Should i go for a >>>>>>>>gaming PC or a PS4?

should i go for a >>>>>>>>gaming PC or a PS4?

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i forgot to add i don't give a shit about multiplayer

Why not go for both?

how uninformed do you have to be to not know what fits your needs more?

Nintendo Switch.

becasue tfw too poor for both
i want to know what does Sup Forums like more
maybe later, when the price goes down

Anyone on Sup Forums who isn't a child, a poorfag or a stupid fanboy probably owns a PC and a PS4 for exclusive.

In my case, i own a PC, a PS4, a Wii U and a N3DS.

Also, who the fuck cares what Sup Forums thinks? Get what suits your needs more if you're too poor to afford both.

Gaming PC. Slap a good CPU (i5 6600k or above) and a mid-tier GPU (1050ti or RX470 should do) and you you'll have something good for years to come. I stress getting a good CPU because it's unlikely you'll need to bother upgrading it for a long time, whereas GPUs tend to advance more quickly, so by not investing too much into it you could upgrade in a couple of years if you feel like, while still having gotten good use out of your previous card. Consider also getting a high refresh rate monitor if you can afford it, shit's cash.

Go for a rope.

What is your budget? If you cant afford an i5 6500, RX 470 and 16gb ram... just get a PS4.

>16gb ram
One of these things is not like the other ones.

think about what games you might want to play on each platform and then buy a PC anyway because you should vote with your wallet against paywalls

You can build a halfway decent gaming rig with letfover office pcs and a 1050, so about 250 bucks

Used ps4s go for like 100 bucks on craigslist

get both

idk around 800 dollars?
i would tbqh

>getting a new PC when Vega and Ryzen are coming out

>inb4 le amd memes

For once this shit seems good if they dont fuck it up, and their latest cards were pretty ok for their price.

Either get a PS4 and save up for a PC later or save up for a better Pc when new components release

16gb to play it safe for shit ports and "future proofing"(8gb still works though). He could go with an i3+1050ti+8gb, but that is somewhat weaker compared to a PS4 Pro

I wouldn't really bother with 16gb if you're getting an i5 and a mid tier GPU. Sure it helps a bit but it's still overkill, something you'd only buy if you're getting a high end machine and don't mind spending extra.

Here is a suggestion.

woudln't geforce be better than radeon?

Depends on the games you're playing. Also the version of the card he suggested isn't really good, go for 8gb and another manufacturer like XFX or Powercolor Red Devil. The 4 cards to consider would be 1050ti, 1060, RX470 and RX480 just look up some reviews, and see the prices in your region.

Depends on the game. AMD cards generally age better compare to their Nvidia counterparts:

Nvidia cards OC much better though

The Sapphire models seem to be "fixed" now. They have been downclocked to 4gb version speed(the 8gb Nitro had the highest factory OC out f all the 480s) to reduce temps and the performance is the same. The XFX GTR is another good choice too. Not sure about the Red Devil though.

If you are cute go Ps4 and add me

i'm not

>should i go for a >>>>>>>>gaming PC or a PS4?

You know where the true gamers are at. The PS-Quad.

If you care about games, youd have both dude

Use a shitty laptop for FPS, RTS and PC indie games.

Use a PS4 for 3rd person games and all the exclusives.

You don't need a +$1100 PC unless you're a complete graphics whore.

This. Wait a bit before buying components, AMD will force Intel and Nvidia to drop their prices. If you are impatient, however, pick up the newest Pentium G4560 which is basically and i3 only half the price, an RX 480 8GB and 8GB of RAM.

If you lack the funds for a 480, a 470 is a good entry-level card.

>800 dollars
Then get a used PC and a PS4.

Check i5s (3500+) on eBay, plus for a PSU and video card. Jet has 15% off coupons and inexpensive cards.

>becasue tfw too poor for both
Super poor: picrelated. + F2P garbage
Moderately poor: PS4 Slim + used games
Not poor: master race PC + PS4 + new games

>buying a cuckstation

Also, if you would go with this(a bit weaker but quite cheaper variant), you could afford both: a decent gaming PC and a used PS4

PC is a bit more expensive up front, but cheaper in the longrun if you're not retarded.

PC, mein neger.

>buying two systems that play the same games
Shut up sonygger. Every game worth a shit on the Shitstation 4 is on PC. No one with any sense owns any Sony consoles.

Bloodborne :)

i'd have to buy a decent monitor with hdmi input

See for a suggestion with integrated speakers.
Don't forget speakers/headphones otherwise.

What if i play skyrim and fallout 4 on a shitty laptop.
I dont i play 7dtd but asking for a "friends"

>Every game worth a shit on the Shitstation 4 is on PC.
Half of my collection isn't. And its the better half.

Do you not already own a computer? The only games on PC worth playing can be run on a toaster, then get a PS4 for multiplats and exclusives.
>Whoa guys I'm such a hardcore gamer I play console ports in 4k 60fps! This makes this shitty modern game so much better!
Just get a PS4, who cares. Modern games suck dick anyway, better graphics for double the price doesn't make the games better.

This is why pchaming is laughable. The pc you posted not only has to be put together, but all the parts have to be individually paid for and waited for in the mail. And then, its still more expensive then just finding a cheap ps4 somewhere for 250.

i already have decent headphones
>Do you not already own a computer?
i'm using a laptop atm, but i wanted to give it to my sister

that fucking alienware computer LOL just end yourself.

>Use a shitty laptop for FPS, RTS and PC indie games.
>Use a PS4 for 3rd person games and all the exclusives.
>You don't need a +$1100 PC unless you're a complete graphics whore.
Exactly my setup.
Just that my "shitty laptop" is a midrange gaming rig built in 2009-2011, which will never see another upgrade until nVidia leaves the PC market.

250$ for ps4
200-400$ for a tv
Either way.
Fucking money and a lot of it.
And if you're the type to spend hundreds on games maybe you have other things to worry about hmm?
Maybe time to start saving?

You can buy preassembled if you're literally too retarded to plug in a few wires, secure your motherboard to the case, and plug a couple cards in.

>And then, its still more expensive then just finding a cheap ps4 somewhere for 250.
That why I only recommend it to people who are too poor for actually buying games.
1. On the posted PC configuration you can play 24/7 without paying a cent, even without taking piracy into account.
2. Once you reached that point, where you can afford those older/used 20bux games, the much more powerful PS4 offers the best bang for the buck. There is no point in going for a better PC yet, because it quickly gets outdated and you end up with option 1 automatically, but wasted more money.
3. Only if money is not an issue, you simply get the best of everything which runs video games and upgrade your PC yearly.
>200-400$ for a tv
You can use a $60 HDMI monitor with built-in speakers for a PS4.

>The pc you posted not only has to be put together
Holy shit, no, my hobby might actually take an afternoon of dedication? Fuck.
>all the parts have to be individually paid for and waited for in the mail
Microcenters exist, you know.
>its still more expensive then just finding a cheap ps4 somewhere for 250
Not if you are at all patient or skeptical with new releases. I bet you pay to play online, too.

>Microcenters exist, you know.
Not in most parts of the country.
>Not if you are at all patient or skeptical with new releases. I bet you pay to play online, too.
I bought a PS4 2 years ago and I've gotten 3 games for it in that time, you can absolutely be patient and skeptical of new releases with it. I've also never seen any reason to play it online.

If you're going to ask Sup Forums what to do with your money, I suggest you spend all of it, and I mean every single cent, in dragon dildos before shoving each and every one of them up your ass.

i tried it with a toothbrush
wasn't fun at all

>Not in most parts of the country.
I still don't see how that's a knock on PC, are you really that unorganized or impatient to order online and keep track of things?
>I bought a PS4 2 years ago and I've gotten 3 games for it in that time
Wow, so much to play!


I'm not the one you were originally replying to, dumb platform warrior. Just that you can be patient and save money while playing games on a PS4. There are plenty of games, but I've personally only felt compelled to buy three, because they were on sale.

I'm getting a ps4 for the following titles:
-FF VII Remake *
-FF Type-0
-Persona 5
-Nier: Automata
-Gravity Rush 2

I don't give a shit about MP for console, either. The only time I ever get into that is FFXI on PC and the odd Vita/3DS title for co-op.

Hopefully all of these will be out by this year's holidays.

>FF Type-0
>Nier: Automata
these are on pc as well