Risk of Rain



It works, get in here

tfw watching the AGDQ vods instead of playing RoR

do both
you DO have two monitors, right user?

Still waiting

I have a PC and a laptop, does that count?

if you want to get in make a post and we'll wait when we die


I'm interested. Lemme know when it's open again


A bump

Open yet?


Open yet?

open soon

Open yet?

Save the thread




anyone else coming? about to start



Open when

open again



closed in 30 seconds :^)



Special Delivery's custom difficulty is the greatest human innovation of our era.

I'd like to team up with someone and make a ror-like game but without the bugs. There should be more multiplayer games like it. I think nuclear throne and gungeon missed their chance by not including online coop.


ill be the idea guy
you do the coding

>300 seconds

is it open?

host when

It would make for some boring gameplay if you ever got past stage 2, since I disabled every non-worm enemy. I should probably put the enemies that can't spawn on the first two stages back, just so there's something to do.

How do you edit the enemy spawns/time limits?

If you have version 1.2 of the Special Delivery mod, the "custom mode.txt' file explains everything. It's pretty easy to work with.

I see, it got released quite recently. Thanks.

i will host one (1) more game.

sent you the code ;)

Just beat this game for the first time. Holy shit that final boss fight was difficult. I ended up making it to the final level around the 30 minute mark, but didn't win until the 60 minute mark, partly due to wandering around, partly due to not knowing how to properly fight the boss.

But anyway, I've unlocked the Enforcer, Bandit, HAN-D, Sniper, Acrid, Loader, and Chef. Who should I play next?



waiting for a game.

Hand-D is the most fun out of all those without Glass on. Sniper and Chef are bretty gud too

Post more of this semen demon

Ryuujou is not for sexual. She's a daughterfu.

Anybody know where the "secret" artifact is in Special Delivery?

anyone got a save file for all the characters?

just unlock them in the .int file.

google risk of rain save data and copy paste it into the save file


Someone get on it. I want to try out engie in multiplayer for the first time

>first time in Sup Forums mp
oh sweet summer child

no nigger. I've played with Sup Forums on here for over a year.
I always main commando for fun

Now i want to try engie

Or you could learn how to port forward and host yourself. Just an idea.

don't want to get into my router. internet is shit as well

Well a possible suggestion for that would be to learn some patience.

i've been sitting here for the past hour keeping the thread alive.

Bandit is like Commando but better, Acrid and Chef are really great and easy in vanilla thanks to their mob control, Han-D has a rough start but becomes a powerhouse later and it's fun, the Loader is OP but fun because you can grapple around, Sniper needs the glass artifact to be fun, Enforcer is the true hard mode of the game.


Iowa > Bismarck > Warspite


good games friendos
host out


Where's the other Ryuujou guy

He won't be able to post for a few days. I'm having to post Ryuujou for him.



host when

rest in worm

holy fuck i hate you hopoo

is there anywhere aside from Sup Forums that you can find an ip list for this game?



it works. get the fuck in here


I'll join the next game. let me know :)

join now we all died

Join now


On my way

can i still join or is it too late, havent launched the game

wait until next roud

Can't seem to join, must have started. Let us know when it's free.

can you guys die already for me

I'm new here how do I join one of these?

Click start online co-op, type in this guys ip on the join game bit Then click join when he says it's open

>start online co-op
>navigate to the join game section
>change the IP to the IP posted in the thread
>click on "Join Game"
Can't connect right now though, have to wait for the next round. Though if you're that new you should probably be playing singleplayer for a biit anyway.

type the ip number and port number into the join multiplayer thing

working on it.

Estimated wait time?


Not that new

Anyone waiting on open? I can host if need be.

Someone else is hosting atm. Maybe wait till they're done so we could get a full game, give them 5 and see, instead of splitting us up.

it's almost over.

>can't draw a fucking hoof



Enforcer a shit

1 person carrying.
i'd say wait another 5 minutes or make that other host start.