HD Rumble

So will this be good or a complete gimmick never used outside of gimmick games?

Other urls found in this thread:

ifixit.com/Teardown/Steam Controller Teardown/52578

It sounds very neat, but I can't think of many uses.
Maybe puzzles/minigames in a Uncharted/Tomb Raider like game, feedback on a Punch Out game or sanity effects on Eternal Darkness.

What else is there to use it for?

I like the idea of a more precise rumble, but I can't help but feel like they're overselling it.

Patents have shown that the switch can be put into a headset and used for VR. I bet it'll be for VR games they've got planned - picking up a cup and feel water in it, etc.

In the 20 or so years rumble has been around. Only maybe half a dozen games used it in unique ways. Companies like rumble because they can charge ten dollars more for their controller.

While that's true, nintendo tends to put in features because they've got specific games/ideas in mind. They're usually dumb gimmicks and 3rd parties never know what to do with them, but they always have *some* use they wanted it for.

Apparently in ARMS you can feel the sensation of your fists extending when you throw punches.

Like the AR feature of the 3ds, and the camera on the Wii U.

>Only maybe half a dozen games used it in unique ways
Really curious, which games uses rumble well?

If the Wii's NMH are anything to go by, I think Suda will find some cool uses for that

>tfw you put your PS2 controller on your dick made the rumble run until you came


it only works on motion control games, so it is conpletely useless to people who dont want to play party game shit.

will it make me feel a girls hand?

Whats HD rumble?

>not just shoving a wiimote in your ass

It's rumble at 1080p.

One user claiming he went to the switch event said that 1-2-Switch had a mini-game where you had to guess the amount of marbles in a virtual container by moving the joycon around, and he was able to guess right 3 out of 3 times. take that as you will

I still don't understand what "hd rumble" even means

What game? I think Star Wars battlefront 2 could let you rumble but then it turns off

The only HD thing on the switch

exactly what is sounds like. More clarified.

i guess you bought the warioware shove it up your own ass game.



well, in 1, 2 Switch, there is a safe lock-picking game, were the vibrations tell you, if it is open, or not...

Nintendos new feature where they can make it feel like you're really jerking a guy-I mean, really milking a cow :^)

>hook wiimote up to dolphin
>leave the rumble test on
>cum buckets

when you put the 'ice cubes' in your butt

Nintendo wants the soccer mom market, making a next gen vibrator was the obvious step forward.

Are there any games that you'd suggest trying for this. I used to use the GameCube controller but it never got me to that point.


more refined haptic feedback rather than just a rumble turning on or off

How many ice cubes? 1,2, or 3?

If you stick it in your butt, it's probably got some great vibrations

It'll be used in the exact same way as rumble and controller audio
Nothing much but not anything particularly bad either

You can always spot a triggered nintendrone when they act like this.

the only "new" HD thing

Saw it on a news site too

Just buy a vibrator or 'massager' and put that on ya dick

>normalfag "hilarious random humor" wii game is the reason the controllers cost so much

Never tried it before, but I'd imagine any Tony Hawk game with infinite grind cheat + grinding in an endless circle would keep it rumbling for ever.

Or a triggered sonyfag.

How do you know it's not a false flag?


but user, it's too square.

its going to be a jrpg machine, and crono cross isn't the same without rumble

i am ready to try it

It's going to be the Wii/WiiU/DS/3DS all over again.
Some stupid gimmick that gets used for shovelware. It will sometimes be forced into actual games as well, but always been an annoying shoe horn that would be better left out.

Rather than just one soft and one hard rumble, it's more precise with more motors.

Do you think you could use it to count how many rounds are left in your gun?

Unironically thought this was one of the cooler bits of technology they showed but at the same time I understand it's use in most games is limited, you'll likely just see more intense versions of current rumble applications like shooting. Still there could be really cool stuff. Infamous second son had a cool spray paint can mechanic where you could shake the controller and actually hear the can rattling. Imagine feeling that but really feeling it, or greater tension when controlling a vehicle, even giving a unique feeling to magic casting in games

anything is a dildo if you're brave enough
in this case, a vibrator

You'd have to have a very shitty gun for you to be able to feel the bullets rattling around in it.

>here's your water bro


Using bow and arrow in LoZ would be cool


>Joycons on each side of the dick
>HD rumble gives unique sensations from each side

A new frontier!

When are we going to have variable weight controllers, so you can feel how heavy things are?

>invincibility cheat
>stand in front of enemies
>place controller against asshole

post the dick edit

>this is a real thing that people will pay $300 + $80 + $60 + tax for
I really don't want to live on this planet anymore

One on dick and one on ass would be the intelligent man's choice


it's to basic rumble what the Vive is to the Virtual boy

I can only see it in putting bullets into a magazine, and reloading a shotgun-sort of feel.

Let's think even deeper.

Multiplayer game where you have to use rumble features to get the other player to cum first detected with the IR camera.

This sounds like a pain to develop for so it's most likely gonna be used by first party titles.

I'm not sure how this is different from what's in the Vive or Steam controllers. It's probably not, and therefore kind of sad they think this is a selling point.

so that's were the name comes from

Could you masturbate remotely with that?
Is it accurate enough?

the dark souls of rumble

But will they allow us to feel how heavy our feels are?

That's actually a good idea

Not possible. Where would the downward force come from? Gravity? Where do you get the mass? Magnets? Don't work over a long enough distance.

720p is HD.
Delet this.

Nintendo is definitely way overhyping it but it's not useless, like motion control. Better rumble isn't a bad thing to have in games.

I'll laugh when Skyrim SE can't even run at 720p on the Switch and has to upscale from 600p or some lower resolution

>implying anyone knows what's in the steam controller

>definitely way overhyping
Spending a few seconds to say it feels like ice in a glass?

Steam controllers don't have true rumble.
It might be similar to the Vive controllers, and those are at least $100 each.

Pressurized gas canisters in the controller with jets on all sides.

This is why the switch is 300 instead of 250

Can someone overlay this guy chomping furiously over the guitar hero fire and flames track playing?

ifixit.com/Teardown/Steam Controller Teardown/52578

Not a big enough force
Plus your hands would block them

This is HD rumble my friend. You can simulate the feeling of a cock thrusting in and out of your anus without even moving the object

Wouldn't this fuck up your teeth?

I'm actually really excited going by the impressions people took away from it. A bunch of games need to implement it somehow, because it seems to actually work a damn, wouldn't be intrusive since its basically rumble, and its probably whats causing joycons to be so expensive.

There wws a game on wii that did stuff with rumble, like you could pick up a can and rattle it with the wii mote to see if something was inside

Its a cool update to something thats been around for ages

I have a vive and I'm thinking it's this. It does some neat things like when you set your chaperone bounds, it feels like you're pulling on a rope. You can feel things slide and tug, sort of. It's nice, I like it.

Price for vive controllers are 130$ each, which, if its similar technology, I can see why the joy-cons are 80$ for two.

You're missing the point
Nintendo can tour this as new and unique because nobody knows what's on the steam controller and will ignore or never see this because it was so niche and unsuccessful

It will probably be forgotten about outside of the occasional minigame collection.

Does anybody else remember how super mario 64 DS used the two DS speakers to simulate surround sound, and even had levels where you could find stars by hearing where they were? And then no game after that took advantage of it

I wonder if this was the feature Taka was talking about

Besides this gimmick concept game what other uses could this actually have?

The WiiU gamepad has more obvious potential in it that this shit, I can't see any dev using it except for shovelware designed around it.

Much like the vitas rear touchpad and the kinect

tout I meant


Is Koizumi some kind of wizard?

What other console has it? None of them.
The Vive and Steam controllers are different markets.
Even so, Nintendo never said that this was unique to the Switch.

Lots of games on the DS used 3D sound. Probably all of the games that were in 3D.


Its the equivalent for the pressure-sensitive buttons from PS2.
I mean, did anybody here know that PS2 had pressure sensitive buttons?