How did other consoles like the PS3 get recieved after being announced to the world...

How did other consoles like the PS3 get recieved after being announced to the world? Were the long lists of greentext saying why the 360 was going to be shit? Did sonyggers defend their company the same way nintendrones are doing right now?

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The ps4 is LITERALLY more expensive, but they made it "appear" cheaper by charging $60 a year online.

Youre retarded

You can argue that
>ps3 has no games
Are what literally started the downfall of Sup Forums. People seriously thought there would be no PS4 and it would be the end of sony. Ever since sony people started shitposting whenever they won something or did good and everyone else was already shitposting that sony is shit.

of course newfag

What is wrong with that? Almost everyone who buys one pays for the online (going by the most commonly played games being multiplayer)

PS3 was received way worse than the Switch. Yes, there were endless greentexts about the price.

"PS3 has no games" is still a meme.

People constantly made fun of "giant enemy crab"

It was akin to how the Xbone was received. 360 had also a lot of hate. I think it's on par with the hate for the Switch right now.

Compared to Xbone and PS3, the reactions to the Switch are mild. Considering that it's an amazing handheld, I even think that the hatred is overblown and really justified.

I also think that people online have become far more critical of everything. I guess many people enjoy drama and that's why they blow every little thing out of proportion.

Is 250 vs 300 really THAT big of a difference? Is it really THAT bad that you have to buy a charger if you want to charge your controller while playing?
Is it really THAT bad that Nintendo is launching their console with only a few games, including one possible GOTY contender?

The answer is "no". I think most people just jumped on the hate train because they were prepared to buy the device but now want to wait until it gets cheaper. By hating it, they're killing the hype. When there is no hype, they won't feel like they're missing something by not buying it day one.

The meme for ps3 launch was

Every console gets hate. We're on Sup Forums, where everyone hates everything.

>599 us dollars
>Ridge racer
>Historical Japanese battles
2006 was a magical year.

rrrrrridge rrrrrraccccccccerrrrrrrr

That generation of c

Newfags don't remember

>Ricky Bobby

Sup Forums was actually really fun before last-gen's console war kicked off. Just chill guys talking about games and PSP/DS piracy. After that it became insufferable. Wii/360/PS3 fanboys brought shitposting to Sup Forums like Europeans brought Smallpox to America.

So basically the ps3 being boxed with Talladega nights was the worst thing to ever happen to console gaming?

Yes, but we are talking about whether the hate outweighs the hype or not.

The PS4, for instance, had way more hype than hate after that infamous E3, even on Sup Forums. Everybody talked about how Sony raped Microsoft. And that's really an interesting aspect: it didn't matter that the PS4 still was rather expensive and that there were few games (lol Knack) for it on launch day. What mattered far more was that there was another console around that was more expensive, had other ridiculous shit people hated and had an even worse lineup. If the Switch was announced at the same time as the Xbone, then I bet people would say that Nintendo raped Microsoft.

It inspired a lot of autists who will never let it go of memes.

One. MIRRION. troops.

The PS4 also had the benefit of coming after a long generation that everyone was sick of, and being a derivative console that would offer people more of what they liked.

The Switch, if you look at it cynically, is either an expensive handheld or an underpowered console. It also hasn't sunk in for most people that this is the successor to the 3DS, so they're honestly expecting a WiiU-2.

I'm hyped for the Switch though, it's all I've wanted from Nintendo since the GBA.

God, what a fucking disaster this was.

>nu-Sup Forums is too young to remember the context of this.

you're delusional if you think the switch is anywhere near the same kind of disaster as the ps3

The PS3 was a fucking bomb at reveal, did horrible for years, and only started to pick-up around 2010 when both games and a significant price drop happened.

What are you, 8?

it was literally the same shit, just hivemind shitposting. Of course nostalgiafaggots will pretend that "599 US DOLLARS" or "talladega nights xddd" or "8.8" are somehow superior to current buzzword meme spouting. Though it does feel like that was more in jest while nowadays it feels more like angry poorfags trying to justify their purchases.
I missed him. ;_;

I think the Switch is great as well. But what I like even more is the prospect of the future if the Switch is successful. If the Switch is a hit, Nintendo will keep making powerful handhelds that double as home console. The dying handheld market could be rekindled and fight back against the mobile game shit on phones. But it looks bad right now. If the Switch flops, then handheld gaming will continue to diminish and Nintendo will focus more on making stupid phone apps which sadly have been successful.

The PS3 was, without a doubt, the most disastrous reveal for a console ever. Teenagers on Sup Forums don't remember how much of a juggernaut Sony was, both in gaming and in electronics in general. The PS1/PS2 pretty much was 'Videogames'. They were juggernauts. They made gaming mainstream. Their closest competitors had WiiU/Vita numbers and there was even talk of PC gaming 'dying out' to consoles.

The entire landscape of gaming, from Japanese devs/gamers going to handhelds and phones, to the resurrection of PC gaming, to the fractured consoles space and AAA devs focusing on multiplatform development, all started with this DISASTEROUS fucking press conference.

I remember going to school and talking about it with my friends. We were flabbergasted. Suddenly we stopped to consider whether or not the 360/Wii would be worth investing in. People became way more cynical of the PSP by association. Their whole image got fucked.


which was a shame, because I liked tallageda nights, and the PS3 didn't ask for me to have a sub just to use my internet

OP here, just want to thank you oldfags for being so informative

Cheap price and cheap games made the PS1 the most successful console ever, before the PS2.

It honestly kills me that kids nowadays don't remember how Sony/Sega/Nintendo were in their primes.

oh yeah, and my entire PS2/PS library could be used on the PS3

Sony got shit on nonstop here for charging that much even though it was honestly pretty reasonable considering blu ray players were $500 by themselves at the time. I didn't buy one for 6 fucking years because of all the Sup Forums memes.

The Switch is an even bigger blunder than this was, and it followed the PS3 around for most of it's lifespan. But it will be okay because Nintendo did it this time.

Your text is correct, but you fucked the post up with that disgusting gif of the worst game ever made in Japan.

If you really want to know why the PS1 sold so much it was because piracy was easy as shit.

>Did sonyggers defend their company the same way nintendrones are doing right now?
Yes and they hyped every piece of garbage along the way out of desperation. As a result when non bottom-tier-yet-still-thoroughly-mediocre games eventually came out they were hailed as some of the best of the generation despite having bad gameplay (LBP, Killzone).

>The Switch is an even bigger blunder than this was

Come. You can't be serious. Switch is still relatively cheap and it's launched with one of the most anticipated games of the year. It's also freaking amazing when you play games of such high quality on a handheld and everybody who used it said that they've fallen in love with it.

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the expectations for the Switch weren't nearly as high as the PS3. Remember the ridiculous shit people said about the Cell processor? There were many people who actually expected the PS3 to be a supercomputer for the price of a PS2.

The Switch is better off than the PS3 because even though it's a wacky new paradigm nobody is used to, it actually fits into people's lives.

The launch PS3 was AMAZING hardware, but the price was inflated by stuff that most people just didn't need or want at the time, like Blu-Ray and SACD.

It helps to treat it like a road trip monster hunting sim while ignoring the terrible story.

$20-$40 games were great. Swap discs were a revelation. I lowkey miss easy console piracy.

I remember begrudgingly buying a PS3 for MGS4, constantly making Killzone 2 hype threads on Sup Forums, and then not being able to play it because the framerate/FOV made me sick.

Nintendrones detected. The Switch conference was Xbone bad, which was in turn PS3 bad. It is quite literally the same shit as when the PS3 was announced, but as I said, it's okay when Nintendo does it.

That's being a bit dramatic. Xbone and ps3 were huge blunders and got hatred.

Switch is more disappointing

Sony's 2006 E3 press conference is legendary for being terrible and birthed a lot of memes but people were still mostly optimistic (bar the pricing) for a while, remember this was when Sony was coming off of 10 years of absolutely dominance, Final Fantasy was still a respected title and XIII was a tripple exclusive at that point, GT was gonna be launch day, MGS4 was gonna come out a few months after launch, and some of the new games looked kinda unique like that african safari one (lol), Killzone 2 (le target render) and a cool ass dragon game from Factor 5 (TOP FUCKING KEK).

Then things slowly started to unravel as the Wii normie hype train kicked off, 360 gained a large base in the west, PS3 controller didn't have rumble, all launch window exclusives were fucking abysmal (fucking LAIR lmao), MGS and GT kept getting delayed, and sequels to PS2 exclusive games were all being announced as multiplat. Meanwhile their arbitrary architecture turned out to be fucking impossible to program for so literally all multiplat titles ran way better on 360. That's why people were so happy when they said PS4 is gonna be similar to a PC.

When it comes to reveal hype backlash, PS3 > Xbone >>>>> Switch.

The Switch backlash is about on par with the DS/Wii backlash.

>and a cool ass dragon game from Factor 5 (TOP FUCKING KEK).

I remember back in high school when I fucked up in AIM group chat by typing "I just got Laid" (instead of Lair) and everyone was like "Jesus, it's about fucking time."

This. People are blowing this out of proportion.

It's not "okay", it's more like just no one fucking cares anymore. The PS3 being a clusterfuck was funny because Sony was destroying competition for 2 straight generations before that in every single aspect. Nintendo is coming off its worst home console of all time, and has been a fucking wasteland of both sales and quality games since like 2009.

Nintendo is doing the same thing dolt.

>and a cool ass dragon game from Factor 5


Is Sup Forums so underage now they have to ask how the launch to PS3 was received?

The PS3, Xbone conferences were destructively terrible to their companies and gaming itself.

Switch is just yet more Nintendo being out of touch and having no real effect on anything.

>Did sonyggers defend their company the same way nintendrones are doing right now?

What makers you guys think the Switch is some sort of train wreck?

We know the launch games and the lineup is much better than that of the PS3, PS4, One, Wii, DS or 3DS was at launch. We've also seen various consoles going for much more than $300 over the years. The only real dealbraker is paid online and that is something which the other consoles already have.

Sure, it might not be too your taste or maybe they just didn't announce any games you are really hoping to see, but it's hardly a blunder.

I think this guy has probably the best point ITT. Ever since the 7th console gen, you're supposed to hate every console that will ever be announced. Everybody who enjoys a product is a shill. I even remember people talking other people out of buying a PS4 because it "wobbles".

I don't know why I'm typing this, but I guess I'm just frustrated from browsing for the last hour, where Ive seen people complain that "their favorite game, that will never be made anyway, isn't a switch launch title".

I guess what I'm trying to say is, enjoy video games for once, you idiots. Region locking is now a thing of the past. Rejoice on that or something.

Not even underage, we're just old now. I'm turning 26 next month, and I barely even play games anymore. I just came to Sup Forums to check out the Switch threads.

Assuming OP is old enough to post on Sup Forums (he probably isn't, not that I care), he was ~7 years old during E3 2006. Most people on Sup Forums were probably raised on the DS/Wii and later a 360.

This is the first ever image I saved from Sup Forums.

What did I mean by this?

So Sup Forums became redit.

Hard to think there was a time when Sup Forums wasn't trying to deliberately and methodically enact character assassination on Miyamoto.

But user the WiiU eeked out a small profit. Worst console of all time goes to PS3 for pissing away all the profit of two generations of amazing success. Selling at a $200 loss was a bumfuckingly retarded idea and dug them into a hole so deep they were never going to climb out of it.

It wasn't the >599 and >nogaems alone that turned everything to shit. You also had the wii churning out garbage every 5 minutes, everyone jumping on the waggle train at the next e3, THE RED RING, endless gears of war/halo clones, paid reviews going to the point that blatant trash got 10s and the DS being the DS. Also PC had dwindling AAA exclusives and the indie scene was starting to grow. And japan as a whole was phasing out PS2 era IPs and smaller teams moved on to weebshit.

Not even anywhere close. Xbone conference didn't even show any games, only TV and sports, then always online check ins even for physical games, forced Kinect, $100 more than the competition even though it had weaker hardware and no used games.
It was so bad it made them go from about equal footing last gen to losing about 5:1 this gen.

this desu

Half of nintendo jumped ship for handhelds with the wii. The switch actually has a pretty good reception compared with how awful everything has been since the ps2.

>their company
This is what's wrong with this board.

Tribalism? That's what's wrong with human beings, basically.

Difference is, Sup Forumsirgins are tribal over something utterly meaningless. Hilariously so.

I don't know about the others but I remember the PS3 getting S H A T O N for the reveal price. That's why it had such a horrible start.

This is what I don't get. The Switch reveal is literally the same thing as I felt with the PS3, and people just saying "ITS IRRATIONAL NINTENDO HATE" and defend it, but the Switch fucking sucks so far.

Seriously, the PS3 was good 3 years in and had a great life cycle unlike the Wii U, and that puts the Switch in a position of it being a really shaky and expensive purchase.

>entertainment is meaningless
I'll take dumbshit Sup Forums says for $200

In the grand scheme of things, yeah, it is meaningless, as compared to religion or politics. Especially when the thing you're being tribalist over, video game companies, don't give a single shit about you or your well-being.

>everything is meaningless but what I consider meaningful
I'll take what is a blogpost from plebbit for $400

It's half the price and has games coming out in the same year. That alone makes it better than the ps3. It is expensive and it won't get multiplats, but where you see a toaster, they see a dank handheld sandwich.

What an awful, pseudo-intellectual post.

>it is meaningless, as compared to religion or politics
>video game companies, don't give a single shit about you or your well-being.

unlike religious figures and politicians? Fuck off, retard.

The PS3 got lambasted harder than any console in existence during 2006 - 2008

>talledega nights
>ridge racer
>giant enemy crabs
>power of the cell
>no gaems
>PSN being shit

Based on some of the Japanese games that were announced, it won't have problems getting Japanese multiplats at least so long as those sell within expectations.

>Half of nintendo jumped ship for handhelds with the wii.

Half of nintendo jumped ship for handhelds with the N64.

I'm sorry but its $300 without tax, or $400 without tax in Canada, not including a game or anything.

This is on top of using extremely low tier tech that's worst just over $100. Fuck you for defending this awful pricing.

Ultimately, it will have a meager library. The PS3 at least had several games worth playing and was MUCH better than the Wii U. The Switch will be another Wii U but a little worse out the gate.

They jumped ship for dreamcast with the n64.

Canadians don't matter. Good job keeping America's head warm though, snowcuck.

>This is on top of using extremely low tier tech that's worst just over $100. Fuck you for defending this awful pricing.

It's a handheld.

Oh fuck off you retarded child. I would kick your ass easily you little meme faggot child.

And handheld/portable tech its using is from 2012. That's not an excuse. They are pulling a worse Vita.

I, too, will post a related image and an angsty post when i come across something that doesn't matter.

But my doctor called it "Autism"

Stay frosty, my dogfucking friends.

the original PS3 announcement and the whole Sony 2006 E3 conference in general was a trainwreck.

I don't think 299 and ice cubes will match 599 and RIDGE RACCCCCCCCCCCER but you never know.

Being a war-mongering idiot over video games is absolutely pointless, and if you genuinely think otherwise, you're the problem with Sup Forums.

Religion and politics are real fucking human issues that make an actual difference in the world. Video games don't. They're fun, but they ultimately don't make a difference. Starting a dozen threads about how much the Switch sucks because it costs $50 more than you expected, or about how PS4 is shit because it only has games you're not interested in, is not even remotely comparable to actual debates and issues in the real world. That's not pseudo-intellectualism, that's just common fucking sense.

Hop on discord, let's talk you fuck.

You're basically the only person here who feels that way. Not even comparable, coming off the Wii U almost anything Nintendo does will be a success, Sony was competing with themselves and the most popular console of all time, the PS2, and failed miserably

>Coming off the Wii almost anything Nintendo does will be a success

I heard this before.

I'm going to need to see your butthole first to see if it's worth my time, faggot.

It's 5x vita undocked and about 10x vita when docked.

PS2 was huge, but pc gaming never came close to dying. That may have been a meme or some shit, but it's been strong for goodness knows how long.

Impossible for it to die out when blizzard was at its peak during that point. Now if you're arguing that over saturation with shit like WoW was killing PC gaming, that might hold up.

Religion and politics are man made ideas. In the grand scheme of things they are objectively pointless.

Your life in the grand scheme of things is pointless. Best stand in front of a shuttle.

So to go along with your amazing example, what difference would starting a dozen threads about how God doesn't exist or Bernie should be president make exactly?

Docking doesn't improve its power to any substantial degree. Most of the games shown are the same docked and undocked. Zelda was sent to 900p, which is a meme resolution that still looks blurry and shitty.

Please watch the digital foundry video.

>How did other consoles like the PS3 get recieved after being announced to the world?

It's all coming back to you...

You're right, arguing about politics and religion on the internet is way less "pointless" than arguing about video games. After all "you" elected Trump with internet shitposting right? That was all you buddy. Hella epic, praise kek!

WoW came out like right before the PS3, IIRC.

It uses the extra performance to get games to output higher than 720p when docked. If it didn't have better performance when docked then it'd be like the Vita TV where all it did was upscale to 720p from 544p and even then it has worse framerate problems then a regular Vita.
I don't get why people are being so critical on a handheld being able to output on up to 900p when that's pretty much all the Xbone does, and even Near a Tomato on PS4 is outputting at that resolution.

2004, and prior to that was WC3 and D2. Which were pretty darn massive as well. Then there are all the half life mods, guild wars, and a slew of other things like battlefield 1942.

PC was never close to being "dead."

>No gaems
>launch titles were bad to average
>flip in on it's back for massive damage
>lair looked embarrassingly bad and turned out even worse
>best launch title was a multiplayer only Warhawk (which was 7/10 at best).

>why launch a new console so close to the release of the Xbox:HUEG
>terrible launch titles which shat on the HUEG's short legacy
>best launch title was Crackdown
>WTF Paid p2p online
>Adverts, adverts everywhere
>Graphics tech was not up to the task for a rushed out console so the titles all looked similar to the PS2 but higher res (Though it improved a lot quickly)

They both had shit flung at each other. The current console war is silent in comparison, as both PS4 and the Xbone are equally shit. (I think the Switch has a chance to succeed, the current consoles are that bad)

All consoles were received bad. Fanboy faggotry exists ever where.

IIt Drines forgetting all the shitposting they done in the past and are playing the victim card. You guys are unbelieveable

So you mean it's ok when nintendo does it?

When the PS3 was first shown off in 2005 when Sony lied and said everything was real gameplay it was the most talked about thing at E3 even over Zelda and the 360. The only negatives being spun about the PS3 was the fact that the controller was fucking awful. Other than that people were going insane over the Killzone, Tekken, and Motorstorm trailers, and the announcement of MGS4.
You also have to remember at TGS that year RE6 was teased as a PS3 exclusive. At that point Sony had DMC 4 as an exclusive as well and Ninja Gaiden was heading to PS3 so it seemed microsoft lost everything except for they were getting GTAIV day and date on 360.

Fast forward to 2006 and everything changed very fast. DMC 4 was going to 360. RE6 was going to 360. FFXIII was going to 360 (this was announced in 2007 or 8 I forget).

Sony showed off gameplay of motorstorm and Resistance and they looked nothing like the target trailers. Genji looked awful, in fact the only good looking game was MGS4, but even it was only a pre rendered trailer. Then they dropped the 600 dollar bomb and PS3 became the alughing stock of the gaming world. Sony was berated every step of the way and even Microsoft jumped in on commenting about it.

Sony in 2006-2008 received way more hate than anything the switch is getting. But it started to turn around once Halo started to decline in quality and Gears 2 was a massive failure online.

The PS3 only really started to be generally well received in 2009 after LBP, Valkyria, and MGS4 gathered decent acclaim. Then Uncharted 2 and Demon Souls came out the year all Nintendo had was Galaxy 2 and all MS had was ODST and the PS3 started to really get more support. Plus sales started to get really good after the price became affordable.

Man-made ideas that attempt to provide answers to unanswerable questions, and create law and order for multi-thousand mile wide nations.

Technically, none, because Sup Forums in general is absolutely terrible at discussing anything with any sort of objectivity outside of a few boards. :^)