Zelda Mandela Effect

Am I the only one who remembers another Zelda being released simultaneously between the Wii and Wii U? I also remember Skyward Sword was released in April 2010, not November of freaking 2011.

I even remember the story. It went that after Ganon was impaled in Wind Waker, the Master Sword sent his soul back in time to his old self, who with his newfound selflessness turns a leaf and decides not to march on Hyrule. You play as him as he searches out Midna, in order to sever the evil in his heart. However, things go wrong and there's a timeskip 100 years into the future where you wake up as Link.

Aonuma even did made a big deal about how Skyward Sword was "the world through Link and Zelda's eyes. Now you'll see it through Ganondorf's in a new light."


Stop being a faggot, OP.

beat me to it

Dumbass native worlder. I remember OP.

Dont be nice to this underaged faggot, he needs to know how we do shit here.
Also theres like zero chance of you being able to pound his boipussy, so stop trying.

I remember a time when OP wasn't a fag, but I guess that also was all in my head.

>fucking nonsense
How about talking about actual lore and not some fanfiction shit?

I remember that guy. He's a Dark Nut. There's blue versions too, but only in the penultimate and final dungeons. They carry huge axes.


Probably referring more to the Sheikah eye on the mask.

You know this meme only works with subtle differences right?

>I joined in 2014 because of gamergate, get out newfag
Kill you'reself

In the game I played through, the bad guys are all bio-robotic figments created by Demise. The tusks are only because after a certain extent they take off the shroud and fight you in animal form. That is its real face.



In my timeline the NX turned out to be the Nintendo Fusion, to 'fuse' handheld and console games, weird shit but don't complain

Oh no I want him to stay, this is where he should be.
He needs to be bullied anonymously online so that he stops being such a faggot in time for highschool.

I'm tryin to save this fucker, so dont you stop me.

How is Nelson Mandela dying in 1980 subtle? There's nothing subtle about the Mandela Effect.

Because Nelson Mandela is not a remotely notable figure. Whether he was alive or dead clearly made no difference to a lot of people.

Mandela effect is the most retarded conspiracy theory

Just admit that you were wrong ffs

It was Twlight Princess, except it released on the gamecube and the wii at the same time, and it was mirrored, which was strange but made since because of the wiimote.

>ended apartheid in the capitol of the largest continent in the world
>made no difference to a lot of people.

Choose one you egocentric western peon.

no, you're just a fucking idiot

He failed in my timeline :^)


I'm from the future, and this is the plot to Breath of the Wild. You just spoiled the game for everyone.

Do you remember when Kit-Kat?

berenstain/berenstein wouldn't mandela again

yeah i remember this op. there was also this game about smelling yoshi's wet farts that I remember vividly but i cant find any evidence of its existence haha.


The only Mandela Effect that legit bothers me is the braces chick from Moonraker.

>mandela effect
no you're just a fucking retard

If the game does end up being about ending the curse of Demise then this would actually make sense. I'm not sure how they would go about explaining why all the timelines have converged though.

Don't forget about the Mandela Effect about Super Mario Bros' release date. To this day, nobody knows when it came out in North America. We're living in a world of mandela effects. Only the unenlightened deny this.

>largest continent in the world

>Asia (including the Middle East)


anyone remember that Zelda was naked in the new trailer?

Yes. I gawked when I saw it.

nice shoop

Is this a 2017 version of a Nsider forum shitpost?

Another ME. This scene isn't in the trailer. Where is it from?

Hey retard. The Mandela effect isn't observed in Africa because they kept better tabs on their racist president. It should be called the Berenstain effect though because everyone in my family always remembered him not dying in jail

Maybe instead of making up a phenomenon people should just admit they have a bad memory, or are bullshitting like OP

I don't even know why they needed to add that caveat. Asia has always started where Thrace meets Nicaea, that region is called Asia minor for a reason, it's where Asia begins. Also, Africa has always ended at the western end of the Sinai Peninsula. These things have never changed. Maybe the only definition of Asia that might have changed are having the Ural and Caucasus mountain ranges be the border between Europe and Asia.

But it did come out in November. I played it on thanksgiving and every thanksgiving since it's come out. Stop being a faggot

Am I the only one who is disappointed we didn't get Fem-Link this time?

Let me guess, you just discovered what Mandela effect means right?

Does anybody remember a guy named Z who used to browse in all Zelda threads?