How is this game free and better graphics than fucking Elder Scrolls Online?
Neverwinter versus TESO
by having more Pay2Win bullshit?
that is my assumption.
Even the PvE content is enjoyable and well done. Everything is voiced, you have random NPCs shouting shit, armor doesn't look like a printed image, good enchanting system. Dungeons, free new content, reasonable loot system.
TESO has their crown store but it doesn't give you as much as Neverwinters ZEN store
I've been wanting to try this. How is it?
Also, i only find the expansion on steam and it's 208mb, is that the one I download?
It's got dungeons, pvp, skirmishes, tons of pve and armor progression
Better than majority of mmos you find and with good graphics
Armor actually looks like armor
It's a shame the classes are so limited in what they can do otherwise this would come close to a "great" MMO.
For a game with so much creative freedom in designing character's race and appearance, your own quests and dungeons they picked some of the most generic D&D classes to let you play as. To be fair, they've added ranger, warlock and paladin since I last played so that's at least a step in the right direction.
I've had less fun with it as I have with Guild Wars 2
Take of that what you will
And in elder scrolls you can only play 4 classes and the most you do is morph your abilities a couple of times with about 5 or 6 actives most per category. And then you get useless shit from the Mages guild like magelight. The stats aren't as detailed as Neverwinter. And while you might want more classes to play, the game is still strong, free and has more potential. I mean shit, people are paying for subscriptions to ESO after paying 40 bucks for the game and they're still low in the glamour department
Add fucking necromancer you shit heads
Don't listen to this guy I have guild wars 2, couldn't stand playing it for more than an hour. Would rather grind on Black desert onlime than play the colossal and ugly waste of time and free level ups known as Guild Wars 2
i kinda like How Elder Scrolls Online has a variety of "builds" and how if you are a templar for example, you can play 1 of 6 builds.
i kinda like how they overwhelm you with abilitys and morphs, but you can only use 10
this is literally paid shilling
this thread is the Sup Forums equivalent of sponsored content
I bet hiroshimoot has mods close all the shilling threads except ones paying to be here
I'm not comparing it to ESO you dumbass nigger.
First off, stop shilling Neverwinter so hard. It's not that good of a game. It has it's own problems with it's payment model, namely that you'd have to spend hundreds of dollars AND have a recurring subscription before you could consider yourself among the best geared players in the game. There's a huge gap between free players and paid players in terms of eligibility for PvE content.
ESO is about $10-20 retail, not $40, with an optional sub fee, not mandatory like you're implying. Also, free players can gear themselves to the same point as paid players can. There's no paywall in the way like there is with Neverwinter. Leveling is atrociously slow without a membership though.
Neverwinter might have had a chance at being a functional free to play game if the chinks running it weren't so greedy.
>Everything is voiced
Like ESO?
>You have random NPC's shouting shit
Like ESO?
>Armor doesn't look like a printed image,
Fair point.
>Good enchanting system
Like ESO?
Like ESO?
>Free new content
Like ESO?
>Reasonable loot system
Like ESO?
That's exactly my point. ESO should be the better game.
So you're just not going to play any DLC ever? Clearly the game is not cheap.
Neverwinter is FREE.
>I have guild wars 2, couldn't stand playing it for more than an hour
Neither could I
Neverwinter was less fun
Neverwinter is nothing like Guild Wars 2 and far more interesting to play
Neverwinter DLC costs money too, though. In that regard, Neverwinter is not free. So what's your point?