Seriously though, from the last thread with that 30 image bullying strip, how can anyone claim the author deserved to be bullied?
Why don't others have the right to bully someone? Do you feel you have a right not to be bullied?
someone post the Sup Forums version
Why are you so edgy, user? Who hurt you?
No one. Why do you feel the world has to be a safe space for you?
Because they were most likely a narcissistic cunt that thought they were perfect and couldn't understand why nobody liked them.
Nobody deserves to be bullied. However social ostracization is not bullying.
Bullies should be tortured to death. Prove to me you have a right not to be tortured to death.
Reminder that bullying is needed at a young age so children don't grow up to become thin-skinned faggots that bitch when someone has a different opinion than them.
>Who says she's obligated to stick with him over it
Everyone has the obligation of doing the common courtesy of having manners. This guy just came up, without any ulterior motives, to say "thank you" to someone who stood up to them. If he were to ask to hang out, she could have said "no".
Instead we get "UGH".
>maybe she didn't want any more negative attention
So at the end of the comic she says she has become immune to all insults and is now just a spiteful nihilist? How? It's not like she was bullied again. And if she were the unemotional wreck she puts herself out to be, why the hell would she care about anyone elses opinion about being friends with "the weird guy".
You make me sick.
>Prove to me you have a right not to be tortured to death.
The Constitution. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Your children would be better off in the foster care system. Die in a fire.
>Nobody deserves to be bullied.
So assholes that think they're above everyone don't deserve to be bullied?
Reminder that people can be taught to respect each other without 15 years of angst and edginess. Anyone who thinks children need to be bullied is a neckbeard trying to justify how they spent High School.
Then that is the same reason why people have a right not to be bullied.
The same reason you don't have the right to murder someone. You trade the right to bully for the right not to get bullied. Bullying would lead to nothing but a might makes right society, which historically didn't work out so well.
Jesus christ I've never seen one person so ass mad on this site before.
>that comic
this is adorable
No thanks, liberal.
Bullying does not violate any of those rights.
so Sup Forums what did we learn from that comic last thread
As I said in the last thread right before it archived:
She is completely self-centered. She doesn't want friends or not to be bullied, she wants POPULAR friends and be a part of the in-crowd. She feels she deserves this, and thus "lowering herself" to being friends with the bullied guy is beneath her. She'd rather be a friendless spiteful cunt than be friends with someone "below her", in her own mind.
So you believe mean words and murder are both equally wrong?
Big guns are the best guns.
You have to explain why that's necessary. You can't just say "The constitution says it."
That's not an argument. The constitution is not infallible.
I see you're not even reading responses. Continue false flagging. This is the last (You) you're getting.
Which ethnicity is "Wop" derogatory for?
modern woman are shit at everything
That some kids deserved to be bullied?
>Bullies should be tortured to death. Prove to me you have a right not to be tortured to death.
What makes you think you have the right to commit a human rights violation? Because you were a victim?
Don't make me laugh.
Murakami is a hack that writes the same story over and over again with just different names for his characters.
Doing anything that benefits someone else more than it benefits you is slavery. Until we reach a post-scarsity society wherein people do only what they want to do, every person is a slave or a leech.
Good because you have no response to me at all. Go back to whatever hug box you came from.
That we should all just ignore women and post our cute 2D girlfriends (male).
best timeline
Then you should stop using it and fuck off from whence you came, you fucking newfag.
>Stop hurting my feelings!
But user, what if I AM the girlfriend(male)?
Good idea, mediocre execution.
I see. I'd only ever heard the word dago for them
I second this
You must be new here. That wasn't even very mad.
the constitution is a legal document. all US laws derive their force from constitutional arguments. if congress passes an anti-cyber-bullying law, will you consider that it a human right? what if the supreme court upholds it as consistent with constitutional logic? the constitution itself says that congress and the supreme have the unique right to decide these questions
i'm not unsympathetic to your argument but i think it's a very straighforward premise that legal and ethical are not the same thing. it's silly to tinge the constitution with a moralistic character and then deny the same character to e.g. an anti-cyber-bullying law, when its the constitution itself that is the rational for those laws
>literally just making shit up to justify how you feel about something
It's important to keep up on your ethnic slurs.
>Needing clothes to play with hookers
>"sweet, new PBF"
>check site
>3 new comics in as many years
>The Constitution. Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
It doesn't make me happy that you are allowed to own a gun that can take my life. It goes against the constitution to enable someone to have a weapon that does not make me happy since I am allowed the pursuit of happiness.
Homeschool your children so they don't get abused in public daycare centers and can grow up to be happy functioning adults.
Also become financially independent so they don't become a wage slave.
You are granted the PURSUIT of happiness. You are not guaranteed happiness.
Trudeau pls fuck off
>6 replies
>Not one person pointed out that the phrase is from the fucking Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution
I said it before and I'll say it again, user: you can get thick, luscious, Manny Pardo-status skin without actual abuse.
this is the sort of mentality that demands that people be held responsible for their reactions to the actions of others, rather than everyone just being held responsible for their fucking actions.
Lets assume everyones goal in life is to achieve one singular state.
There are many roads to "happiness". It's hard to define but easily answered when someone asks you "are you happy?" and you can, without moments hesitation, answer "yes".
What if part of that happiness is being generous and sympatethic to your fellow man? What if seeing someone succeed in their goals makes you happy?
Is helping your future son with his maths homework something you *only* do so that he'll be a world-class mathematician when he grows up and then you can tell your peers that "your son is a world-class mathematician" and in essence saying "look at my accomplishment"? You would be talking about your offspring like they're an object of worth, not an individual.
Never reproduce. We already have too many mentally unstable people in the west.
Is that DSP?
I was a bully all throughout school and I've ended up with depression and severe self-esteem issues. My fellow bullies aren't doing much good either, one of them died at the age of 17.
Bullying doesn't bring any good, for both parties.
>Funnyjunk filename
>Why do you feel the world has to be a safe space for you?
Because the world has safe spaces regardless of what you believe. You're in one right. Here on Sup Forums you can say whatever you want and state whatever beliefs that society would find hideously sick. You can do that without people finding out who you are. Shit most of them would just think you're joking.
If you believe there should be no such thing as a 'safe space', post your irl information here.
Nobody gives a shit because they're all old, outdated documents that mean nothing in modern times you fucking faggot.
>Argentina claiming to be white
Fucking every time
>no thanks, ad hominem
Have you tried not being a degenerate faggot?
>I got the order wrong
No, it just means you don't fit in here and should leave.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.
Guaranteed, not granted user.
Anyway, this guy is right. Gun-grabber user is protected in his right to try and strip others of their protected rights, but NOBODY owes you their ear.
Either way, Sup Forums drags him back.
fucking millennials
Your ideas are shit, end of story.
crystal chronicles is fun
i wish i still had friends to play it with
fuck that made me laugh
This hardly even counts as an edit
Keep crying to /qa/ about it fag
Sent from my iPhone
holy shit user looks like you got called the fuck out
post 'em, user. we're waiting.
"Contact with alien races always renews one's faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully."
>What you want
>no subtitles
Go back to sucking off a Mudslime you fucking leaf.
>It's another bully thread
Keep going pls