Is looks or stats more important to you when choosing armor in vidya?

Is looks or stats more important to you when choosing armor in vidya?

For me it depends on the difference between the stats and how much I like the looks of the armor.

For example: If shitty helm gives 10 defense and cool looking helm gives 9 I will put on the cool one and take a 1 point loss.

If shitty helm gives 35 and the one I am wearing gives 14 I will switch despite not caring for its looks.

Style is all that matters. You can always get different stats. There's no point in defeating people if you don't look good while doing it.


>can't disable helm
>go without a helm
>game is usually improved 100 fold

Depends on whether the armor matters or not.

DaS1: poise works, armor is upgradable
DaS3: poise disabled, armor not upgradable and has all resistances scaled down so even full Havel's can't resist more than 10% of incoming damage

DaS3 is for Fashion Souls.

You make up for your lost stats with raw skill.

>playing witcher 3
>all armor looks like ass
>finally craft a long red coat with armor on shoulders that looks badass
>Never equip anything with higher defense
>Die a lot more but totally worth it

Wrong pic oops

if i'm having a hard time i might switch to something better

Xenoblade X had cosmetic slots so you could wear whatever you thought looked best while also wearing whatever had the best stats.

Why don't all games do this?

> used to care about armor
> now care about fashion
I wish they could look nice and also not be shit

>tfw wearing white shirt through the entire game

Felt good man, got 1 shot from bosses sometimes but it was worth it.

DaS3 has slightly improved their poise game since the patch ~3 months ago. At a certain treshhold you can withstand certain hits. When I'm rocking Alva's or heavier shit I won't get 2-hit by r1's from shit like certain greatswords, axes or anything smaller. Still waiting for FROM to make bow builds viable tho

I'm an artfag but when I play I want stats. And I dont like 'glamor' systems either because you should wear your hard earned gear.

When I want style I put it on in town.

this one is shit too
the only armors worth to use in witcher 3 are the witcher school ones
they have both good stats and good looks

because you should choose between looks and stats faget


Not bad

>mfw I found godlike lvl ~30 witch hunter in the skellige ocean
Eredin didnt have shit on my fashion, or my HP buff

stupid looking pants

Fashion over all else



To some extent. I've played through whole of DaS as a shirtless flipping 2kat nignog last time. I only equip specific armor/shields on some bullshit bosses/enemies to counter their elemental attacks.

unless there's a set i really like usually im fine with looking like a retard

>multiplayer game
>only stats matter
>I don't want to lose ever

>singleplayer game
>stats and style are important.

If it's single player, do a mix, but ultimately i'm going for looks

If multiplayer, and other people are relying on me not being a shitter, then I suck it up and go for stats.

People who are good at the game have the luxury of going style over stats. People who suck can use top stats as a crutch.

If we're talking about Dark Souls then armor stats have never mattered. For other games it depends on how drastic the stat increases are and how silly the armor looks.

>If we're talking about Dark Souls then armor stats have never mattered.
Except poise
Poise fucking mattered. Especially in DaS1.

Stats almost always, unless the better gear looks so bad it's distracting.

I remember keeping Robes of Arugal equipped on my Holy Priest a dozen levels longer than I should have because all the replacements I found were ugly vests.

Maybe, but I never bothered with it because I never put a lot of points in vitality, so poise just got me killed.

I actually kind of miss poise. It made Heavy armor seem viable.

Then I remember poise-backstabs.

Oh fuck you lad, that armor is 9/10

Looks 100%

The witch hunter armor always looked silly to me, didn't help the only people who wear it are massive cunts


Looks, definitely. whenever I play a game I will sacrifice stats for fashion.

Always stats. fashion gamer as proles, ever wondered why millionares wear normal clothing?

Poise was a shitty mechanic, real life medieval armor were not built to take hits.

when was the last time you saw some dude in 300 pound armor rolling around with a 6 foot sword

shut the fuck up

If a game makes me choose between looks and stats then it's a bad game. Every game should let you show cosmetics over your actual stat gear.

Looks are more important to me as long as I'm not totally crippled for it by the game, and when I am I start to not like the game because my waifu looks like shit.

This is why games that offer "optional cosmetics" are cancer, because looks do matter and it usually leads to the developers making "free" armors look like shit.

Wore this full time in DS3 purely because it looked cool, even accepted the minor disability of using less defensive armor and dying on bosses when I might of survived otherwise.

Hey, you have great taste in buffs too