Game when?
Game when?
>Playing as Llewelyn
>get killed during a loading screen
fuck this game
Why is "Succ" a meme?
>play as the sheriff
>game suddenly closes and uninstalls itself
Need the pic of him with the big goofy smile
because people are cancer
Top lel
what a shitty third act that movie had
>the choices lead to the same conclusion at the end of the game
>already watched the movie
>spoiled the game for myself
fuck my memory
>what a shitty third act that movie had
Absolutely terrible taste holy shit.
how would it even work I want examples
how is it possible that a movie digestable by teenagers went over your head
RPGmaker game
i'm glad i'm not the only one who hated the third act. it was mostly the fact that llewelyn dies out of fucking no where. i wouldn't have a problem with him dying if it wasn't so out of character when he fucked that whore.
I agree with that user, movie was great until they killed the protag off screen. What kind of bullshit is that?
Why did this guy look so funny
It's supposed to different from other movies.
I think it was pretty good.
pretty much vice city but it takes place in texas, and you cycle through llewelyn and anton.
What did he tell his Barber?!
>it's in the book, so it's good
Lmao at your shitty tastes, it is badly done, you shiteating fags who follow mainstream opinion without thinking for yourselves
i don't have a problem with the protag dying, i like twists. but the way it was done was poorly executed, and it shouldn't have been off screen.
Coin Flip Simulator '18?
The reason why Llewelyn dies out of nowhere is to show that him and the money wasn't what the movie was about.
It was about Sheriff Bell, and how you can't feel guilt over the fact that people will always be terrible and be killing each other. Sometimes the bad guy wins and you have to learn to live with that.
the whole point was the pointlessness of the endeavour when all it takes to kill a human is 2 dudes and a loaded gun
The only way this would work is as a TellTale point and click.
This is such bullshit, every goddamn time i see this movie brought up on this website everyone pulls a different meaning from it. That's not a bad quality for a movie to have but still everyone has their own special snowflake opinion and it's annoying. It's as bad as Sup Forums and NGE.
I couldn't take the coin flipping seriously, stealing two-face's gimmick is pretty shitty.
It's almost as if that's why movies are made!
boring pseudo-dramatic movie praised for no reason?
hopefully never
>no country for old men came out 10 years ago.
>main character getting killed offscreen
Lol so brilliant! Who cares about something being exciting and enjoyable xD
it would be linear as shit and you fags hate that, so never
If you want the actual interpretation of the story, look up the poem it's based on; Sailing to Byzantium. The poem is about how as man progresses in age, he lets go of the material side of life and turns to the spiritual. That's why by the end of the movie, the money is no longer important. It fades away. That's why in the last scene, when Sheriff Bell is describing the dreams he had, he can't remember the dream which is about money, but vividly remembers the more spiritual experience of his second dream.
No other interpretation is correct.
Both those replies are correct though, they just refer to different things.
No Country For Old Men is basically a satire. The protag dies off-screen because people don't have magic plot armor in real life.
So yes, you could say the ending is shitty on purpose. Because in the end the movie is about something else.
That was weird, but not bad
did that really make you mad, I mean seriously.
Actually it didn't, I enjoyed the movie. Just shitposting.
He didn't have a reason to be serious when he was the only one capable of killing
I want this game instead
Not him but i really did get mad, really mad.
i didn't get mad, i was just sort of disappointed.
>People don't have plot armor in real life
>Dude has plot armor the whole movie except at the last 20 minutes
10/10 movie
>There will never be an open world game set in Texas that will allow you to play as Anton Chigurh just going around killing people.
I think a total of 20 people die in this movie.
If they do make a game, it would have to be survival horror.
Okay fags, Llewelyn wasn't the main character of the movie. Maybe this will help you get it: No country for OLD men
Riddle me this fagman why the fuck didn't he get on a fucking plane with his wife and the money the minute he found it?
>Dude has plot armor the whole movie except at the last 20 minutes
The point is that he didn't though, that's why he died. He literally lucked out.
Which is why the bad guy also gets hit by a car at the end, it's to show that either of them could have died at any time.
It would work as a GTA-like game where you play as Anton and have to use wacky weapons like the cattle prod and his silenced shotgun yo carry out ordered killings and other cartel jobs.
Daniel Day Lewis is a terrible actor and you have possibly the worst taste a man could have in films.
>leaving the greatest country on earth
There Will be Blood is an excellent film on industry and a prominent character study in major literature, even if the film is bashed by film geeks.
>No country for OLD men
Stop trying to make people understand what the movie is about by reading the title, it's too much for Sup Forums user.
>out of character
>happens the same way as in the book
In the directors commentary they say something about giving him a really goofy haircut so he stands out, like he's trying to fit in with normies and thinks that that hairstyle and personality is how normal people act.
>multiple fire fights, chases and murders throughout the entire film to the very end
I can't imagine the garbage you find entertaining, jesus christ. You got some seriously bad taste.
>start up game
>find a case with a shit ton of cash
>decide to count my ill gotten gains
>find this weird gizmo
>WTF is this
>throw it away
>credits roll
>how u want it playa
>lemme get dat jackie o
>say no more
>tfw you were actually capitalism the whole time
what a twist
That really drinks my milkshake
the film displays detachment in various ways. This was perfect for the tone.
Right after the Breaking Bad game.
>There are people who still think Llewelyn was the protag of the film
Jesus... It's been almost a decade now
For anyone who gives a fuck, the book is really good and if you enjoyed the film it's just as good. It reads almost like a script and also for some reason the author doesn't like to use quotation marks so it took a while to get used to it to tell who was speaking.
One of my favourite books and movies though. Can't really imagine a game based on it but a game with the same premise of being hunted by cartel and hitmen would be great.
I'm not sure I'd even want a game based directly off of the movie.
I win
>put out an APB on everyone in a 25 mile radius that drank milk
>Churgar gets caught within an hour
This game is weird.
Well it was the 80's, and they were hicks so I doubt they were very bright and figured no one would come looking for it and then stumbles on the tracker but by then it was already too late.
saints row 4 has a silenced shotgun just like Anton does and it does the slick as fuck SCWHEEWOO sound when it shoots.
what's your point? it's still out of character for him to want to fuck a whore.
Blood Meridian would make a way cooler game, bitches
GTA V's shotgun silencer is pretty nice too for this feeling.
Because the story is a massive deconstruction of "hard-ass action/crime film protag". He's not even a protagonist of the story. Instead, he's a bumbling fuck that THINKS he's a hero of the story AND acts as if it was 80s action/crime film.
Thing is - he's just a stupid hick with no particular skills or abilities, but got lucky with finding case full of money. So he does what an action hero would do, rather what a reasonable person would do.
>Mario Sunshine came out 15 years ago
>It was about Sheriff Bell
>barely appears on screen
lol Coenfags everyone.
I keep failing the coin toss minigame with Anton. This is such bullshit.
The author (or director, can't remember which one) has spoken out about how a theme of the novel/movie is America's obsession with violence and greed after the Vietnam war. And everytime people complain about not being able to see Llewellyn's death they prove him right.
He probably would have if his conscience didn't make him go back to the shootout site to give Juan some water.
>I never grasped what the film was about
>Not to mention I never read the book, because I'm barely literate
Lol idiots who went on this as an action film.
On the other hand, I know cunts who went to see it as a fucking comedy, because, well, Coen brothers do comedies, right?
Speaking of which, this is one of the best book adaptations I've ever watched. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but The Road was also fantastic though Charlize Theron was unnecessary, especially the way she left.
I guess practical considerations mixed with his conscience. What you wrote would have indeed made the most sense, but remember, Llewelyn couldn't even get that dying Mexican out of his head and went back to him with water.
Even if it was curiosity, he cared for his wife and make him unaffected by his actions. I think he wanted to be absolutely sure he's not followed (hence why he went to a motel), and when it turned out otherwise he knew ultimately it's him or Chigurh.
At this point (when he met with Wells at the hospital I felt the urge to jump ship was even higher than the beginning, but even if he manage to get away he'd never feel safety again. Not to mention his wife would probably be with her...
That's very true though. Just see the Tom's dialogues with El Paso's sheriff or the former deputy in the wheelchair who lives in the middle of nowhere with cats. Or the tales about Tom's father or his dream at the end.
>barely appears on screen
>has the most important dialogue
Just because you don't pay attention to the scenes without guns doesn't mean he barely appears.
>Both book and film are take down on invincinble action hereos that always survive against impossible odds and get scot-free with just being badass
I'm not sure you understand the concept of deconstruction.
Namefag pls go.
>The Road was also fantastic
I was incredibly skeptical about Theron's role, but at least she's in the movie a pretty small amount. Still more than the book mentioned her, but not a bad addition.
>boarding an international flight on short notice
>no passport
>no visa
>a million dollars in cash with you
Good fucking luck
The Road was fucking horrible as a film. The book - great read. The film? A piece of shit that just drags endlessly and aimlessly.
>Late 70s
Son, I understand you can't remember times before 9/11, but people carried with themselves worse things on plane and nobody even bothered to check. The paranoid searches on airports are pretty new thing.
>the state of the plebs on Sup Forums
Are you are least aware people just carried coke with themselves in hand baggage in 80s and that wasn't checked?
And it's like you never heard about private charters
>Implying The Road as a film wasn't bad, with truly abysmal acting of the kid and the plot showing how fucking sketchy it was, as compared with the book, which was able to mask own inadequancies with solid writing style.
I didn't like the road either, i don't think i understood it. Just seemed like a typical post apocalyptic scenario. Also there was practically no rape which was disappointing,
Not that user, and I get what you're saying, but none of that really matters because he gets caught in the crossfire when he leaves in the middle of the night to bring the dying Mexican in the truck water. But if you're still this stubborn about such an inconsequential part of the film not playing out like it would in real life I don't really know what to tell you.
>I didn't like the road either, i don't think i understood it.
The Road reads a little bit differently for me because I am near the age of fatherhood and McCarthy himself has spoken about how that's essentially the reason he wrote it and a major theme. If you're not well versed in his books they can all be hard to wrap your head around, his worldview is pretty out there compared to most literature and films.
Never knew the story was based on Sailing to Byzantium. Thanks senpai
Really? I thought it was pretty good. I've yet to read the book yet, its on my list next. From the few Mcarthy novels I have read I seem to enjoy his stuff a lot.
Although I always liked her, I felt she contributed little to the movie. I'm okay with the creative decision to (visually) include her char to story, but any noname indie actress could have played that role. I felt like her presence were (in lack of better word) wasted.
I see where you coming from but I think that endless struggle was an integral part of the movie. Eventually, I think the atmosphere was absolutely on point and it got the message across. Can you recommend movies with similarly depressing yet more-or-less realistic setting?
>no visa
>no passport
fuck that
what we need is a The Crossing game
>The Road was fucking horrible as a film.
Not enough tits and action scenes for you?