The character you last played in a vidya game begs you to have sex with him/her

The character you last played in a vidya game begs you to have sex with him/her.
Would you do it?

I can't remember the last time I played a video game.

would you ?

Why are you even here?

Well I don't think telling him no will do me any good.

Zero chance, homosexual.



>I have to fuck entire party
>I had Leper in it


I played titanfall 2 mp, who do I get?

>The Aragami from the eponymous game

I don't know how sex with a faceless being made of shadows would even work. Or maybe he's just a corpse, but nah, I'm not interested

leper is a gentle lover

>REmake Jill

But I have a gf

>age of empires II

do i have to fuck the entire city


your pilot/titan of your last mp match depending which one you were controlling at the end nothing if you were dead in the escape phase

my fallout 4 waifu? hell yes

>Kat from Gravity Rush

I'm gay and heavily into BDSM. So probably not, no.

>the last guardian
The boy or Trico

Shantae, holy shit yes!!!


This is gonna hurt and I don't think I have much choice in the matter.

>Athena from Ace Attorney

I'd pound her until she forgot she dismemered her mother

I think the last game I played was Rimworld last night so I guess a whole colony is going to run a train on me.

At least some are girls ?..

>Onesan has no nose, no ear, missing her left hand, has a robotic leg, and is minus a few toes

s-so sexy

I'd probably say no just because Melia isn't allowed to get what she wants. Ever.

only if he tops
i'm not capable of being alpha


I guess i could fuck my sniper



An armored core?

>Dork Dragoon Forte

A German Tiger Tank commander.

No. I'd ask to ride in his tank tho


>Rocket League



How about no.

Why do fanartists always depict her as having large tits when in every official picture she's pretty fucking flat

Amanda Ripley.
Hey I mean it's no Ellen Ripley but it's as close as I'm gonna get


I'd fuck White Glint

On a side note, how do I git gud? I've only looped once.


Reddit has been running that pic into ground here recently.

I guess I'd take Slippy so I look at it's face when I penetrate zer

His take about an aggressive fucking. Hell, I don't even think he even registers human pleasures anymore. Only thing he cares about is dead demons.

you didn't need to specify, we all knew.

My qt XIV cat?

Hell. Fucking. Yes.

Holy shit someone has to do a umaru chan version of ashley, it fucking fit perfectly

>D class in scp containment breach

you didn't need to reply, but you did

>heroes of the storm

Yes pls

is that thing male? (isaac)


>grave keeper

What the fuck

Because everyone loves cowtits. Anyone who is hot yet flat will be given tits

just look at literally any fictional character.

Only if she brings her grandmother into the action as well.

Yes. He'll glory kill my boipucci


There's two types of people

This! Get to tear my cat boi's pucci up!

I don't know, my dick says "hell yes"
But my heart says "no, must retain and protect his purity"
still do it tho

I've got dibs on Noblesse Oblige.

>Kat from Gravity Rush
>have a thibg for brown girls

We just struck gold boys

>Alice: Madness Returns
They always told me not to stick my dick in crazy. But boy, am I bad at following instructions.

The beetle from Thumper.

I mean yeah sure ok but how.

Having sex with Gordon Freeman might not be a bad idea.

>green eyes
Supreme taste desu senpai

Fuck, probably gonna die unless he lets me top


That's not an actual in-game line of dialogue when they're afflicted, but damn there's some gems in there.
Plague doctor when hopeless:
>My feet smell of gangrene! YOU - smell these!

Would you not?


she had a better ass at least

Black hair and green eyes of McGee's Alice > blonde hair and blue eyes of Disney Alice.

>mrw that come back
Will that user ever recover?


Keep posting, faggot.


Homo or grill I can't judge you for lusting over Dante Uncle ver., guy is handsome as fuck.

AJ Styles or Nep Nep if you don't count licensed games....I'm in the best timeline.

I consider myself the luckiest in this thread.

my dick is ready mistress.

das it mane

Dude, you can cure that for like $10 now.

>Wingdiver from EDF



The last game I played was SC2 as Protoss. I use adepts a lot because her voice gets me hard (especially in German). I would resonate all over her glaives.

How do I fuck an ACU

>Balrog (the boxer)

Rebecca from RE0.

Also she was wearing that nurse outfit.

And yes, I will have sex with her. I will do many bad things to her and make Billy watch.


What wrong with making fun of some loser?

>just made a Brawler in Tera
I'm going to say yes, yes I would have sex with her.

i dont know man

Yes please

i don't like it



No, I'm gay.

why me


But I do

You fuck the pilot obviously you moron.