All shitposting aside... let's just be honest.
You're going to buy a Switch.
All shitposting aside... let's just be honest.
You're going to buy a Switch.
I want to, but I know I'll get burned again like with the Pii-U.
The Mario game looks good, so I might just wait till then.
But i'm not I already got burned on the Wii U and this has even less worthwhile games announced for it.
in 2 years maybe, when the 3ds support thinned out
All shitposting aside, I'll only buy it if it gets an exclusive Zelda.
Definitely not for a while. Maybe when Splatoon 2 comes out, but not any sooner than that.
Maybe in a year or so, but at launch? God no.
Not at its fucking launch price I'm not.
Even then it'll take a lot of fucking convincing. They completely lost me with the paid online.
Yeah, about that.
I was going to before the price reveal.
Now I'll wait for the others to buy it so it gets some games to justify the price and maybe let it drop a bit.
The thing is, I don't think I'm alone.
I will. Next year. Got ps4 slim now for several games and will get switch for the new SMT
Make a good Star Fox game and a good Metroid game and perhaps I will.
lol no
I'll buy a PS4 before that.
It's a question of when, on the one hand I already preordered it, but on the other I could at least wait for kid goo simulator and hope for a bundle or something.
maybe if pikmin 4 looks good
I was a Nintendo fanboy for such a long time. I even bought the Wii U But it's clear that this company doesn't know how to make videogames anymore.
Probably will, but I'm sure as hell skipping launch, and that's the first time since the n64 for me (oldfag yes)
I got some use out of my Wii-U, had an Xone for a while but all it did was collect dust. I'll probably buy a Switch within a few months after release and I'll grab a PS4 for exclusives this year at some point. Between a GPU upgrade, and those two consoles it'll take a while before I get all three but the switch i'll probably grab first.
I'll emulate it instead.
I only want BOTW, smash, mario kart, arms, and maybe some weeb stuff idk yet. I'll wait a year
Nope. Just like i didn't get a Wii U mister shit poster. Enjoy your drought.
I might eventually,but at launch just seems like a massive waste of money. Literally the only exclusive at launch is
1-2 Switch,right?
1-2 switch =1-2 years wait
Which can be instantly played on CEMU so kek
Yea, I still want to see it flop though tbqh
I'm just so fucking sick of them making shitbadterrible decisions and LITERALLY getting away with fucking all of it just because they're worth 10 gorillion dollars. There's no accountability at the end of the day because suckers like me will just deal with the bullshit and buy one anyway for one good title
I'm waiting until at least 2018 to see what the verdict is. Will probably get a set with Mario 2006 Odysee at a reduced price.
>1 game worth owning until 2018
>Paid online (so multi-player games are not countered in the worth owning category)
>900p 30fps
>More waggle
Yeah no, NO ONE is going to buy this. Correction, re-sellers are going to buy this.
If it has an internet feature like the Wii U i will.
No comfy bed TV for youtube, no buy.
not until one of the following happens:
-$250 Leafbux
-I find one laying around
-5 9/10 metacritic exclusive titles
-deluxe edition comes out with better processor
I mean for christ's sake I couldn't justify $400 Leafs on the PS4 at launch, no way I want this overpriced thing.
Yeah, probably. A remotely powerful handheld with actual games? I don't see a reason not to.
That being said what they're charging for it and its accessories is highway robbery and there's no way I'm getting it until there's a decent bundle. Thankfully I'm not desperate to play the new Zelda so I don't mind waiting until the inevitable Mario Kart bundle.
Buy a Chromecast for $30.
I dunno probably not.
I mean EVENTUALLY I will, but am I going to pay like $400-$500 for a couple games? Nah.
Only game is going to be zelda, and even that looks pretty meh. Like in a few years when the system is going for $100 used and the games are dirt cheap yeah it's going to be worth picking up.
Just I dunno looks like it's another gimmick console.
>You're going to buy a Switch.
No, I'm not going to.
I already did.
I will.
I'm a very optmistic person
I'll buy it when it gets a new Golden Sun.
Or Okami 2.
CEMU can emulate Switch exclusive games, like if there was another Zelda that was exclusive to the Switch, it could emulate that?
if I get my W2 on time I will
I bought a 3DS for the original $250 price and a Wii U at launch.
I think I'm just gonna wait it out this time.
People always forget that Nintendo consoles suck ass at launch now.
Anyone else remember how the 3DS used to literally cut the upper screen when it was folded up?
I got my pre-order the day after announcement at FUCKING GAMESTOP
at 7pm. I have no idea how it happened, l didn't think it was even worth trying to get a pre-order for it after work. But the owner said they still had them just for the rest of the day, and l got it.
No DPAD, no super mario maker on release. I literally just wanted to play this while traveling but I guess not.
>tfw dark dawn killed golden sun
one can only hope for a remake of the first two
What are the odds of it getting a bundle that includes a game and the Pro Controller? Did the Wii U ever get bundled with the Pro Controller?
i preorder two of them. of course i'm buying it.
I didnt buy a WiiU
Why would I buy something that's even worse?
In a year or two, maybe.
Probably, because I love Nintendo's software.
But it's frustrating at the same time because their hardware is so fucking bad. They're lucky there's so many nintendrones that'll buy any shit console so long as it has Nintendo games.
i haven't even bought a wii u so probably not
yes I will-
I'm waiting until December.
Yep. It's pre-ordered and paid off. I'm so excited for March.
Imagine being Reggie in that conference and having to be all like "damn, Switch, you fuckin' fine, all powerful with your 32GB sd and horrific pixelated Wii graphics. I would totally play with you, both the CEO and the real me." when all he really wants to do is play another round of MHTri in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Reggie and not only stand on that stage while the Switch reveals its disgusting specs in front of you, the favorable hype barely concealing the paid online and plastic gimmick shit, and just stand there, game after game, presenter after presenter, while the conference keeps going. Not only having to tolerate the 70$ toys'r'us shake weight, but the atrocious battery run time as everyone on reddit tells nintendo STILL GOT IT and DAMN, BREATH OF THE WILD LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to stand there and afterwards tell your yakuza bosses while the stocks reached a new low you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been making nothing but a healthy amount of successes and later raping Sony and Microsoft with sells for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the favelas in Waikiki. You've never even seen anything this fucking overpriced before, and now you swear you can taste the icecubes that're breaking out on the unnecessary cardboard stand as the new game starts buffing, reporters assuming that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to stand there and revel in the "consolesque (for that is what the call that tablet)" beauty, the beauty Nintendo worked so hard for in the previous months. And then Miyamoto calls for another game, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the Switch gets its first exclusive , but you stand there and endure, because you're fucking Reggie. You're not going to lose your future chief operating career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>-$250 Leafbux
You're lucky if it goes down to $350. Now go and pay the canadacuck tax like a good little boy. At least you don't have to pay for health care.
Im going to wait to see how Nintendos E3 goes
>Currently Unavailable
>Coming Soon
>Out of Stock
I do.
I'm actually very close to pulling the trigger on a pre-order.
But i guess I'll just wait until the launch, test it and then buy it.
I'm not getting a Switch but I am going to get BotW so I can play it a few years down the line without paying $150
Do it in person at gamestop. Most of them still have preorders available. Just call before hand and ask
by the way when is going to come new infos`?
i will never buy another nintendo product, youre better off just burning your money, at least that will provide an ounce of entertainment
Eventually I will.
I was set on buying it on day 1 or pre-order, but one thing stopped me. I now plan to get it once I see a few games I want on it.
>not buying the hype at console yet with a Zelda that will probably be a contender for GOTY
>plus Xenoblade
You are a liar and a faggot.
>I was a Nintendo fanboy
Why do Sonyggers always open with this?
because it is usually true. I loved my SNES and N64 (and looking back n64 was only good for being a system everyone owned and playing multiplayer - the games weren't actually that great) then gamecube sucked, the wii sucked, the wiiu sucked.....
If I was a adult during the snes and n64 days I would have got a playstation, saturn, neogeo, etc.
So I mean yeah nintendo has been pretty shit for a long time. Their first party games are always decent but trickle out slowly, and leave the console collecting dust after they are beat.
Mean while Sony, and xbone have a steady stream of first party and third party titles to keep someone occupied.
Ignoring this just shows you're a fanboy and frankly missing out on some kick ass games.
I as much as anyone would like to see nintendo be competitive again.
yeah, when smash 5 is announced
if not i will finally do what I should have done with the wii u and 3ds, pirate it
I don't have them anymore
>yeah, when smash 5 is announced
Why would you pay $300 for a party game?
Because I would finally have something to play after i'm done with xenoblade 2, BoTW, NMH3, and shit like that
I need something that will have reply value man
We're not all mindless drones Reggie.
Maybe in a year or two. We'll see what the reveal during E3.
I'm basically holding out hope that the Wii U versoin of Zelda isn't a total shit show
Depends on if it gets the 3ds devs.
Next year so I'll actually have something to play instead of having it build up dust after I'm finished with Zelda
I only plan to get it used for Mario. Paid online through a smartphone can kiss my ass
not with paid online
Nah. Last nintendo product I bought was a 2ds and pokemon moon. Decent investment but its still collecting dust
Yes, but maybe in a year or year and a half when there's multiple good games out and the price drops a bit.
I'll use a PS4 until then and the Wii U for Zelda BOTW.
probably for xenoblade 2 if a Monster hunter doesn't come out first
I'll buy Switch when they make a Switch XL.
The Joy Cons are too small.
I'm already lubing up. Never got the Wii U as nothing interested me at first and after a few years I decided I'd just get the next console anyway, especially with everyone saying it was either trash or just not good value. The lineup for the year is promising, and if Nintendo is smart this upcoming E3 will be huge and have a lineup into next Q2 next year
preordered on amazon
>shipping march 3rd
Not until a significant price drop or a good value bundle.
Don't buy It for one game...
it's not because I hate Mario, but that's just poor judgement. You'll regret it right after.
It's been less than a week since the release date was announced, how are the stores ALREADY sold out of fucking preorders?
Hell yea but not at launch
When splatoon 2 comes out
I would if there were any fucking preorders left
Pre-ordered after I heard about Fire Emblem Warriors
>implying anyone will be able to find a Switch for two years
I don't think so. I already skipped the Wii U.
yeah, arms and xenoblade look cool and 1 2 switch will be fun to play with my gf
I'm not going to, but I would.
Absolutely. Can't wait to Kart again and play the latest Zelda. BotW looks great and the reveal you can use Japanese voices with subtitles is a definitive seller for me too.
Not before they release a pokemon game
>mfw limited edition Zelda was sold out on EB Games not even a day after the Switch event
Scalpers suck my dick
But I made the mistake in buying the Wii U which was an overpriced netflix machine until I cancelled that and now its just a dust collector
Why would I buy a Wii U 2?
not until the next Taiko is released
i work at EB Games
we got 5
they sold out in less than a minute
I find being an early adopter really interesting. I genuinely regret not getting a Wii U launch, it seems like it would have been a fascinating shot show.