ITT: Post shitty vidya memes from the 2000s

ITT: Post shitty vidya memes from the 2000s.

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Is that lil Ani?


give me the chocolate hisao


These take me back.

That's the 2010's, young baby


Here's the GTA IV trailer


Supreme meme coming through


My goodness, you've grown!

oldest Sup Forums pic i have

Gee, I wonder what's behind that link

>tfw I deleted all my old Sup Forums pics except Demon's Souls OC when I built my new computer

+1 internets to you good sir

this shit was cringe worthy even at the time


See this thing isn't funny.
>BS joke is done to death.
>It largely recycles features from the system it mocks.

The image fails entirely because it looks ridiculous as a mock concept, and even if it was something that some idiot would attempt to make some day, the sheer amount of screens and their placement is so impractical that it would never get past this shitty concept art no matter the time and money.

See this thing isn't funny.
>BS joke is done to death.
>It largely recycles features from the system it mocks.

The image fails entirely because it looks ridiculous as a mock concept, and even if it was something that some idiot would attempt to make some day, the sheer amount of screens and their placement is so impractical that it would never get past this shitty concept art no matter the time, effort and cost.

You poke fun at the idea of Donald Trump becoming president in the Simpsons because while it's outlandish, it's not out of the realm of possibility, and look what fucking happened.

This on the other hand could never exist in that form, or any form similar to it, and the rapid advancement of technology ensured this 10X. It's a shitty image made by a shitty person who has no concept of how to make fun of something and it pisses me off.


I hate sand, it's coarse and gets everywhere

Awww shit it's that little baby kid from the Jar Jar movie

fucking classic

Jesus christ lurk more you fucking autist

This takes me back


bs stands for bullshit?


Shut up you piece of shit. Do you agree with that image? Must be real sad living in that fantasy world of yours. this pasta? I like it


>that pic

Holy shit, I went to high school with somebody that looked exactly like that.



First thing I thought of when I saw the OP, I don't even know why


Why does something only slightly more powerful than the Dreamcast have to be nearly 2 and a half times it's size?

thats the joke you dip



Sup Forums MS Paint stuff is always good.


I can just see this white ass actin' black guy sitting in his big ol'e mansion by the fireplace, eating his cheddar rosemary cheese crisps at only 29.99 a box (wow! what a deal).

His two kids in the other room are arguing over who gets to play all 4 Xbones at the same time, and Reggie's wife all the while is out getting boned by a cheap male prostitute, because at this point, she's so bored with money, that she has to do poor people stuff to have fun.

>do you agree with that image
It's just a picture you fucking autist.


These are from the 2010's

But they did change it. They removed one of the very core aspects of the game.

How many memes alone spawned from this

Today I remind them

It was made by a retard, and if I had the time and funds, believe you fucking me, I'd hire a P.I. to find him and a hitman to knock him off.

Something about attacking the neck?

I unironically like this song

>All this asshurt
u mad bro?

stay mad autist




N-Gage was too ahead of it's time. "Cellphones with games on them" is a billion dollar industry now. Just required a complete paradigm shift of what the technology was.

...that's the point of this bread. These are old maymays

The HDD slot took up a lot of space while doing nothing for 99.99% of users.

>Jeff would have given it an even lower score, potentially even a 7, if GameSpot wasn't using a retarded excel sheet algorithm to compute the score


>tilting the controller for racing games

I remember seeing this in 2004 on GameFAQs.

>if GameSpot wasn't using a retarded excel sheet algorithm to compute the score


Oh God I've got a ton. I'll dump what I can find.


every white kid looks like that

Oh, God. This was one I always saw.






Circa 2008, not sure how it's holding up

God this comic had me in stitched the first time I saw it. Mario looks so happy






>getting up that early
Fuck no

Considering how Ubisoft and Activision replaced Stardock and Black Isle, not very.






>yfw you tilt your body when turning


Oh, wrong one.

How do you figure the Xbox kid is from the 2010s?


user, I think you have some explaining to do.
