
>Charging grip not included
>Paid online

I think that the presentation itself is to blame for the "negative" impression the Switch gave. People that have gone hands on with the damn thing are saying the games and the console are good, and in the end that is all that matters. Still, I don't believe that is an excuse for some of the bullshit that Nintendo is trying to pull on us, like their fucking online "communication" system.

>It would be interesting if they took something from SotC
They did, did you not see that miniboss?
And those colossal sheika mech things, that the trailer seems to imply you go into to destroy them?
Climbing is a main mechanic so SotC-like bosses seem very likely too

>System fails to close the hardware gap

Graphics aren't everything but this is going to bite them in the ass with multiplats yet again.

>"Get the next Call of Duty on Xbox One, PS4 or Steam!"
>"Get Call of Duty: Reloaded Edition with less features and no multiplayer but waggle controls on Switch!"

>is as portable as the New 3DS XL
This is false

How could a portable device be as strong as a PS4 or even Xbone to begin with?

no one is looking to buy a switch to play call of duty.
everyone already owns a platform to play it on.

It can't, and people who thought so are delusional and have no idea how technology works.

He's right, once you detach the joycons (which you can put in the other pockets, I guess) it's the same size as a 3DS XL and is slightly smaller than a Vita.


>from something else other than SotC

don't know what happened there. There are a lot of games they could draw something from, like the occasionally superior Okami.

The Nintendo switch is overpriced meme need to die

>>Major Nintendo IPs coming in its first year

Aren't most of them also on WiiU?

>Another "massive" open world that is mostly empty

Great, it's daggerfall and skyrim all over again.

>Replying about time wasting on the same board.
Here's your (you).

Does it have the Maxwell or the Pascal chip?

>three pieces, larger overall size
>just as portable as one piece
Again, "as portable as the New 3DS XL" is still false.

I just used Call of Duty as an example. But the inability to provide the same multiplat experience that all the other options can do will become glaring.


Web browsers on consoles are so fucking shit that they're not even worth using.

Only Zelda and Mario Kart 8, and since no one has a Wii U the new games will help move Switch units.

Think of it this way. Those memory cards will sell for less going forward. While the Vita memory cards stayed the same for more than 5 years now.

Nah, retards like you need to die.

It would actually be:
>>"Get Call of Duty: Reloaded Edition with less features and no multiplayer but you can feel the ice in your glass when you go to treat your wounds."

The reason why Vita memory cards are so expensive is because they're some kind special microSD.

SD cards aren't expensive because everything uses that shit

again, everyone already has a place to play those multiplat games. Anyone who has any sort of interest in AAA games has already bought a PS4/Xbone/PC by now.

What the Switch needs to be is a place to play Nintendo's first party games and the types of games that typically would come out on 3DS/Vita.

Exactly, captain obvious. And what can you take from this lesson?

They're Sony's proprietary format. They did the same thing with the PSP.

Thankfully, the PSP has an adapter to accept traditional SD/microSD. I'm pretty sure the Vita doesn't allow this though.

Soon, user. Nintendo will announce its new console and the Switch will be forgotten.

There. That's what you wanted, right?

>Charging grip not included
This is a non issue since the batteries last 20hrs.

If you buy this thing you are a certified retard.

>This is a non issue since the batteries last 20hrs.
What the fuck, for some reason I thought it was way less than that. Disregard that point then.

Does 3DS still have game support?

Yeah, Nintendo worked some kind of wizardy on their controller batteries, since apparently the pro lasts for 40hrs on top of it.

It's gonna drop dead soon enough since it's cracked wide open.

Where was that confirmed?

OP doesn't even know what the fuck he's talking about.

The Schadenfreude will be the most glorious thing in a long time.

But the 3ds has an amazing library.
It's totally worth it to buy one, hack it and pirate just about everything.

>720p IPS is perfectly fine for a screen of that size
>meanwhile, smartphones come with 1440x2560 displays


Nintendo did 240p in 2011 with the 3DS. They're cheap as fuck.

Anyone notice when someone brings up valid points about the Switch the Nintentoddlers come out and just call it bait without trying to refuite the points?

Like "Well I think paid online where you have to use a phone for voice chat is pretty shitty" "FUCKING B8!!!"

Damn, but what are some good games for it other then Resident Evil and Metroid? I already have a Vita and game support for that ia dead as well so I dont care.

resolution that size on a screen that small is pure meme.


user, new 3DS game releases have slowed down to a crawl thanks to last year's wave of hacks, deaths, and Sup Forums memes, like Brexit and Trump. The 3DS will last at least a year or two more before it bites the dust, though.

It doesn't come with a dock?

Not debating that, but it won't keep getting support for much longer I don't think.

I bet you're one of those dumb faggots who used to say 1080p doesn't pay off on anything smaller than 40".

>Not even gba or snes ports of games?
ports != backwards compat

it had a even worse launch than the switch.

in a few years time the switch very well could have an equally impressive library.

>doesn't come with a dock
it comes with one

Most of the stuff that comes up in the tile icons when you google Nintendo 3DS Games is good

That list of cons is inflated with idiocy and lies. Only a few points are true. Read the rest of the thread for that.

I can't unsee the cock.

it kinda doesn't unless you are 2 feet away from it.

>this is what Nintenshills actually believe

Shouldn't it be either overpriced or underpowered? It's overpriced for a handheld, but that's because it's supposed to be a home console where it's cheap as fuck. It's underpowered for a home console, but that's because it can double as a handheld, where it's significantly more powerful than average.

Honestly, I think this weird hybrid shit is just impossible to evaluate until people actually start playing with it.

>it's the 4th cheapest console of all time
Doesn't matter. It should be the cheapest console given how weak the hardware is.

>we still have no idea what the power is other than the stuff from the leakers who have gotten everything else wrong
BotW on the Switch is confirmed to be 900p 30FPS, for a flagship AAA release in 2017. That's just sad.

>720p IPS is perfectly fine for a screen of that size
It's not IPS. It's fucking TN.

>NES and SNES virtual console confirmed with online multiplayer for 2 playert games
That's not backwards compatibility. That's just emulation. Not only that, but Nintendo will take away those "free" NES and SNES ROMs each new month.

>yeah thats really shitty
>also shitty
>agreed retarded
>agreed huge mistake

I bet you fell for the 4K tv meme huh?

List isn't that bad, btw can 3DS run DS games?

>There's literally no reason to get the Switch

new mario, new splatoon, new xenoblade, BotW at a more consistent framerate. 4 reasons so far.

Meant for you sorry.

Yes, but if you hack it you have to use an R3 gold card.

>btw can 3DS run DS games
Of course. Native backwards compatibility

DS Cartridge, DS Flashcart or play ROMs off an SD Card

Of course a Nintenshill would pretend 4k is a meme, knowing Nintendo will sell to Disney before ever making a 4k game.

It's the best handheld ever created. I'm perfectly fine paying 300 bucks for that.