When will the current fascination with open world games that have nothing to do in them die out? When will we have our glorious return to linear games with solid mechanics and engaging storylines?
When will the current fascination with open world games that have nothing to do in them die out...
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Hang yourself, Barneyfag
literally fucking die
fucking die
God I hope this happens soon. I always hated open world shit. I want it to be obvious where I have to go with perhaps only a few forks in the road. This way, you can have the best experience, have a nicely paced story and see all the content of the game.
No, stupid fetch quests and finding collectables on a giant map is not fun. Assassin's Creed is the worst example of this.
kill these degenerates
I hate them all
You dumbasses shouldn't have dignified him with a response.
I really hate them all
Fucking kill them
>using 2013 screen shot on 2017
step your game Barney-fag
Hey, it's hard to find more when people are shilling all the time.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet? The ponies won.
This dude would still get laid 10x easier than anyone here.
Have managed to post pony related material and barney fag never caught on to it.
>Hey, it's hard to find more when people are shilling all the time.
more like nobody cares about MLP anymore, in fact as you always post on threads with any subtle refference to MLP, you can be considered a shill for MLP, like you don't want it to be forgoten.
Get killed you fucking degenerate
Stop shilling your shitty toddlers' show
barney-fag is a false flagger, he IS the one who post the pony related images and then reply to himself. He has been caught a lot of times for his incompetence.
Hey, I'm just pointing it out to the mods so they know which posts to delete.
I don't want it to be forgotten. Rainbow Dash is my motherfucking waifu.
Literally never the case, you'll just believe what you want to believe because Sup Forums is a bunch of closet bronies who want to slander my name.
A few years, we're just now getting out of brown n bloom shooters and that shit started in the early 2000s
Don't lie, Lee.
Not anytime soon because there's still enough good open-world games to make everyone see potential in the genre, also it's really easy to sell a game if it's massive and lets you do LITERALLY ANYTHING!!!
>post in literally every MLP thread on Sup Forums
no Barney-fag you are the closet bronie, I'm pretty sure you jerk off to ponies when nobody is looking around.
That was ONE thread, and I didn't even make that thread. That thread in particular had a screenshot from an MLP episode as the OP image and it stayed up longer than usual, and hotpockets were continually temp blocking me when I tried posting normally, so I wanted to see if they were biased or if they reacted differently to other images. Turns out they WERE biased against me.
I haven't done that again since.
Not really, I'm just helping mods do their jobs.
And what's with all these open-world survival games on PC, why are there so many of them?
If the mods were doing their jobs they'd have lobbied to have this dumbfuck rule repealed so they could focus on shit that actually matters.
Thera are at least 3 active threads with pony-related images in Sup Forums right now, and you aren't in a ny of these, why? because you're a false-flagger-barney-pony-faggot.
You clearly don't know how the mods act.
No, I just have an RSS feed of the threads' OP images.
But ponyfags ban evade the same way you do.
If you truly want to help you should tell how you ban evade so Hiroshimoot can make sure ponyposters can't just post again in a couple minutes.
But you won't do that, because then all of your rule breaking.
So stop pretending that you're anything but a retarded loser who gets triggered by a children's cartoon despite the fact that you watch other children's cartoons and lack the cognitive capabilities to understand how you're more autistic than every single person who has ever even heard of mlp.
>tfw remembering the good ol days
I want to go back.
Back when I didn't have any depression, I didn't have any responsibility and friendship truly was magic.
Also, what made you think I had to be the only who calls this shit out?
>I'm just helping mods do their jobs
a vidya thread doesn't deserve to get deleted just because OP picture is pony-related
especially when no one except ponyfags and yourself even know that it's pony-related
you are the one shitting up the board
>a vidya thread doesn't deserve to get deleted just because OP picture is pony-related
Yes it does, autist. Try saying that to the mods.
>no one except ponyfags and yourself even know that it's pony-related
Literally anyone can just use Google Image Search on OP's image and know right away.