Hey Sup Forums, meet Aloy

Hey Sup Forums, meet Aloy.

You're gonna be seeing a lot of her face around because she's going to be in 2017's GoTY.

Oh, and did I mention she's stronger and smarter than all your favorite characters?

She's strong AND beautiful without being a stupid sex symbol or some "damsel in distress" like the insulting characters Nintendo makes up. SO glad Sony stepped up and is showing people how female characters really should be done ;)

So yeah get used to seeing this face, because she ain't going anywhere! XD

Other urls found in this thread:


>Tomb Raider with robot dinos
It's already retarded.

What do you think her eyebrows would feel like on the bottom of your glans?

She looks ugly af. Looks like carl from twd had sex with a pig

>inb4 retarded Sup Forumsirgins claim sjw influence because autism

Why can't men just fucking castrate themselves already so we don't have to put up with their whiny bullshit. We get it, OP. You're upset that the "SJWs" are finally in control of your culture. Well, if you dont like what's happened so far, you definitely dont want to stick around for the grand finale...


soft flaccid white cocks


this. the gameplay is fucking rise of the tomb raider.

Nintendrone going out of his way to attack this game, based on nothing.

You guys humor, i love how in each one of these threads you people get obliterated, each and every time without fail. Salty from your last defeat, you're back.


No the gameplay ins't tomb raider esque at all.
1st. Although they are both third person action games, one is open world, while tomb raider focuses more on smaller sections and areas.

2nd. Horizon is an rpg game, and it doesn't play like a cover shooter as does tomb raider.

3rd. Horizons differs in it's depth of combat, it's has multiple layers of complexity that go into each combat scenario, those of which tom raider lacks.

4th. The difference in enemy types being human, vs large robots, fundamentally makes ever second of gameplay different, down to the core.

5th. Tomb raider is a cover shooter, that rolsl directly into cutscenes like the uncharted games, while in horizon you have free control at all times, besides unplayable moments, like in every other game.

Zelda on the other hand has a lot more in common with the generic tps genre, espcially tomb raider given the puzzeles and shit.

But nice try.

Why would I complain when I'm finally having real enjoyment of games for the first time ever? We're finally breaking past the male dominated bullshit that held back gaming since the 80's

Best thing Sony ever did was give their western devs the freedom to make social progress a priority in games

> Horizons differs in it's depth of combat, it's has multiple layers of complexity that go into each combat scenario, those of which tom raider lacks.

You again? Tell me again how complex elemental damage is in this kind of game. Tell me how complex the color code of Recore is.

I just can't wait for the backlash the game is going to get two weeks after release.

I never said that was the only element, I agree if all it had was elemental resistances and weaknesses, it just be one layer.

It's they collection of them all, that's impressive, especially when compared to games with shallow combat, like zelda and the witcher 3.

she looks like a fucking pig lol


That's what you seem to miss about these arguments and why you've managed to make all these weak non-argumentive post.
I'm just comparing it to the competition, and by comparison horizons has layers upon layers of combat depth, non existant in other third person action games, which is what keeps it from being generic, or like the rest.

What the fuck?

the more I see of this game the worse it gets

why do you idiots hate this game

don't call me an idiot, you fagtron

what have you seen

>mfw it ends up being better than Zelda

all the trailers and a demo of it

You haven't really seen anything game related that could possibly make it worse, you just look at a picture of the mc.

Please in detail, tell me, what you saw that made the game worse, then it was before, in your eyes. I'm genuinely curious.

They can't handle a woman that isn't a loli moeblob

What is this thread supposed to be?What was your motivation OP?

no thanks, I don't like playing as ginger dudes wearing drag backed by Sony

But suzy is attractive user.

To try and justify hating on a solid looking game, because OP doesn't find her sexual attractive, he also throw petty arguments into it's mouth, typical low IQ bait shit.

>Oh, and did I mention she's stronger and smarter than all your favorite characters?
>She's strong AND beautiful without being a stupid sex symbol or some "damsel in distress" like the insulting characters Nintendo makes up. SO glad Sony stepped up and is showing people how female characters really should be done ;)
I know you're joking but this is what Guerrilla, Sony, and neocucks actually believe and it's sickening.

I don't play games with shitty MC designs or attitudes.
I made that mistake with Final Fantasy X. Never again

holy shit guy

How does mc have a shitty personality? Explain.
But it isn't what they believe, you're taking this way out of porportion, it isn't remotely that deep, it's as simple as miyazaki wanting to create a female lead, just because. It doesn't make sjw pandering in anyway.

You're just a fat hypocrite, getting mad over nothing.

>I don't play games with shitty MC designs or attitudes.
Do you play anything then?

Silent protags with designs that aren't hurtful to the eye are fine, so yes, that's a lot of games

>How does mc have a shitty personality?
He's self-centered and annoy as fuck, plus ugly to boot. That's reason enough for me.

holy shit you are a fucking fool

Just awful

>Stronger than your favourite characters

I really hope she has an interracial love interest :3

Maybe a trans woman who had an arm or leg taken off by one of the robots? It's problematic that developers haven't tackled issues like Ableism in gaming.


You're a joke, what you've just proved is that you haven't given this game the time of day, you're an idiot.

>I really hope she has an interracial love interest :3
its pretty much confirmed

why would I play something that I already know isn't my taste? I've read enough about the MC (see this bullshit here ) to know they're going to be insufferable to me.

tell me how you know

>stronger than your favorite characters

Come again?


>Can't even form opinions for himself


>character has a backstory

Bleach your insides my dude.

I doubt there's gonna be any romancing of any kind, this isn't that weeb trash, or the witcher.

Some pictures she looks okay, others she looks a lil off.
The glory of tps is that we're mostly looking at DAT ASS, amitire??

Wow, I think we're in for a real treat!

Next time I have an Antifa meeting at my place I'm gonna bring this game up as an example of how we're winning the next generation!


I'm taking over this false flag bullshit thread, and making it about the gameplay.


She looks like a female Sean Murray

Look at this gargantuan beauty! LOOK AT XER!!!

Guerrilla made sure to add as much stuff to her Practical Battle Skirt as they could to ensure pervs like you don't have anything to ogle. Go play trash like Neir Automata if you want to live out your rape fantasies

my opinion is based off of that image

he has a backstory that I don't like, why would I want to play a game as that character?

Not him but, her ass doesn't, xD Rawr!

I need proofs.

literally non ironically kill yourself

butterface, nostrils so big she could get dp'd in her nose

so then why are you even in this thread, fuccboi? You sure love posting in threads about games you have no interest in.

>he has a backstory

Oh I'm sure that girl Link in the new zelda game has a good one too.


Her outfit is cute enough, 2b is special though.

good job idiots

Then why are you so keen on this game? In fact why do you people keep making threads attacking it? It's a brand new ip, it's not being over hyped, it's a really low key release yet you people go out of your way. Admit it user, you like big girls.

jokes on you it was all me

Looks like a classic western dev who thinks that by bloating the game with flashy shit that it makes for "deep" gameplay.

MMO's can have have you spamming 20 different skills in a rotation but it doesn't make it actually enjoyable

you are trying way to hard to hate this game

>it's another false flag bait thread
Report, hide, move on, you know the drill.

Anyone else rooting for the game to do well so we can laugh at PCucks?

Name an uglier female MC that isn't a monster of some kind.

It's a casual TPS with "deep story" of course it will do well, but no one besides casuals will praise it.

Back to your containment

Why does she look like the trailer trash bully from a teen drama?

That's not even a remotely accurate comparison.
Nothing about it is "flash", these are actual game changing elements to the gameplay, it be a barren aim a shoot without them.

No, people who actually give a damn about gameplay will praise it too, espcially those who shit on games like skyrim and witcher for having blatantly shallow combat mechanics.

Game looks decent but they're selling it as a cinematic experience when it's really obvious the story will hit all the same beats as every dystopian young adult novel

ROTTR was fun though

They aren't selling it as 'cinematic" at all, it's open world, you have control at all times, no qte shit.

Yeah, it has cutscenes, but so does every other game. Where is this "cinematic experience" meme coming from?

Give me systems with robust AI and skill based combat instead of Brave 2: Strafing Boogaloo

retards that want to hate uncharted

>game with an MC whose "true nature" is telegraphed by her fucking name
>game that ends on a forced cliffhanger to herd the Sonysheep into buying Horizon Two: First Light
>Neo/v/ will give it 10/10 and proclaim it's time for games like this to get Oscar nominations for story and characters


The Ai is as about as complex as it gets, but the early enemies, only have so many animations.
As of currently nothing can really be said yet.

The gameplay is definitely skill based, the tgs2016 got his shit rocked, opposed to the guy who played it at e3

Which one of these video games would you say has better cover art? :^)

Actually the point of every Link is that he doesn't have a (written out) backstory. Any details are revealed in dialogues found ingame

I don't know why you're lashing out at me for disliking this character. I own several Sony consoles.

>Then why are you so keen on this game?
I'm not excited nor enthusiastic about this game at all, actually.
>In fact why do you people keep making threads attacking it?
I have made exactly one thread about it, several months ago. It was to make fun of the MC's design.
>It's a brand new ip
That in and of itself is reason for caution, for me at least.
>it's not being over hyped;it's a really low key release yet you people go out of your way
really? because I see commercials about it and there's at least one daily thread on Sup Forums
>Admit it user, you like big girls.
Not really. I don't even like my girls particularly tall. I'm one of those guys who'd rather Samus be 5'10 and athletic than musclegirl

i'm getting both and fuck you console war shirt

Except she's not a woman. She's a machine.
Why else can she ride Ziplines with her bare fucking hands?

master chef takes a steaming dump on this literally who in all categories OP

>One daily thread on Sup Forums
Started by shitposter like you, hating on irrelevant factors the the mc sex appeal, and you wonder why everyone thinks you're a tool.

Big girls, are big girls.

>implying women can't train their bear hands to be as tough and callused as some tiny dicked meathead like Kratos

Swerve, cisshit

>matriarchal society

Lmao, I guess Guerrilla games hopes if they put enough feminist bullshit into the game people will forget their last 3 games were complete shit?

jesus thats a neanderthal face right there

Why is Dewey the star of a PS4 game?

>Started by shitposter like you, hating on irrelevant factors the the mc sex appeal, and you wonder why everyone thinks you're a tool.
Nah, I'm pretty sure those threads are positive. Don't false flag, its not gonna help you win me over.

See, the thing about Samus is that there's conflicting canon measurements on her size. Of course you wouldn't know that, you probably haven't completed any of the Metroid titles.

>h-hey you guys remember farcry 3?? You had a bow and it was awesome and you hunted stuff? Well here is the exact same game but with some added feminist propaganda!

Goddess be with you all