What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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lets see if mods can do their job and 404 this before Sup Forums eats it up and starts replying

too late

They don't love video games.
They simply realized that they could make money using their E-Fame by playing video games.

Arin also actually tricked himself into thinking he knew shit about video games after his two Sequelitis Videos, when he was simply aping off shit other people had said.

Sad, so very sad. Almost as sad as the posters on Sup Forums who get triggered by celebrities because it somehow hurts their heart

kicked out Jon, severed all ties with him because of drama
they only collaborated again because Disney threw a retarded amount of money at both of them to promote Star Wars together.
They pretended like nothing was wrong for a whole day and then went back to not talking to each other.
it's been 4 years and neither of them want to be friends again.

I think being a jobless NEET on Sup Forums is a bit more sad than someone earning six figures playing video games

That's why I said "almost" as sad. Still not as sad as thinking you were born the wrong gender.

Most people will say the Danny era.

I would say a year after the Danny era.

>mostly jew jokes
>arin girl voices
>weed stories
>stale editing
>steam train
>fucking suzy also appeared for some reason.

He is so out of shape and miserable now. I dare say youtube and video games ruined that mans life.

So Sup Forums, what is YOUR Game Grumps Jon theory?


>jon and arin gg funny little sideproject for shits and giggles
>dan and arin. the series is now a job. it has become a monotonous, unoriginal let's play series filled with forced humor and laughter

the pancakes one

Can someone explain me what happened?

them adding that fucking goose to the show

Is he right Sup Forums?

This, the passion is gone.

I remember reading about how around the same time they moved their production into an studio, they moved all of Arin's hundreds of dollars worth of consoles and games into the studio as well because having them in his basement was a depressing reminder of his "job" that he didn't want around at home.

For me that was the moment that all pretense of this being a fun show where two guys went over to each other's houses and shot the shit over vidya ceased to exist, and it became a sterilized production.

One of them completely lost it during the finale of Sonic 06 and took a shit on the xbox 360, that's why they have never released that episode.


>they finally got rid of the side shows

mods enjoy GG threads, therefore rules don't apply to them

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

This is false because they were playing on a PS3

>who cares
he does, clearly

his presentation of his point is a little shit but his core point is still true

Canadian Best Friends currently going through the same struggles as well.

Fuck, even PewDiePie was.

It's depressing folks.

The struggle is real.

The way Arin styles his hair makes him look like a douche.

he doesnt care she's gay, he cares that people had a problem with it, forcing him to care.

Arin can't play games

HAHAHAHAHAHAH cuck my shit up sempai

That's bullshit


Sometimes I watch this.

Look at their eyes.


You can see them having so much fun.

Now watch the later ones.


Smile and Optimism: Gone.

It doesn't help that the fanbase has been picked up by furries either. Pic related.

all the big video game youtubers are getting sick of their jobs
LPs are dying on youtube
glad twich showed up in recent years to take that on because youtube sure as fuck doesn't care anymore, they just go where the trends take them

Honestly I think Sonic 06 was a time where Arin should have hanged this shit up. By that point it was obvious the only people being entertained were literal kids

Arin went a bit sjw, especially around the elections. I remember him doing the whole white privilege meme

I don't understand why people are upset about Tracer being gay when 99% of her porn is her worshiping Widowmaker's ass. What if Tracer being gay was meant to cater to these people?

It's finally happening. Videogames are falling out of fashion.

I can have my hobby back in the next decade I hope.

Fuck all of you get out.


He's a genuinely good guy, but he is bad at management. He thought just adding more people would fix the direction of the channel but instead it divided the game grumps brand. They're trying too hard to be rooster teeth at this point. As far as the actual show goes, Him and Danny have great chemistry, but it is exhausted. You can tell why they got rid of the middle slot, its not because they're "working on other stuff" any more than they used to, they're giving themselves breathing room. The solo episodes are also a clear indication of this. They flew too close to the sun and have peaked.

Jon saw this coming, which is why he put 100% of his effort into Jontron and has paid off, not sure if its true but Jon supposedly is making way more money than the grumps


It's pandering. He's not really like that.

If you watch the Uncharted 4 play through with Chris they make fun of SJWs throughout the let's play.

>he wrote love letters to her every day for a year while she was dating another dude
>tfw this is the only girl he ever fucked

>tfw it reminds me of my own cringey antics trying to get a girl back, the only difference being that I never even fucked her or any girl at all

>he guys, we can only play 20 minutes of video games a day now
>we promise we're doing it because some other big projects, like me playing by myself!

But it isn't, since Widowmaker doesn't aggressively tease Tracer.

My nigga. Personally I'd prefer these 'normal' fucks be exterminated/gased/other horrible things they deserve, but them getting the fuck out to never return is fine also.


Jon is making way more money than grumps because he sells out super fucking hard.
He doesn't make a video now unless it's sponsored, did you fucking see that farcry primal shit show?
Jon is a sellout even more than Arin.
I wish he'd just go back to doing weird videogame content

>26K people liked this
8 years of Trump, please.


>but Jon supposedly is making way more money than the grumps
That's not surprising, considering Jon has always been a whore for advertisers. I like him more than Arin, but the guy is still largely motivated by money. Hell, he pokes fun at his fans all the time for abandoning the low-key videos for these insanely expensive productions of his, since they call him out on it all the time (as well as how much he shills his sponsors).

Nobody who's big into LPs and such sincerely care about gaming anymore. They all eventually move on to other things, which is part of the reason LPs aren't going to completely die out; the big names will come and go and their audiences will have to find someone new.

You're right
>Pewdiepie is giving up gaming for his channel to make it more mainstream
>Liam and Matt left the Zaibatsu
>GG dropping their middle slot
>Jontron's channel is 100% movies/tv shows now

The e-celeb shit will finally leave Sup Forums

>The e-celeb shit will finally leave Sup Forums

>Giant Bomb
>Ez Allies

good luck getting rid of that cancer

>Dan left

Always nice to remember I'm neither Anthony Burch or Egocucked.

for good?

>Jontron's channel is 100% movies/tv shows now

It's also 100% suck too.

The guy looks like he's doing all of his reviews at gunpoint. His skits aren't as bad as Spoony's Dr. Insano, but they're still fucking horrible. Should give up being an entertainer. Sad!

he's """""sick"""""

[no commentary] when?

nah but he may as well have
>no middle slot for steam train
>just arin, so still no dan
>the only thing hes in is pokemon now which if you listen to there comments was recorded before fucking christmas

is it really so hard to record 2hrs of a show that it needs to be done 1-2 months in advance now?

I quite liked his newest one.

Thank fuck.

>tfw enjoyed this channel for the first year since it coupled one of my favorite animators with one of my favorite youtube gamers
>tfw Ego lost his creative drive and will never make anything good again while Jon's video quality has been slipping over the years
It's just sad seeing two guys who clearly had some passion for their work and had fun with vidya now losing their way.

you can agree with core principals but shit on the community. fuck, i think all religion is a sham but ill be fucked if the core values (commandments, tenets, rules, etc) arent in good faith. most at least

His ""skits"" are cutaway gags mostly based on props that he bought with his advertiser budget. Its not even jokes anymore, its just visual "humor" combined with him yelling in a weird voice

The endgame for Youtube now is Vlogging or cashing in on fads since videogames these days are fucking garbage in more ways than one.
Videogames are still viable, but your endgame will always be vlogs. Just look at fucking PewDiePie.


If egoraptor went back to animating, and jontron stopped trying to create tumblr reaction images, they'd be so much better off.


That Allah episode was lit.

My churches will be on fire.

>theyre together
>break up
>he misses her and she finds some other dude
>they get back together
its hardly cucking but i can see how youd think that

You either get hired by a large media conglomerate and become a faceless cog in the machine or have your channel live long enough for everyone to see your passion get slowly suffocated as you churn out the same content day after day to put bread on the table.

Its because they're entertainers at heart. No one WATCHES someone playing video games.

They watch entertainers that happen to be playing video games.

>boogie is still relevant

I've moved on to other channels and keep gaming related stuff to myself. I find it much more enjoyable, user. Just let them go.

>actually having pure fun in the beginning
>all the years of building the company have turned arin & (whichever co-host he has on) into stressed guys doing their job instead of gayman
>they are now actual game grumps
it took them this long to achieve that

Fans ruined it.

Seriously go look at the gamegrumps subreddit and even some of the more pathetic people on Sup Forums.

People think these clowns are their friends and as such they think they owe them something more than entertainment.

it's pathetic and sad.

its funny as cringy as it sounds its right. if not 'enlighten' me

>fucking suzy
that bitch is what went wrong



Game Grumps hasn't been good since Jon Tron left.

Yeah you can go ahead and say it was never good, but at least back then it was genuine. It was just Jon Tron and Egoraptor shooting the shit and having fun. Now it's Arin and his employees doing their job. It's not about fun anymore-- Arin saw the chance Game Grumps into a product and a brand and all he really cared about from that point was promoting and monetizing it.

Also, Jon was the co-founder of the show, but when Arin decided to make a business out of it he didn't want Jon to be his business partner and cut him out. He wanted to be the boss and didn't want to give Jon half.

it's still funny on occasion, but arin has gotten increasingly annoying, the humor is stale and samey

i was hoping maybe chrono trigger would be an exception but he brought the godawful girl voices there too

>because of drama
What happened?

Is Jontron even still made by Jon? Like does he still play the games, do the research, write the jokes anymore? Feels like he has a nickelodeon-tier cast of producers who write his episodes and hes just the face of it all. Imagine being an intern, thinking you can work with Jon, but you end up playing shitty NES games looking for shit that could be turned into gags and getting 0 credit for it

Dan is much funnier than Jon.

>It's a "Dan has actual life experiences that Arin can't relate to because he never tried drugs, never graduated high school, and has never ventured outside of his one-itis for Suzy"-episode

Oh wait, that's every episode for the last 4 years.

Come on man you gotta admit that Dan's a pretty funny dude with some great stories to tell. The only thing is that Dan's way too passive to get into any kind of heated discussion with Arin whereas Jon was willing to argue.

There wasn't any drama.
Jon left because he wanted to produce more content for his channel.

They're all of whats left.

thank god

>There wasn't any drama.
uh huh

Mods are busy jerking off to the Sup Forums thread

>never tried drugs
that's something to be proud of honestly

The thing is that he's an employee and Arin does not see him as his equal. Jon was not an employee-- he was the other grump and the other half of the show. That is probably part of why Arin decided to cut him out once the money started coming in.

Dan doesn't play enough games
He should have been the one to play OoT

I bet you also believe that Jon's parents were abusive.

not the extent that people think (Jon fucking Suzy)

But it's pretty clear that Jon wasn't cool with the direction the channel was going. Arin wanted a business and more commitment and Jon wanted his own channel to be his primary thing

>that's something to be proud of honestly

>confirmed NDA
>no drama

I don't think it's as bad as some people say, but something must have happened.

Jon hit Suzy. She made a reddit post about it but it was insta-deleted. Still have the screencap, of course.

>Arin wanted a business and more commitment and Jon wanted his own channel to be his primary thing
That's probably more likely.
You also have to consider that Jon's content (live-action reviews) is easier to make than Arin's content (animation).

>Still have the screencap, of course.
Post it then, mango.

wanna post that friend?

Or content to just talk out your ass?