Rottytops is best girl

Rottytops is best girl.

Just played and beat Pirate's Curse yesterday for the first time. Is it the best Shantae?

But she's just a corpse.

Exactly. You don't have to worry about accidentally getting her preggers since she's already dead.

She's a nice looking corpse full of personality.


Let's get the sexy right this time.

>Rotty is the only one who enjoyed being a sexy princess

She is perfect.

How does she smell?


Like Starbucks

Full of maggots that craw all over your dick when you stick it inside her. They'll crawl into your pee hole and into your balls.

Then I'll look and won't touch. Problem solved.

Stop trying to turn me on user, it's too early in the day to fap yet.

This is a good idle

I think Half-Genie Hero is considered to be a bit better.

Why did they fuck up the portraits so bad Sup Forums? Pirate's curse was literally perfect. Half-genie hero's sprites are pretty good though.

She probably has formol in her blood veins to kill the parasites and slow down the rotting process, or she would be pure bones in few months.

or like magic or some shit

Probably because the player models are so clear now they figured they were good enough to be portraits too

Can no one stand still in this game for one fucking moment?

>standing still
>in the year of out lord two thousand and seventeen
Are you gay, son?

Why would you want to restrict someone that is so happy from dancing in place?


They have Restless leg syndrome. Leave them alone.

imagine fucking Rottytops, she probably just lays on her back stiff and silent as a corpse

pretty much a typical Japanese girl

Don't be ridiculous

More like she can't stop gyrating all around

Yes, Half-Genie hero is a step backwards.

They move around to make things bounce.

Rotty is so full of maggots that they make her constantly move and shake. She couldn't lay still even if she tried.

Can maggots survivive the schaking though?

quite the crops doll then.

>he doesn't like when his 2d characters have a quirky idle animation

I hope your mother knows you're a faggot user

pajama shantae is best shantae

Gimme Slave Girl Risky anyday.

Best idle animation in the series, though.


Wish we got more of her in pajamas

Is this best Risky?

no idea how to animate this

Damn man. She is just popping out of that shirt.

How well kept do you think all the shante ladies are.
I bet shante is shaved. Risky is probably all natural.


Well it's hot where they live, so they probably all try to keep as light as possible.


Shantae's power comes from hair, no way she's shaved

She shaves the rest of her body to consolidate all her hair powers for the ones on her head.


>pube hair whipping

Rottytops>damaged Risky>Shantae>>>normal Risky>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sky






With her nose.


>Shantae's idle animation
That looks dumb as fuck with that sprite. That same animation in Risky's revenge and Pirate's curse was fine but this one looks like a gorilla with those arms swinging around.

The snake girl is cute though

>the brown girl enjoying it

Dick status: MUH

this takes me back to the days of kkisekae2

He... he ate my pencil! He ate my pencil!


Rottytops would smell terrible

This is a bad thing and it is in no way attractive. Get over yourselves

I wanna nuzzle Shantae's thick, soft pubes

Get a Agif maker and then layer them accordingly. has a plugin for that.

Will there be another game or did HGH kill the series?

The first game is the best one because it's the most unique. The other ones are polished but pretty bland conceptually


HGH has already sold alright. But even if it hadn't, Matt loves his daughterfu too much to never make another Shantae.


they kickstarted the game
all the sales are pure profit
they'll just use kickstarter again for the next game

>they'll just use kickstarter again for the next game
Maybe, maybe not. With Shantae having much more market exposure, a publisher might be willing to pick them up next time. And there probably is a lot of freedom that comes with being published over having to do things like inject player-made characters. Or having to fulfill those tier-bonuses.

I mean, hopefully a publisher wouldn't try to dictate their choices. It might depend on who they go with.

>having to do things like inject player-made characters.
they could just not have that shit on the kickstarter

True. But you gotta have something tantalizing to push those higher price-point tiers or they just don't sell.

And honestly I'd rather they had more money to work with if 900,000 only gets us HGH's level of content. A publisher could probably front them a lot more.

I want to kiss that Zombie

Jill meets Rotty on the streets. What happens?

Probably nothing terrible. Rotty doesn't act like a zombie, and Jill hasn't seen many green zombos.

Who wore it best?

is this actually in the game?

In Pirate's Curse. Not the latest one. Yeah.

unreal tbqh


Rotty > Skye > Shanty > Risky

All of the animations look like terrible Flash tweens.

>the one who fills it out the most

>Risky worst
Shit taste

There's more to the look than just big tits.

How did she even die? Or does the body belong to a completely different person and she came to life through some kind of Frankenstein experiment?

t. lolicon

My take is that she's not actually rotting, she's just re-animated corpse. Big difference. Her soul spends equal time in the City of Lost Souls and the real world.

I wonder if they were to meet, her body and soul. Would she be cured?

It's implied she's the owner of the body. Because she more or less looks the same as she did alive, body color and clothes not-withstanding.

Thanks doc

>we will never get a white Shantae
Why even live

She's better as a brown girl because brown girls are superior to whites in every way imaginable.

It's racist to show a white person beating up minorities. Yes, lamia are minorities.

You're a real jerk...

>Being unable to appreciate the female form in every color.
Have fun being nofun fuccboi, enjoy your inferiority complex.

We already have these white goddesses though user and Shantae is better when she's brown
>tfw we will never see them again

Is the answer yes, it did work? Seems logical to me.

They didn't even get names did they?