Just started picture related, what am I in for?
Any noob tips?
Just started picture related, what am I in for?
Any noob tips?
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Looks pretty good at 8x native
Be sure to get Armageddon
Casual crawler. Might as well skip the journey cause the story is shit and the answer does everything infinitely better
Grind a lot.
>That cucked up aspect ratio.
You're gonna get tired of being tired
It is very difficult to compete all social links on your first playthrough without a guide. So just chill and complete the social links that interest you. On the second playthrough with NG+ is when you want to maximize time to complete all social links
Odin is extremely good and you should use him for late game.
A long as fuck game.
>Try to only go to the dungeon when a new part opens up
>Fill out your compendium as much as possible
>Try to always have one of each damage type on hand
I don't think it's possible to complete all the characters' events in one play on 3, so don't worry too much and just take it easy.
I'm pretty shit at emulating. I just set it to my monitor size.
So it's not going to gimp me too much if I don't max them all out on my first run?
Yeah I've been put off playing for so long as I was worried about cocking up the social links.
get null charm on a persona or an item before the end of the game.
the protag dies at the end
It does, but you should really consider getting the widescreen patch.
Here are some tips for you OP.
Don't feel obligated to do every S.Link, simply spend some time with someone and if you don't really like them don't bother doing their S.Link.
Visit tartarus regularly, one visit every 3 days until you reach the barrier is optimal for the first months, if you're tired go back.
Find the weapon you like the most by trying each one you find.
Remember to fuse Personas with skills you need.
Some S.Links require social stats, so try to keep up with those.
The arcade is your friend, specially in the first months since you have nothing else to do, it boosts your Strength, Agility or Magic stats by 3 points, and a 3 point difference between you and your enemy is huge.
If you have any other questions then feel free to ask.
>I'm pretty shit at emulating. I just set it to my monitor size.
you need to get a widescreen hack from the pcsx2 forum.
Whenever I try to emulate this the cutscenes stutters after like 20 seconds, anyway to fix this?
How shit is your toaster?
Thanks for the tips, much appreciated.
>Remember to fuse Personas with skills you need.
Is there any list of recommended builds/essential skills? I imagine fusing personas is something I would fuck up quite easily.
nah its pretty decent.
i7 6770k, 1060, 16gb RAM
It won't really gimp you out. You will probably have at least lvl 3 on everything but have certain ones higher level and certain ones maxed depending on your interest.
However there are some links that are very beneficial to max. For example, Emperor for Odin and Magician for Surt.
Btw, as you get closer to the end, you will probably have a good idea of what abilities you would want to have on your personas. So don't be afraid to fuse, fuse and fuse some more to get those abilities onto what you want. Odin with Mind Charge makes a good Odin to and great Odin.
The PCSX2 wiki lists recorded issues for most games along with their fix, just use that for any games you have a problem with.
Often switching to native Resolution temporarily is the answer.
>that aspect ratio
PCSX2 is just shitty, fuck around with settings and speedhacks until it works.
Let me tell you about bitches.
If you don't spend time with one of your s.links for something like 90 days they'll get pissed and the link will reverse. Once you go past level 6 with a girl is gets kind of serious and the time is reduced to 60 days, but every time you spend time with another girl that counter will go down by 15 because you "cheated". So once you go past 6 try to max out that girl before focusing on another one, at least don't juggle more than 2. And at the late levels the girls are really slow so consider doing a Sunday date with them, meeting dudes on Sundays is a massive waste of time.
Here, I made a quick webm to help explain
When you try to fuse something, it will appear with skills both those personas have.
But if you de-select it and try again, the skills will be different.
Try to get them to be skill you find helpful.
These skills heavily depend on your playstyle, like who your party members are and what personas you're making.
Like said, Odin is very powerful, he's an emperor so you're going to want to go to the student council as much as possible.
Have fun, user.
>I don't think it's possible to complete all the characters' events in one play on 3
It is in FES at least, only way to fuse Orpheus Telos.
I thought you just needed Max S links for Orpheus Telos, but do you need to do them all in one playthrough?
Orpheus telos is shit anyway. I beat Liz without him
What's stretched?
Play Nocturne instead
Stop, and pirate the psp version
>playing the watered down port when the full experience is right there
Just because you can beat Liz without him doesn't make him shit. He's still the best one for the job if you just give him the proper skills.
because the watered down port has not garbage battle system and retarded ai
Thanks user! Now it's just a case of getting to terms wtih what abilities to keep.
I'm trying out the WS hack but not having much luck.
Naw, play an SMT with less shit negotiation.
>no fusion spells
>can'y pick your own type of weapon
>party members consume homonculus
>better gameplay
>no fusion spells
You can buy them at the antique store
>Members consume homunoculus
You get so many of them that it doesn't matter. A Missing One mission gives you ten of them, and they drop quite frequently
>Better gameplay
Yes it does, except for the lack of choosing weapon type. Other than that, the gameplay is far better and bearable than FES and you can't cheese most fights in P3P
Real hot tip here dude. Trust me, professional Persona player here. I make six figures giving out this kind of advice. But for you cupcake, I'll give you a freebie to welcome you to the series.
If your character shoots himself in the head you're on your way to the bad ending. In fact if it happens you need to reset right away or your save is like that forever.
You need to wait at least twenty seconds between each bit of dialogue, to mold your character into a responsible, mature person who thinks deeply about what he should do. Only then will he realize he shouldn't commit suicide, and...well I don't wanna spoil what happens next! =D Good luck my dude.
No problem.
Also, keep in mind that some personas have element affinities, meaning they're more likely to learn one type of skill over the other.
Like Jack Frost, he's more likely to learn ice skills over physical or electrical ones, so you might wanna keep an eye on that.
As for the widescreen patch, did you restart PSCX2 after applying it? do you have this option enabled?
>and you can't cheese most fights in P3P
Funny joke.
You can spam multi target skills and battles end in 3 turns.
If by cheesing you mean keeping every enemy knocked down then you're just gonna run out of SP out of three fights.
Fusion spells aren't spells in P3P, they're items
How bad did I fuck up by playing p3p? Did I miss out on shit in FES? Is FES worth a playthrough?
Since this is a P3FES thread, I figure it's the best place to ask. I want to start playing it too, I've got a high-end PC and a jailbroken PS3. I assume I'd be better off emulating the PS2 version on PC rather than trying to find the PS3 version, right?
>Did I miss out on shit in FES?
> Is FES worth a playthrough?
Definitely, the differences are so huge it feels like you're playing a new game.
he dies and becomes a door
not op but the game have replay value?
>As for the widescreen patch, did you restart PSCX2 after applying it? do you have this option enabled?
Yes to both unfortunately.
Play in Japanese.
i just fucking beat matador on my playthrough and fuck farming for 3 force resistant demons
Isn't only FES exclusive epilogue chapter missing?
The dorm was one of my favorite parts. The party members doing and saying different things from evening to evening really made them feel alive.
>I assume I'd be better off emulating the PS2 version on PC rather than trying to find the PS3 version, right?
Well, if you want to play it in the prettiest way possible and have the ability to fastforward stuff, play it in PC.
There's a lot of content you can miss on your first run that you can enjoy on NG+.
It's the same story, but you can play it differently, approaching problems in different ways or spending time with people you didn't get to talk to.
In terms of chapters yes, but P3P removes or replaces a lot of stuff from the original, not to mention it does have some errors not present in FES.
FES is a much more complete experience.
Yes, go for the PC.
Spamming multi-spells is basically the same SP consumption as cheesing in FES. If you only use multi-spells then you'll consume faster than cheesing.
They're still spells
There's a bunch of extra stuff you can do before the final fight that isn't in FES. Of course, there's the FeMC route which is a lot of replay value.
Agreed, love how cozy and entertaining it is
Don`t cum on the robot or you get expelled from SEES.
what's a good sign that I'm underleveled? i can't beat hanged man full moon boss. i get him all the way to no health then he teamwipes me
>Not just using Uzume
You kinda fucked up there
With the difference that P3P lets you continue from the last floor you left from, meaning that going back to the bottom and returning healed solves all your SP problems.
FES forces you to start from a set floor if you go back
What level are you?
Did you skip a lot of fights in tartarus?
Don't have any personas strong against phys or attack mirrors?
That's actually wrong. If you leave a floor that doesn't have a two-way tele, then you will have to start back at the last two-way tele just like FES. So you will still have to conserve SP as much as FES if you don't want to keep doing that
>MC is comes home late almost everday after spending hours at the mall drinking coffee and taking selfies
>Becomes the most beloved person in town
RIP Door-kun, you lived the dream through your own powers
Don't expect to finish all social links in one playthrough without using a guide.
>In terms of chapters yes, but P3P removes or replaces a lot of stuff from the original, not to mention it does have some errors not present in FES.
>FES is a much more complete experience.
Like what?
I thought about playing P3P because handhelds are comfy
Best party members in P3P? Started it last year, but got side tracked with work about 7 hours in, so I'm going to start a fresh save. I had Junpei and Yukari as my teammates, and I was steamrolling everything up to the second full moon.
What cheats are you using fag
i'm level 47 and made the mistake of saving like a day before the full moon so i only have one night to grind and no opportunity to go to the store and buy mirrors and shit. my most powerful persona seems to be succubus
This game gave me Stockholm Syndrome, quit the game before it's too late!
On a serious note the game warms up around 20 hours in and the plot bombs start falling around 40 hours...this game has the worst pacing I've ever seen in a game.
the widescreen ones from the PCSX2 forum
If you get to 48 you can fuse Titania at least, she learns Magarula at 49 and it's pretty good against the hanged man because the statues can't absorb wind. I was a little over 50 so I had access to Atropos, Daisoujou and Thor who are all pretty good against the hanged man.
Did it ever occur to anyone else how fucking huge the doors to the dorm rooms are?
Don't worry about fucking up when it comes to fusion. You can really just try out anything you like. You'll easily get more Personas through Shuffle time so you'll never really run out, and if you fuse away a Persona you like, you can get it back through the Compendium.
It was an american embassy before.
that's just in case they ever recruit a giantess
Bullshit, if you go to the giant clock entrance it will have the highest floor you got to before leaving.
Check if you don't believe me.
P3P has typos and some untranslated parts.
It also loses all atmosphere because it gets rid of 3D models outside of Tartarus.
Hm, sorry user, I can't seem to find anything to help.
Check the PCSX2 Forums or try doing it from the start, that's sadly all the advice I can give.
P3P removes walking around outside of dungeons. You just choose where to go with a menu. In that way, it's more like a visual novel.
Being able to control your party members is nicer for some people, but the game isn't balanced for it, so it makes the game too easy. Personally, I liked the different experience that comes with not having direct control.
FES has the Answer epilogue. It's not great, but some people want the extra bit of story.
P3P has the FeMC route, which is fun as a second playthrough. It's nice to have social links with your male party members, but it does sort of ruin some things, like Operation Babe Hunt, and the relationship with Aigis. You also miss out on the male Hermit SLink.
You still have to grind a bit for Uzume though.
I was like level 15 when I got to Matador. Uzume is level 18.
okay thank you. i will try to grind up high enough without dying
no worries, appreciate you looking though!
It is odd though as I appear to be doing everything right.
Yeah, that sucks.
Hope you find a solution soon.
Yeah, might as well go for the prettiest version possible since I've got the hardware for it anyway. Thanks anons!
Make your way in fusing pyrojack. Best persona until midgame.
No problem, enjoy your game
Did you manually set the resolution or is it automatically doing it? Did you put the widescreen hacks in the right folder and enable them?
That stopped me for awhile too, but honestly i wouldnt worry too much about the social links. Just enjoy the game senpai
is black frost in this game
He is.
Oh lel well I have been wasting my time with the Missing Ones with going back down and then coming back up from the last tele
>tfw 80 hours in
Hate the fact that I'm on vacation because I don't get to see my school friends
What is this game doing to me
I would just head to the south west are past the rainbow bridge and fight babd catha for ez money
If you're brand new, you're never going to get every social link down without a guide, so my recommendation would just be to focus on one or two links at a time.
Courage > Charm > Academics in that order
Don't mind me, just being the best version of Mass Destruction
Yes I know it's the movie version, it's still amazing
why is he so good
>2 sundays left before the end of the game
>2 social links left with dying young man
>agreed to meet with fucking Keisuke without thinking
I'll never know how that fucking hippopotamus story ended
Fuck you Keisuke, your dad is right about you being a little bitch
Minato's figure underneath the sheets makes him look like he is nine feet tall, too
I don't think the character modeller and the environment modeller got to talk to each other during the development process