>Here'a your controller bro
Here'a your controller bro
>sorry, this is the only other controller i have
you guys don't understand the pain of getting 3rd party N64 controllers.
>write on Christmas list to get any controller but a specific garbage 3rd party one
>santa that fat sack of jolly shit got me that exact one
>analog stick is fucked and impossible to use
later got two other third party controllers and SURPRISE they sucked too. Also the analog sticks got worn down stupid fast.
>using a sticky controller
The regular N64 controllers sucked dick too and got worn down in months
I have TEN from when I got mine in 2000 and one of them works.
sorry bro, this is the only other controller I have
true. 3rd party controllers were truly some special shit to be that much worse than the 1st party.
I had thought about trying to repair the stick on the official controllers.
wait, I just remembered the third party controller from behind the fridge
It's okay everyone... really... I can split mine. Here's yours, bro
One of these, a Vive, and a copy of Little Boy Rape Simulator 2018 will be on my wish list next christmas
another one was under the couch
Slick, can I put my root beer in the hydration chamber?
this one was connecting the tv to the house
>I know you hate the wu tang clan but its the only controller left
sorry, it only takes energy drinks, but I think you can put it in the misting water tank if you put 50/50 rootbeer-water mix
>I don't have any more controllers but I could probably make one, hand me that triscut box?
>sorry bro, I don't have any more controllers, quick hand me that triscut box
>sorry, bro I don't have another controller for human hands but my squid roomate has a controller
>award thing for "Largest Gaming Device"
What the hell
>here's your controller, bro
>just don't punch the tv again, bro
How the fuck does that not immediately ruin the controllers forever?
My melee setup
because honey doesn't spoil
But what about all the bears?
>hate the wu-tang clan
nigga, what the FUCK
*unbuckles pauldron*
Last time I checked bears aren't spoiled
Funny. I got my n64 a few months after launch (or around 98 idk) and have my same controllers and never bought a new one
Maybe I'm not a chimp and knew that if I broke it that was it and so took care of my electronics
>hating the Wu
Bitch deserves to get blasted on
Is this real?
please say to me it is
>he doesn't keep his controllers in a locked cooler suspended from a tree at least 200ft from his campsite
Maybe you weren't a 9 year old that invited kids over every weekend to play Mario Party 1,2,3
Same reason my sister's car looks like trash while mine looks pristine, she has kids.
it IS real user
as a fake gift box
It is a gag box to hide your real gift in it.
No thanks.
I had a brother and we would play every weekend
Would invite people over occasionally but if they roughed up our vidya Wed stop being friends. Vidya is life
With that attitude, you'll be a master proctologist in no time.