>When Rean finally after 100+ gamehours understands that his friends like him, he learns to fully control the DARKNESS in his heart
>he can now transform into a controlled version of DARK REAN, the terror that has plagued him since he accidentally killed a mountain monkey
>in this form he is powerful enough to solo through 6 (SIX) Enforcer tier enemies, when earlier the entire party could barely defeat one
Defend this, Falcomfags.
When Rean finally after 100+ gamehours understands that his friends like him...
Other urls found in this thread:
Dark Rean is the single dumbest thing to ever happen in the kiseki universe.
Mc Dark Flame Master has to be the most shamelessly unapologetically anime thing in the universe.
>in this form he is powerful enough to solo through 6 (SIX) Enforcer tier enemies, when earlier the entire party could barely defeat one
Funny thing is that in the lastest dungeons Rean couldnt actually defeat them even with his teamates that they reveal their true strenght and other characters came to help you every boss in that dungeon as opossite of previous entries were mc wasnt the most powerful team member and the whole party of 5-6 characters actually defeat them.
then again he didn't really defeat them, just ran through and caught them offguard
Cold Steel post high school borefest constantly bounces between awesome as hell and super cringy.
>implying Estelle was anywhere near powerful enough to do shit without everyone else carrying her
>reading comprehension
>Estelle is mid to low tier in her group
>Lloydo-kun is literally just a cop
>Rean is a dark demon katanamaster mecha pilot FAR more powerful as the rest of his team together
Is it the influence of popular power fantasy LNs?
Which Trails protagonist has been through the most bullshit?
And I mean like, the most mentally taxing shit where you have to wonder how they don't go insane.
>Since he accidentally killed a mountain monkey
I've never even played this game but what the fuck?
>implying she's not gonna be the protagonist 2 games from now on
>implying she's not insane
Last night in a CS thread someone mentioned Quartz combos and gave the quartz needed for the Warrior set (Attack 2, Action 2, and Shield Breaker)
I have all 3 on Laura but there is no notification that I unlocked a set. Am I doing something wrong?
he apparently butchered it to hell and he was like 8 at the time and Elise saw the whole thing
>those are the same people who complained about the party needing help in the first two games
A monkey scared his sister and he got so mad he turned into a demon and killed it
The game likes to keep reminding you about this event that occurred during Rean's past when he was a kid. They often times show it as a slideshow and make it look more gruesome than what it actually is. It implies that Rean went berserk and used some literal orc rage deep inside of him to rip apart a mysterious creature to protect his little sister. But it's not even a big fucking deal, it was literally a normal wild animal. And then he spends the rest of his life worried about this stupid fucking power and the possibility of him hurting people he loves with it.
It just comes across as really fucking stupid and overly reliant on anime cliches. But not as cliche as all the major adult characters and Ouroboros members who all seem to be living combat gods who can not only fight off a fucking army if they wanted, but can also resolve any situation and effortlessly teleport by FUCKING WILL alone.
Cold Steel is my first introduction to the Legend of Heroes series and I'm loving the fuck out of the second game right now, but there's just so much bullshit going on with a lot of these characters. It actually amazes me how there's normal people like Estelle in this crazy fucking universe. Seriously don't even get me started on McBurn, this is ridiculous.
Probably Joshua, if we're talking protags only. Well, he's a deuteragonist but close enough.
Unless he was exaggerating, he's got closer to a 1000 confirms kills, and a hefty chunk being innocents due to collateral damage.
dude, you could, you know, just hold back
Pretty much. Like, Rean just has layers and layers of LN power fantasy written onto him.
>Practitioner of the sword style used by the most powerful characters in previous games
>Has a hidden DARK MODE that turns his hair white
>Becomes the pilot of one of the legendary Divine Knights
>Secretly the son of the mastermind ruling the country
>Girls wet themselves just from interacting with him
I miss Estelle. I know Lloyd is also a harem protagonist role, but is he as bad as Rean?
Rean will be the final boss of kiseki
Rean is a fag. How many longer do we have to wait until KEVIN'S GAME is localized?
>hmph, I was just holding back
>whatever, I'll let you go... For now
Every Ouroboros encounter ever.
Neo-Falcom was a mistake.
I'd be slightly more okay with it if he had accidentally hurt his sister, or that she was actually terrified of him or something. But it isn't even that. He literally saved his sister from complete harm, and her only personality is wanting to suck his dick. There really is no reason for him to angst over it so fucking much.
>yfw when rean turns out to be illegitimate lovechild of iron chancellor and grandmaster of ouroboros.
Rean should learn from this edgemaster
TitS crew beat their Ouroboros encounters straight up. Aside from maybe Loewe, who Joshua just had to beat emotionally.
I do like how Rean gets completely shit on by the end of CS2, as opposed to Lloyd and Estelle who got their shit together and saved everyone.
>fails to save his respective person
>friends treat him with awkwardness/hostility
>friends all leave him behind
>strongarmed into being a nationalist symbol
>fights against people he respects and admires
What did he meme by this?
>your dad will never mass produce lolis for you
why even live?
Only at the end. Before that, they got "hmph... I'll let you live for now"d or "my work here is done"d a couple times by every enforcer.
Crow was a stupid whiny bitch who did everything wrong, though.
Crow wasn't that whiny, he was surprisingly chill about his emoness.
>all of them except Rean leave Thors after just one year
Did I miss something?
That whole Crow thing was stupid. They talk all game about "bringing him back", but would anything really await him aside from execution or life imprisonment?
Rean missed school when he was helping to finish the annexation of Crossbell.
Yes, but weren't they supposed to be there for two years?
Rean angsts way too much over the dumbest shit. Felt like the first half of CS2 was him learning to overcome the same thing over and over again.
>wait... My friends actually like and respect me back? It's not onesided? Holy fuck I've been so blind!
I was confused by this also. Did class VII get special early graduation privileges?
I imagine that unlike Rean, Crow's whining happened behind the scenes
>Oh no my grandfather has died of natural causes
>Osborne must be to blame for this
>Farewell, hometown that is now much more prosperous, I am off to seek my revenge and make shitty card games, in no particular order
>Oh okay cool this lewd woman calling herself a witch says she can help me get more powerful
>Wow I went with her and got a giant robo, if I'm ever friends with a faggot later I will tell him I totally got this by myself
>Okay cool I finally shot Osborne
>Guess I'll go back to these nobles I really shouldn't give a shit about, oh cool they shot my friend's dad and burned this other town peace will come any second now
>Now to continue fighting for the nobles who want to perform a ritualistic blood sacrifice to summon an apocalyptic figure from this nation's past, I'm sure this will finally usher in the peace I say that I want
For a game about civil war, there's surprisingly little war going on.
I guess that's why it's called CIVIL war, huh?
I also love the fact when rean asks about his pasts, he straight out says it's dumb. And it was. It was so incredibly retarded motivation, that I hoped he would drop dead. And hey, it was my only wish that came true!
Who ever drew that i want you to know that i hate you and you should break your drawing hand. Then cut it off and send it to me in a box with an plea for your continued existence.
How fucked is kiseki?
> went for real size 3D model
> shit
> went for political war game
> shit
> went for waifu harem system like persona
> shit
> 10 years not even reveal half of its story
> ruined
Yeah, civil war plot really only serves as excuse to recycle content and make players go through all the same places, that are 'totally' different from before, again. I fucking laughed out loud at whole town burning scene, because holy shit it was so goddamn dumb.
It's almost like Rean is a shitty Gary Stu that gets angsty for frivolous bullshit? Huh. Really gets your gears turning...
>The people you hang out with in Bareahard will grant you a special ending scene with them later in the game.
>mfw I walked past Alisa and went to go sword fight with Jusis and rest my head on Emma's lap instead
Okay can we have real talk for a moment, who the fuck actually hung out with Gaius, Elliot, and Machias? I didn't even use Millium that often, but if I had an extra bonding point, I just hung out with her or the instructor instead.
10 high school kids forming a third faction in war is stupid beyond belief too, but hey it's anime trash.
Machias is a bro. Emma a shit.
You're alright, don't go to the Noble lunch tomorrow
>main cast is extremely undeveloped even if you see all content in the game
>it gets even worse since a big chunk of it is locked behind dating sim events and you simply can't see all of them
Who the HELL thought this was a good idea?
I wouldn't even call any of the guys bros necessarily.
The only person in the group who comes off as a bro is fucking Laura for some reason.
I didn't say that I said that felt the other accomplished more being "weaker" or just normal characters and by that I meant not jobbing the last dungeon the final confrontation in the game againts the enforcers.
Kevin probably. I concider Estelle, Kevin, Lloyd and Rean the protagonist of their respective games.
>We want to appeal to a broader audience.
Start that NG+ pham
>tfw want to do Sharon, Claire and Sara events to learn about their past
>can't do it because the dating sim aspect makes them fall for Rean, ruining their characters
Ended up just doing dude events. Jusis and Toval were based.
Toval is the fucking GOAT bro. He even BTFO's Rean at the headpat game.
Just like Rean the Crowblower
>ywn be born in Erebonia and slay monster and pussy
I'd wed Vivi in a heartbeat.
If Im lucky I'd go for Alfin.
Lloyd started with a solid motivation like find more about his brother dead. He is the inteligent type who always figure out secrets yet Crossbell probably had a lot of betrayers to deal with them all at the same time. He also sometimes flirt with his waifus althought ankwardly.
He also spent half a year on prison I think until he escape with a former enemy who he sent there before, that was interesting to see.
Was talking about Class VII specifically, but yeah Toval beats them all. He's the dude I had Rean think about during the spa scene because I genuinely thought he was the most interesting character.
Gaius and Elliot are total bros. You never have to deal with any of their bullshit faggotry. Too bad they're completely irrelevant.
Can someone help explain the quartz situation in ?
>his jap VA is Sugita
Literally too based for this world.
But estelle's dad can literally solo armies while taking a morning coffee
Estelle's dad is a military veteran, Rean is high school kid.
TiTs crew had when they defeated the enforcers a A ranked taito master, 2 high ranked brancers, fucking mueler, an enforcer of their own and a motherfucking dominion (holding back). Can't compare that to a bunch of students.
Reminder that every game is blatant pro-Bracer propaganda. Bracers are no different from Jaeger.
>all the war happens at the other side of the country
>we're stuck organizing a high school meetup
>Bracers are no different from Jaeger.
Yeah remember when the bracer guild firebombed a town to get their job done, good times.
>2 high ranked bracers
I'll give you the other ones, but Agate and Schera are B-ranks ain't worth shit. But maybe you could also add Julia there as well.
how powerful is DARK REAN compared to TitS crew? That bullshit stunt he pulled on the noble airship, soloing bakaknight and Bleublanc was some serious asspullery.
Campanella wants to play with you, Gilbert.
You can't measure power levels effectively in this shitty series. Everyone is holding back. Dobully was holding back. Blueblanc was holding back. All you can do is take their word for it that Cassius, McBurn, and Victor are some of the more powerful characters and that's what you have to work with.
Schera is the one character that has the most distance between her plot power level and her gameplay power level because you get her so early in both games. She's supposed to be pretty damn good.
There's no formal quartz set stuff; that's just an FAQ writer highly exaggerating the benefits of not just slapping random-ass quartz on your characters
Really all that matters is:
1. DEF/ADF are trash because they won't let you tank one/two-hit-kills, and if you're not getting one/two-shotted, who cares
2. SPD is straight-forward and honest. If you increase your SPD by 10%, you're getting 10% more turns
3. Status effects are cute but pointless compared to AT DELAY vs. things that are vulnerable to both
4. Impede is broken as fuck since each one gives another roll on proccing AT DELAY
same shit from Shadow Hearts 3
so the guy telling me there was a bonus for equipping specific quatz is full of shit.
and I should focus on AT Delay in CS2 since I was a moron and used ailments in CS1
Add Arianrhod and maybe Loewe (was getting there but kicked the bucket before hitting his apex).
Depends on what difficulty you're playing. On Nightmare evasion tanking and delay spamming is alright. On normal or whatever it doesn't really matter since you'll be one-shotting shit with an S-Craft nuke. If something manages to survive one S-Craft you still have 3 more you can use, and also an Emma orbal arts nuke. And if for whatever reason you really suck and that still doesn't kill the boss, then you can use the lost arts that restores CP and spam S-Crafts again.
Lower than Joshua and Zane.
Erebonia was a goddamn mistake
Considering you can get away with "maybe apply +50% buffs, spam S-Crafts, maybe repeat with your reserve team" even on Nightmare, don't think too hard
>Sup Forums actually believed that a game series unironically called "Trails of Cold Steel" wouldn't end up as fanfiction tier garbage
Reminder that Cedric is going to be harassed by these two cute girls while he's at school
who are sisters
Altina will even head pat him on top of Claimah Solais just for extra embarrassment
Someone brought up something interesting to think about in an earlier thread.
Liberl is focused on bracers.
Crossbell was the police department.
Erebonia was a military academy.
Assuming the next one in the series takes place in Calvard, what kind of group could our protagonists be a part of?
I like it though.
>as if anyone with a big bang theory image has the right to call out fanfiction
Fake nerd please.
>Liberl is focused on bracers.
>Erebonia was military academies students being indoctrinated with bracer propaganda
I bet those filthy bracers were shitting all over Crossbell too.
Sewer workers.
They are some of the meanest assholes in all of Zemuria because of the constant, never ending fucking monsters in the shit all the time.
They don't get paid enough to put up with this crap but because Crossbell fucked the economy, they have no choice but to keep working and hope that things get better before the national bank forecloses on their mortgages.
Capitalism ho!
High school dojo.
Cast is male MC+ 9 girls in different martial arts uniforms. MC uses taito style and he's a prodigy, main heroine is a yamato nadeshiko samurai, but the most popular character is the quirky ninja loli.
Why are you even asking for help on normal? Why are you even playing on normal?
Fucking piece of shit, back in the day a Falcom game being in Nightmare meant something. Cold Steel was a fucking joke jesus christ. I think I got more of a challenge from battling out the retarded AI on Ni No Kuni than the entirety of Cold Steel 1&2
Damn I never thought about that, must be a shit job.
>Why are you even asking for help on normal?
I was asking for clarification on something I read last night in a CS thread
>Why are you even playing on normal?
I always play on normal