What do you think they're doing for the Switch? The Dark Souls trilogy?
Nintendo put them in their list of partners, so they're definitely doing something. I can't wait.
From Software
>people think FromSoft has literally only done Souls games
>people seriously think that's going to be what they have in store for the Switch
Armoured Core
Or perhaps a DaS1 Remaster
>bloodborne remaste-
no, i cant do this with a straight face..
They'll be handling the newest Metroid game.
I will buy a Switch in a heartbeat if this happens.
>playing pc games at 30fps 720p
Last gen they laughed about a souls game coming to Wii U.
They consider Nintendo's fanbase as a bunch of 8 year olds.
And they are right.
Expect a weird kiddy franchise that looks and plays nothing like a souls game.
Besides you nintydrones hate "mature" games, if it's not rainbow candyland it's edgy mature shit.
Why do you want edgy mature shit? Just get Splatoon port-2 and Mario 06 and shut the fuck up.
Another Monster Hunter Diary.
The adventures of cookie and cream 2: ashes of Ariendel when?
This please. The first one was the best Form Software game.
>Expect a weird kiddy franchise that looks and plays nothing like a souls game.
Except I highly doubt they'd still work on that sort of thing in the first place.
You faggots tend to forget that DaS is owned and published by Bamco, who have a good relation with nintendo. If they decide they want the next game on Switch, then it'll happen. Also worth mentioning that Miyazaki specifically stated in that interview you're referencing that it was a higher ups decision not to have DaS2 on Wii U.
the customizability of armored core in metroid would be pretty nito
I hope they make a nice Armored Core gaem.
Metal Wolf Chaos Switch when?
Man, I want Lost Kingdoms 3.
It'll be Lost Kingdoms 3
>a single producer who's only worked on DaS2's opinion is representative of the whole company
>implying From doesn't know how to make a damn good "kiddy game"
Ah, you're right. So likely not a Souls game. Bloodborne and sony partnership it is, then.
King's Field remakes
money is in souls, Nintendo will push for it or something similar as maybe their mature game for hardcore gamers
>Splatoon port-2 and Mario 06
Armoured core. Is a shit game but at the same time its good.
The graphics are shit, the story is shit, the sound is shit, the map design is shit, no world detail at all, the enemie design is shit. You have to pay for ammo and for damage taken. In armore core verdict day I played the first mission 50 times to make money and save ammo and repairs
Good parts.
At first I didn't know how to use the robot . but later on the mechanics worked so good that I stated to look at the stats to balance my robot better.