>900p @ 30 FPS

Other urls found in this thread:


Just like my xbone

So real question.

Does the game actually look bad on switch? I sometimes see screenshots that look really good then there's shit like OP and stuff like what we saw at 2015's E3 (though that was running wii u hardware, but anyway)

Idk, man. I just want a nice pretty legend of zelda game to explore the forests and get wrekt by robots

still has the piss filter in every video. dont know why everything looks like vaseline and greenish yellow piss was smeared over it

>tfw there is an alternate reality where the GC was successful and Nintendo still makes competent hardware, and BotW is 4K @ 30fps or 1080p @ 60fps
we are the B universe

Just your daily reminder that this will be the best way to play the new Zelda will be on the PC with 4k 60 fps

Are you really so retarded you don't know Nintendo still ties everything to framerate?

I'm thinking about just buying it for the Wii U since the only improvement on the Switch version is a slight resolution bump when playing in docked mode.

>late 2016
>4K @ 30 FPS

Can any nintenshit guarantee the following?

>New Metroid flagship (no federation retardation)
>New Fzero
>New Starfox flagship (no zero shit)
>New Xeno (not a deal breaker)
>Dark Souls 1 port (nice to have, not deal breaker)

I'll get one if those are true

you mean 4 frames per second with no audio

looks good youtube.com/watch?v=cJXpZLLebLg

caring about graphics and performance in singleplayer games

this is literally the only think that stops me from buying Nintendo consoles since then
I'll probably buy a Switch... probably...not at full prize

xenoblade 2 is confirmed

>you mean 4 frames per second with no audio
This. The CEMU is terrible, I mean, have you seen Mario Kart 8? Hey wait

I have no idea why the gameplay videos always seemed to be covered in fart dust.

As you said, press screenshots like pic related look majestic but anything you see on YouTube looks like fogged-up ass.

I'm holding out hope that it'll look miles better in person than it does on YT, but maaan will I be pissed if we ended up having waited years for a game that always looks smudged.

>New metroid

>New F Zero

>New Star Fox (no Zero shit)
if you don't like Zero, you're not a gamer. go back to your kids console.

>New Xeno
already confirmed, but that's kids shit too so go figure you'd like it

>Dark Souls port
also no.

Pre-ordering consoles is dumb
buying consoles launch day is dumb.
play the waiting game, like an adult (you're finally one, give it a shot)

That's what I mean. That pic you posted is perfect, if that's the game right there I'm 100% sold on it. I don't care if things look less detailed from a mountain top view since it's just draw distance shit at that point, but when you're running around if it looks like THAT? fucking beautiful.

My worry is that it's not an in-game screenshot and just tech shit and that the real game will be:
Even in that video it looks kinda meh.

I'm worried

4K bullshots don't have shit resolution (naturally blurs the image), terrible texture filtering, and LOD pop-in, all that needs to be covered up by fog for fear that someone realize how fucking underpowered the Switch and Wii U are

there are a ton of ps4 games that run at sub 1080p or 30fps or 60fps with constant dips. don't see how this makes any difference to you consoltards. oh right


I think its more the retarded fact that Nintendos next gen console has neither 1080p or 60fps but it has stupid wagglan and motion bullshit

but user, the switch doesnt need to be powerful, it actually has good exclusive games. im ok with them removing features like voice chat, internet browser, miiverse, because its a home console for playing games. New IPs like ARMS will be a runaway hit and there is already talk in the competitive scene about adding it to EVO for tournaments.The less features mean they are only focused on hardcore gaming experiences, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me

It has 1080p60
Up to devs just like on every console.

this, I've played numerous 900p games on Xbone and a few that were 720p

>play the waiting game

Yup, you can have fun playing nothing March 3rd while I enjoy glorious Zelda.

Set your tv mode to vivid and it'll probably look as good as that shot.

>sub 1080p or 30fps or 60fps with constant dips
The ones that do actually look like 8th gen games. The closest comparison there is to BotW which looks like a early 7th gen game, is The Witness, which ran at a flawless 60 fps at 1080p


>kids shit

what the fuck am I reading?

>900p @ 20 FPS

Aonuma said it will be 1080p

>Yup, you can have fun playing nothing March 3rd while I enjoy glorious Zelda.
Or I can just pirate it on my Wii U, enjoy paying $360+tax though for an 180p upgrade

He's lying through his fucking teeth. The demos are 900p, DF confirmed it

>Upscaled 1080p
>30fps on PS2 graphic games
>Framedrop on any AAA title

I can't say we've seen nor know enough to conclude this won't be the case on the switch either. Why zelda runs as it does is a mystery as other "simple" games are said to run at 1080p 60fps on switch. So common sense should deduce that the zelda game's simplicity is being misrepresented.

>That pic you posted is perfect, if that's the game right there I'm 100% sold on it.
That picture is 3840x2160 so there's no way it'll look like that on the Switch

Zelda has a lot more at work than games like MK8, just looking at the grass alone. All the grass blades are really what's demanding in a game like this, but it has a huge open world to deal with too instead of a small track.

Regardless, BotW is about as visually impressive as The Witness, so I'm 100% confident Nintendo could get BotW running at 1080p/60fps on the PS4 unless they were utterly incompetent

Who else recalls another Zelda game before BotW?

And like my PS4

>Framedrop on any AAA title
Yeeaahhh, lets see how the switch will play the handful of third party games it will get. :^)

bullshots are common but not usually with nintendo games.
you're going to get fog an pop-in on real hardware.
but also keep in mind that switch is a portable.

stop trying to meme this shit


On a screen that small, I don't see the big deal. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

>so I'm 100% confident Nintendo could get BotW running at 1080p/60fps on the PS4 unless they were utterly incompetent
I'd wager that just about any game that is released on the Switch could be 1080p/60fps if released on PS4. The Switch is really cool for a handheld hybrid but it's got half the RAM of the PS4 and it's much slower. They're saying it's got 25.6GB/s of memory bandwidth, while better than the Wii U and not bad, it's a far cry from the PS4's 176GB/s of memory bandwidth.

Still getting the Switch day 1 because hardware specs aren't everything.

Senran kagura is 60fps and 1080 checkmate toddler

900p is for TV out put.
720p on the handheld.

yet somehow undertale still owns the gaming charts

gonna cry about it, pcuck? :)

don't worry, you can enjoy playing it in 5 years on a barely functioning emulator at 20 fps :)).

Who fucking cares. You people will never lack for something to bitch about. I bet you order well done steaks and then always send them back for being "burnt".

>BotW is about as visually impressive as The Witness

I'd probably argue that BotW is considerably less impressive.

>I'd wager that just about any game that is released on the Switch could be 1080p/60fps if released on PS4
Well of course. But then drones come in and meme
And it's a complete load because there are tons of 60 fps games on the PS4. It's just that most AAA games push the graphical envelope so they target 30 fps instead. You obviously won't get 60 fps when your game is 20-30 times more geometrically complex than a Wii U game and your system is only 9-10x as powerful.

The Witness doesn't seem to use any actual textures, or very few anyway

BotW's texture work is shit but it actually does have textures. Geometrically they're about the same, and they have a similar aesthetic

Go away, ledittor

I look at the tv/dock situation as a bonus. I consider this to be a mainly mobile console. It sucks that it's 900p but I'm sure there's a technical reason behind it

>You obviously won't get 60 fps when your game is 20-30 times more geometrically complex than a Wii U game and your system is only 9-10x as powerful.
I agree, but I'm not a retard like most of Sup Forums that thinks Mario Kart 8 is a complex as something like The Witcher 3.

Anybody else think this looks kind of bad aside from the vibrant colours? It doesn't feel very consistent. You've got this great and diverse, pretty nice looking grass, reasonably detailed trees and mountains, some less than stellar leaves in the trees, and all of that contrasted with this minimalist, seemingly cel shaded boar. It feels... off.

I'm sure it's great from the perspective of a handheld but I play games entirely at home and I like using my TV that I paid a lot of money for. The only reason I've owned handhelds in the last decade is to play exclusives, not because I like looking at a tiny little screen

While the prospect of playing what would have been handheld games on a TV is great, on the same token it does mean that home console games will be limited by the handheld hardware, which is the technical reason for 900p. It's not powerful enough to render a game like BotW higher than that

>tfw you're going to play it at 4K on Cemu

>that same reality Miyamoto retires around 2005 so series like Paper Mario and Star Fox never went on decline

>Eurogamer asks official Nintendo person
>1080@60 fps
>Eurogamer states "But other sources says 900p 30fps"
>Said other source is some tard on Neogaf taking a tweet where someone claims that a Nintendo official told them that it's 900p

Why are everyone so fucking retarded?

>geometrically they're about the same

They're really not.

The Witness has far denser geometry, it's just the reality of doing flat shaded models without textures, you *need* that extra detail in the model itself for it to work.

That's a bullshot. Most of the detail will be lost in LOD texture filtering and 900p rendering, not to mention the fog filter that hides it all. The background will be just as poorly detailed as the boar when playing the game.

source, any proof? nah, now settle down you child

Have fun playing the game at 2x speed.


It's 900p/30. With drops.

> at 3-4fps with audio glitches, visual seizures, and input lag.

Like good ol' OoT. That game even dips to 17. I don't know how I never noticed it as a kid.


Go away.

>BotW's texture work is shit but it actually does have textures. Geometrically they're about the same, and they have a similar aesthetic

I wouldn't fully agree here. The Witness and BotW are similar in their use of colour, but diverge in the use of texture and geometry. The Witness relies almost exclusively on the geometry to build the world, whereas BotW relies far more heavily on using textures to fill in the world, which is far less appealing imo.

So Metroid, F Zero and Star Fox aren't "kid's shit", but Xenoblade is. How's the weather in bizarro world?

What the fuck happened to Pepe?


>New Fzero

F-Zero has been dead for 15 fucking years.

Mario Kart has become their defacto racing game, as fucking retarded as that is.


Xenoblade X runs at 4K now, still 30fps, you don't even need that good of a build to play it.


Here you go kiddo, what are you going to try and shitpost about now?

I'll trust official sources over DIgital Foundry that deliberately leaves out that the "Source" is an older Devkit, as can be seen nvidia.com/object/jetson-tx1-dev-kit.html

Compared to

Yeah, fuck those assholes.

It's an emulator about a ''''current gen'''' console. I'll get better and better over the time.

I'd say that's more than enough for the silent majority that make up over 99.99999999% of video gamers.

just like mario kart 8 right?

You're trusting the same company that deliberately smudged the line between 1080p native rendering and 720p upscaled to 1080p, just to hide their weak hardware.

Of course it's 1080p/60 in the sense that it outputs a 1080p, 60hz signal. The source image is being rendered at 900p 30fps however.


How do they emulate all the shit you can only do on the tablet?

Or do you still have to use a tablet controller to emulate it?

>hopes to target 1080p 60 fps
Lol are you for real? How is this a confirmation of anything? We have multiple sources confirming the demo was 900p. There's also confirmations that the trailer was 900p. And there's not a single proof of evidence anywhere of the game *EVER* running higher than 30 fps. What makes you think it'll suddenly be 60 fps which would require twice the processing power?

Oh, you guys are going to wait a year for that?
Well by then it should be much better.

Maybe a Switch emulator will be in the works.

They can always change it. A demo doesnt mean shit.

Not sure but it works.

Might not even take that long, X runs really really well on it so far.

>still shitposting instead of discussing video games

Literally kill yourself

yes go look at the mario odessy trailer or this game trailer looks blurry as fuck and I have the video quality all the way up

>Trying to reason with a delusional Nintodler

For what purpose?

When your demo can't keep up 30 fps at 900p, your final product isn't going to magically be 1080p 60fps. It's physically impossible.

Doesn't stop him/her from being right.


>Maybe a Switch emulator will be in the works.

Switch Emulator will be even easier than the Wii U emulator from a technical standpoint.

I'd wager we'll have a decent Switch emulator before Christmas.

>people are retarded
Thanks for the news flash

Modern emulation requires the system to be hacked first, since the game data is all encrypted. You can't emulate anything until you can access the game files, which is why 3DS and Wii U emulation didn't exist until those systems were hacked

The Switch looks like it probably won't be including a web browser so I'm not optimistic about the possibility of it being hacked. There might be flash carts but it's not the same, especially from an emulation standpoint.

The Switch might be the first Nintendo console we can't emulate simply because we can't decrypt the game files

Trying to get Deus Ex: Mankind Divided to run on my laptop. That game was running like shit and literally shut down on me after 30 seconds of gameplay.

No one said 60fps.
But when your demo only drops frames during alpha scenes as described thats an easily fix issue since its an issue with the renderer. But you probably know nothing about programming.

>screenshots at a higher resolution magically enhance lod scaling and texture fitering

the ultimate retard-o-matic post


go die

It will still be the GOTY of 2017

>No one said 60fps.
Yeah, actually, this guy did:He's saying that some rep saying Nintendo is "hoping to target" 1080p/60 is proof that BotW is 1080p/60. It's ridiculous.

I think it's painfully obvious the final game will be 900p on TV