this is video game man Todd Howard. Say something nice about him.
This is video game man Todd Howard. Say something nice about him
Other urls found in this thread:
He's really tall.
At Least he's Not Anthony Burch
I'm not buying another one of those turds you call video games Todd so fuck off and leave me alone.
He's a average and normal height of a male his age
when will you finally make a good game todd
Fuck you Todd-san
Post yfw when you're not Anthony Burch
these are quite nice i will pass them on to him anons 1 and 2
these are rude and you should be ashamed
Todd I bought that second copy of skyrim legendary, can I now havr my wife and kids back please?
It looked like they were holding him hostage.
We know it's you Todd. Just tell us what shit you're trying to sell us this time so we can have our laugh and you can leave.
Him and John Carmack are my idols.
>be Todd
>be 16
>go to Bethesda HQ and ask for a job
>"You have to be 18, kid!"
>be 18
>go to Bethesda HD and ask for a job
>"You need a degree, kid!"
>go to university
>get a degree
>go to Bethesda HQ and ask for a job
>finally get hired
>Bethesda is in dire straits due to a bunch of shitty games in the late 90's
>Todd decides to save the company
>go to management and ask for a buttload of money to make the craziest game imaginable
>management agrees
>he creates Morrowind
>saves Bethesda
>saves the original Xbox
The man is amazing.
This is the face of a lier. Don'the trust him, Sup Forums.
I thought Todd was dead.
He asked me to buy Skyrim from his deathbed.
im not gay but he looks hot
You actually fell for the whole deathbed thing? Todd's been pulling that stunt for years. I guess there really are a lot of new kids on here these days so I'll let you in on a little secret. Every month or so Todd comes here and makes these threads where he tries to sell us some piece of shit using all kinds of excuses like "Guys it's Todd's birthday today! Wish him a happy birthday and pick up your copy of Skyrim from Bethesda's website!" or "Guys Todd just got back from the doctor and they're thinking he may have a tumor in his throat. Please buy a copy of Fallout 4 to help support his chemotherapy."
Every single time it's bullshit and Todd is just trying to swindle you out of $60. It got so bad back in the day that we all told him to fuck off and even called Bethesda HQ to tell them about him annoying us with this shit constantly. They told him to stop or else he would be out of a job. That shut him up for a while but I guess he's back doing the same old same old for a new generation of anons.
he's handsome for a 45-year old
>ywn be as handsome as Todd
>called Bethesda HQ
Let me guess who picked up the phone...
he really is, shame about his height though
then again i shouldn't be talking shit since i'm a manlet as well
It was a very helpful man named Hodd Toward. He promised he'd do everything in his power to stop Todd's constant lying and shilling.
Is that a green screen or do they have this lying around at bethesda?
It's not above him to be the bigger man.
What did Todd mean by this?
Buy my game folks, it's for your own good. My wife's boyfriend agrees.
>Her shoes
Why did Todd bring his mom there?
don't forget
his first job was bugtesting TES: Arena
the first job in his life was playing a video game 24/7 in search of bugs
Everyone was going to go to dinner after the event and Todd's mom didn't trust leaving him with $15 so she tagged along to pay for his meal.
post the edited version please
He's a good liar.
Domo, Todd-san.
Because she's a wonderful women.
Sorry m8, I don't have that one saved.
stop posting the edited one Todd
Todd is my favorite Sup Forums meme
Not knowing who she is.
Her appearance in the Battle of the Network Stars was pure boner fuel back in the day.
He's very honest and handsome
They are. Pete Hines is the mastermind behind making shit games, not Todd Howard, God Powered.
Can confirm.
Todd has a huge dick it's like 14 inches long un erect he fucked Anzu 100 times with it and made her cum a 101 times he even fucked my wife and gave me a discount code for Fallout 4 on Xbox One