Is he right Sup Forums?

Is he right Sup Forums?

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No. It's still a piece of shit.



I'd say give it another two years.


Special edition makes it a better game but the plot and characters are fundamentally bad and unlikeable.

Nobody hated it in the first place, game was god-tier as fuck

Maybe in about 24 more minutes.

He actually did it, the absolute madman.

The special edition is a bit better, but it's still nothing I would call a classic or misunderstood.

At best it's a decent-ish action game with nice environmental design.



It's better than Lord of Shadows and God of War 3+Ascension in term of gameplay

That's all the praise I can muster


I've seen it here and there. Give it another half a year.

>better than God of War 3

No, it's still shit. If the leaks were true and Vergilsaurus and all the other crazy shit was real it could've been entertaining but alas they weren't.

I'm loving the definitive edition. That's all I can say for now.

With only PC available, what DMC game should I get? I've no experience with the series, I've heard bitching about new Dante and the 3rd PC port. Is 4 the way to go?

Not in a million years.

3SE with Style Switcher mod or 4SE

I beat the ps4 version two weeks ago it was kinda good actually.

It's not a bad game, it's just not as good as the games before it, which means as a sequel it failed.

No, because it's not good. It's not awful, I enjoyed my single playthrough of it.

Castlevania: lord of shadows 2, now THERE is a classic

Not a classic but the its misunderstood because "not muh dante" while not appreciating what it was

Thanks journalist

hahaha no its the worst game in the series

the ending sucks but the DLC with Alucard is bretty gud. Tho I understand why people would hate it since it has shitty stealth and some modern sections.

Personally I can never hate the game, because I'll always remember the mind blowing post-credits scene of LoS1. Now that was an ending done right, one of the best endings a video game can have.

3 is a pretty bad PC port, the controller configuration is all fucked up, you can't change the buttons assignment and the analogs are reversed on Xbox controllers. Resolution is shitty too.

>he actually waited 2 years to post this and BTFO him

Well, not "right"

But the game is the best devil may cry that i've played. Both, in writing and in gameplay.

I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit

Still shit.


Try again next year, I feel like people going to pretend they always liked it in around 9 or 10 months. By January 15th, 2018 it will have attained reverence comparable to Half Life 2 because this board is aids.

We just do not talk about it at all anymore. I'm quite impressed really.

But people literally always did like Half-Life 2.

And people like HL2 more for the source engine and what it did for the pc gaming world at the time

Last time I tried the DMC3 port it was still a mess.
It worked fine first but suddenly the FPS went down because of the music/sound and solutions to the problem was just deleting the music/sound files.
Not sure if there are some kind of patchey by the community.

You could get the HD collection of DMC (and play 1+3) or get 4SE

it's incredibly fun

>attained reverence comparable to Half Life 2
I'm saying people will claim to like it as much as people like Half Life 2 famalam, I'm not saying people don't already like HL2. Are you okay?


just wait until the new dmc comes out and has that one mechanic everyone hates

Still a shit game, bring uncle dante back

who the fuck cares about the plot and characters in an action game, is it so hard to mash START through cutscenes?

I thought you were comparing to HL2 saying that people thought it was shit at first then years later pretended they liked it. When HL2 was pretty much universally revered from release

>Better than GoW3+Ascension

t. Fedora Lord Contrarian that thinks GoW is bad because Sup Forums said so


Tips for DMC3? I'm doing pretty well, but just curious how you guys play. I just beat Vergil for the first time and I assume I now have devil trigger, quit right after the fight.

I still like the sword and sword master best, but sometimes I'm switching to the dual swords or whatever so I can send that fire blast into a line of enemies, then switching back to the sword. It's fucking great that it lets you switch melee weapons on the fly instantly, DMC1 made you wait a second and I don't know what DMC2 did because I quit it too quick.

But it seems like such a fun allowed game that there's so many ways to play, curious how you guys did. Of course, I'm still early on in the game so my options are limited.

that's not even remotely close to what I wrote. I said "skip the cutscenes" as in, just go to the gameplay

not that DmC has great gameplay but the story doesn't matter for 99% of video games and this is no exception

>Waiting 2 years to make a thread

>someone saved a screenshot just to post on this exact date
dedicated autism

I liked it....


The best thing I'll say about it is that it can be fun to play through just to enjoy how absolutely fucking awful the writing is, which is a little bit more than I'll say about DmC2.

It's still shit though.


ayy lmao


Did you wrote this on your calendar or what??

Reminds me of the one Sup Forums post


haha no its shit

thanks for remembering

the second people start praising DmC is when the site has officially lost all dignity

I kind of liked it. Good time waster, and above other generic slashers like NG3 and Deadpool.

Still hate that it carries the DMC name

i would give like 20 years more
repost this on 2037 and see how people will react

Wet Chunks

It's actually easy to since the pacing is actually good so it's not as painful to follow like in DMC3.

I miss the squirrel semen and vergilsaur shit.
>tfw we will never come together in unity to shit on a game because contrarianism and being ironic is even more popular than before

This shit has been done plenty of times before.

A classic? Fuck no. I enjoyed. For me, it had its moments but not a misunderstood classic.
Also, waiting 2 years to make a thread.


i want to be in the screenshot

>he doesn't know

One of the best things to come out of early DmC threads.
My personal favorite was the time traveling demons with a machine powered by children tears.

I remember saving this image a couple years ago, but I never understood it til now. Damn, I wish I got to experience the early DmC threads, sounds like it was really fun.

I didn't like it

nope, still okay action game/bad dmc


There are literally millions of games

Why the fuck would you waste time playing one that's shit?

The rerelease that removed coloured demons helped but it's still worse than MGR:R.

Hard to believe we'd see a day where Raiden was in a better action game than Dante, but here we are.

>better than GoW3

Pretending that the game is subbar just because it's not what everyone wanted just makes you look petty, childish and is just proving the point Tameem once had about fanboys. So don't.

It's about the same. Both are vapid action games with edgy storylines.


DmC is better than DMC2 and DMC4, so yes.

It's great fun and a great game.

Sup Forums would never say that because they're too busy sucking off the pile of trash that is Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance because of MUH PLATINUM and LE EPIC RULES OF NATURE!

>and DMC4
Not gameplay wise for sure. I know which I'd rather be playing.

DmC, which is actually a complete game? DMC4 is half a game, give me DmC any day of the week over that.

My words exactly.


Please list each time this has happened.
also Ninja Theory is just a Theory, there is no evidence they are ninjas at all

DMC4 being a superior game whilst also being half-complete speaks volumes on how much DmC sucked nigger dick.

Fuck off, Tameem.

screencap my post and post it on january 15th, 2027.

trust me

It should have been it's own IP and not DMC related.


The only reason it's disliked on Sup Forums are assblasted DmC fans that got triggered because the protagonist changed.

Sup Forums gets very angry about any kind of change.

didn't even pirate it.

>Exactly four years since DmC released
>Almost nine years to the day since DMC4 released

It still hurts. Take me back.

I agrre about the first game but the second one was so dissapointing (gameplay is almost exactly the same, writing is not that good, missed oportunities like Trevor or the Dragon transformation, etc.) but now talking about the DLC I never tried it because I was really mad at the time. Should I get it? Im sure it is still really expensive, like 15-10 dlls

DmC had the best Mexican boss fight.

>all the DmC threads were 4, almost 5 years ago
There are people browsing Sup Forums right now that don't remember Vergilsaurus. I want off this ride.

>Nobody hated it in the first place
>water isn´t wet
>the moon isn´t rotating around the earth
>OP isn´t a faggot

Go back to bizarro world.

but everything about the game is bad
the plot
the gameplay
the characters
the environments
the music
the enemies
Fuck off Aamir

besides the main character, the game is also shit