Name a franchise with a more insufferable fanbase
Name a franchise with a more insufferable fanbase
found the casual
Final Fantasy. That was easy
Eve Online
the majority of fanbases
Metal gear solid.
Pick your poison.
I said franchise
Atleast all of these actually want to get new people into the games instead of just acting like insufferable elitists about how cool they are just because they can get a parry and can beat the minotaur on their first try
Sonic, Overwatch, CoD, Skyrim, all the ones full of autism, all the ones with incredibly stupid fetishes, all the ones with furry fans.
There are plenty but you are going to be a dick because you have a chip on your shoulder.
Maybe someone told to you to git gud and you lost your shit, who knows.
>He couldn't beat the Taurus Demon on his first try
>Because he's shit Dark Souls fans are elitist
Outside of DaS2 bait threads, the series generally has some of the better discussions here on Sup Forums. You'd know that if it wasn't your first day here.
Oh look, the insufferables have shown up to show how "gud" they are
nope, you got it. souls games are the easiest games in existence. you literally just roll and nothing can hurt you. you play with godmode the entire time and people think the games are difficult.
is there a franchise with a more sufferable hatebase?
the american franchise
as expected of soulsbabbies
Blame yourself, Sup Forums almost single handedly popularized this series from the very start.
>I don't get it therefore it's bad
Thanks for proving my point
and thanks for proving op's
I think you mean Gamespot.
any Valve game
Dark Souls is a close 2nd though.
your favorite
Every hatebase ever. They can't fucking think for themselves and enjoy what they like, so they latch onto what they see others enjoying and hate that instead.
I never said anything about how gud I am, but yes you obviously have a chip on your shoulder, because there are much worse fanbases.
Explain to me what makes it worse than say Sonic.
How was DLC 1 bros??? I got stuck on Soul of Cinder like a pleb and haven't picked it up since.
Street Fighter
>Atleast all of these actually want to get new people into the games
And that is a good thing?
Name one tie more people has ever improved anything.
The old fanbase that discuss gameplay, lore and appreciate the appeal of 2B are alright.
The new fanbase that discuss 2Bs ass and praise Taro like a god are obnoxious and insufferable.
Nope, I remember sparse Demon's Souls threads from the very start. And then Dark Souls was released and the boards had one or two threads which drew attention until the front page had half a dozen DS threads lauding the game.
All the while I hadn't heard a single word about it from other game sites other than it being the sequel to Demon's Souls.
There is nothing wrong about being elitist, it keeps the whiny, easily hurt bitches out, nothing but benefits.
Like yourself for example.
lol op is a no show. Seems like his rage was unjustified.
Try to have a phantom pain thread without having swarms of fags bitching that their headcannon is right.
Honestly, outside of all the stupid memes on facebook, I've never got what's so bad about the souls fanbase that you guys obsess over. Imo the crown of the worst goes to nintendo fans (tied with sonic fir all the legit mental handicap surrounding them), they are 100% impermeable to criticism and suffer from victimism, it's literally impossible to discuss with them.
They litterally prove it themselves
Again, Final Fantasy
>FF6 sold well enough in Japan, but not in America
>"Well time to improve by streamling things and try to get a bigger fanbase"
>Leaves Nintendo, goes to Playstation
>FF7 sells 9.8 million copies
>Becomes mainstream
That is the literal definition of a bigger fanbase getting more out of it.
anything nintendo
more sales, worse games
funny how that works
any online multiplayer game like assfaggots, overwatch, cs:go etc.
thats fuckin easy
Whatever game you like :)
And I thought FF6 was better than 7 and 7 was the last mainline FF I even liked.
So yeah. If being elitist stops souls from becoming like that then you just made the best argument for elitism.
Any source game.
>non verbal communication
>co op buddies being helpful as fuck
>implying this is somehow a bad fanbase
Found the retard
>wanting new people talking about your favorite series
Souls games have good threads except dark souls 2 and 3 which are bad/mediocre games vehemently defended by those who played them first.
Nah, it's actually a funny bunch. Just ignore all the furries.
how? they're pretty fanatical, but that's not a bad thing. i don't find them to be obnoxious.
purse owner
earth bound
bayonetta and other "crazy" games
theres plenty 2bh. souls is bad, but it isnt the worst
So if someone shiposts in response to a shitpost, you are proven right?
One shitpost deserves another, want a real conversation? Start one.
Instead of
>I'll shitpost with no argument
>then they'll shitpost with no argument
Which proves how terrible THEY are, by simply matching you?
>More sales worse games
>FF7, FF9, FF10 and FF13 are way better than FF1, FF2, FF3, FF5
Funny how that works out user.
Basically, streamlining things can make it better. Look at how Bloodborne 'casualized' their Dark Souls like gameplay. It sold far more than what Sony anticipated and how they have a huge PS4 exclusive hit on their hands.
league of legends, call of duty, any AAA nintendo game,...
oooh, it was one of those 'b8' things. why didn't you just say so?
dark souls 1 pc launch there was an influx of "wahhhh 2hard artificial difficulty'
Then they got buttblasted at the only good advice
I browse both vp and v. Outside of some shitposting about liking some games or design (mostly blatan v crossposters baiting) it's a comfy board, dead af sometimes, glorious sometimes (leak season is like a fever dream). In comparison the average day on v is a ghetto on costant war.
>better than anything
it's all good until you encounter a hackers, Otherwise community etiquette between white/gold phantoms and their hosts are impeccable.
What old fanbase? Isn't Nier a new ip by Platinum?
But that was more than 5 years ago, nowadays the situation is a lot chiller.
You are really saying that FF13 is weaker than FF1, FF2, FF3, FF5, FF8, FF11, FF12 and FF14? REALLY?
No, you are the only one who is baiting people.
Any online game compromised of kids and the young.
It's always everyone's fault but their own when they lose, they're always matched with bad players they're the only good one on the team, can't control themselves when they lose, spout memes out the ass and like to report people when their feelings get hurt.
Everyone under 20 should be gassed desu.
Did you look in the mirror? Not OP but i've played every Souls game and every DLC besides Demon Souls. Its not a hard game series it just fucks you like a decent one for being stupid and has a few hardish bosses.
Its fanbase is full of complete retards who think anything harder then Souls games is "artificial difficulty" and that Mizayaki can do no wrong and all the faults in the games should be ignored or treated as "features"
Its a pretty fucking awful fan base. Its gameplay is also pretty shallow but people act like being a major of bosses takes effort. I died maybe 4-5 times to bosses in DaS1/BB besides the DLC. Only bosses i can name that gave me a run were Orphan/Ludwig/Fume/Nameless/Friede everything else is a joke if you think its hard.
As a FG fan i never really think about it in context to other fanbases but yeah. SF fans specifically are pretty fucking full of shit. I mean the ones who only play SF and shit talk anything else like SF is or has ever been the best. SF2/3s/Alpha 3 are great games and honestly versions of 4 were solid but SFV is a fucking trainwreck trying to piece itself together and the fucks still eat it up like SF is the pinnacle of jack shit with KOF14 GGXrd Tekken 7 and so many other more worthwhile games.
But hey nostalgia and playing where the money is at regardless of seeing it yourself is worth more then spending your time on quality i guess.
>Be Nier fan for years it was amazing
>Tell friends hey play it its pretty good
>They shrug it off like fags
>There faggy LP mentions it when Nier 2 is announced
>They both go buy it and don't even finish it
I hate faggots who parrot LPs. Its fucking disgusting when someone terrible at games has pull because retarded kids love watch them/him.
souls games suck lmao
>A new Souls game comes out
>Ah yes this series is normally consistently decent despite its flaws and a good way to kill alot of time
>Go online to check it out
>100x articles saying AW MAN CAN'T WAIT TO GET RAPED BY THAT
>All the normies making idiotic comments like "Man another i just made it through the last"
Why do people think its so hard? A few very select areas are and even fewer bosses are. But the series in general? Just stop being a fucking moron and have decent reactions. If you play things patiently and don't over extend its simple.
Try playing a fucking game that openly tries to rape you like any action game/old shooter on a above normal difficulty.