Why do people like this so fucking much...

Why do people like this so fucking much? It literally has no replay ability and both runs add put to a total of about 8 hours max. People genuinely consider it's "lol so random XD" humour to be a redeeming quality and so many aspects of this are pretty much blatantly ripped of Earthbound. There are literally 2 difficult fights in the entire game.

defend this Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


No point, it's universally liked to the point where I can just call you a contrarian faggot

plebian faggot

>no replayability
>mentioning multiple runs
pick one


There are 2 user, just say 2.

nice b8, user

Pacifist and True end can be done in one run senpai

still counts as 2 completely seperate endings tho friendo

I had fun and you can't stop me.

>I did a neutral run

Why would you do a less difficult true pacifist run? Are you that bad at video games?

No More Heroes did the whole "commentary on games and people who play them at large" thing a long time before it.

>all the games I could apply this logic to that Sup Forums would laugh about if I said i enjoyed it

There were no furries in NMS, so it's objectively inferior.

>It's a sprite based RPG, it ripped off earthbound!"
There's a blatant FF6 section, which you would have recognized if you weren't going through your "I'm a contrarian 6th gradrer" phase.

Fun is a buzzword.

Most everyone that got it killed toriel or some of the early ruins monsters because they're too retarded to realize "YOU DONT HAVE TO KILL ANYONE" means exactly that.

If I listed all the """"""""""""references""""""""""" in UT we could be all fucking day

Whats your point?

Shame you can't experience it.

That user called me out on not mentioning one specific rip off from Final Fantasy, and I replied with the fact that the rip-offs from other better made games is absolutely endless to the point where at times it doesn't even feel like it's own game

Are you fucking with me kid. You can't type "Undertale? Holy fucking shit. "UT"?

>y-your point is invalid because you abbreviated something!

It has heart, good music, good ideas, if poorly implemented and most people who played it have probably never played a JRPG in their life so all the cliches were new to them. It's okay though, maybe a 5 or 6/10.

I'm just talking about abbreviating Undertale as UT. It's a one word title for fucks sake.

Because it was funny and light hearted

>most people who played it have probably never played a JRPG in their life so all the cliches were new to them

lol are you joking man? I really don't think that the JRPG mechanics drew anyone into the game or were impressed with the cliches of the genre.

I will admit that the soundtrack was actually pretty good compared to the rest of the game

Sorry that I offended you with my awful comprehension of the English language user

No you said it was an earthbound ripoff, when there are way more direct references from games that came out before your 2002 birthdate.

Leave him alone. He writes pretty well for a 14 year old

>Fun is subjective, but humor and merit aren't
lolokay, user.

That was one fucking scene user, never mind the entire fucking game being literally a worse Touhou and Earthbound with an ok plot

Probably didn't draw them in, but the final boss of the pacifist route received a lot of praise even though it was just your run-of-the-mill JRPG power of friendship shit. The narrative is also told in the same way that many JRPGs are, and it was mostly liked for the story and characters.

It's funny and has some clever moments, and the fights are novel even if not difficult.

>First thought is Unreal Tournament
>Associating god tier shooter with a Game Maker 8.1 schoolkid project

Neck yourself

Disliking undertale is the definition of casual pleb

>Unreal Tournament
>Not the shittiest Arena shooter

Why does every argument about Undertale degrade into personal attacks?

That's also why I was mad.
I'll smack your shit.

It's been put on a pedestal by fans and critics alike as one of the best games of 2015 despite Journey, Bloodbourne, MGS:V, and GTA V

How is being critical of it plebian?

Some people are autistic for real. I don't like Undertale the gameplay and dialogue bored me, but I've seen people like worse things. The only thing I don't get is the OST, is that a meme because it's nothing special or all that good.

Journey and GTA5 weren't released in 2015

It's literally the best game. Even the creator agrees: if you don't like it you're just doing it to be contrarian.

2015 was a pretty shit year gamewise honestly. Stop basing your opinion of a game off the fanbase.

I was looking at the metacritic list for that year, when GTA V released on PC and Journey for PS4

Sorry about that

Regarding the OST, I think the thing that made it so great was that it managed to perfectly capture and accentuate nearly every mood it was trying to convey. That and the great use of leitmotifs.

>Even the creator agrees
He literally said it was "about an 8/10 niche game". Fuck off.

8/10 is a great score you fucking 7-10 grading score fagggot

8/10 is indeed great, but it isn't "the best game", you nigger.

>Why do people like this so fucking much? It literally has no replay ability and both runs add put to a total of about 8 hours max.

Why do you need to be able to replay it for it to be a good game? the one off experience was worth it. Also it has at least 3 kinds of play outcomes so there is that.

And he also literally said if you didn't like it you're being contrarian. He agrees with me.

I like it because it spends a great deal of time on its characters, giving reasons for their personalities and adding depth to them as people, with some even growing and changing over the course of the game. This in turn makes me the player care about what happens to these characters, thus strengthening the impact of the story of the game. The game being a story heavy RPG thus benefits from this.

I also like the Valkyria Chronicles-esque gameplay mechanics in that it combines multiiple different genres into one successfully somehow. I think the negotiation system also improved upon the Shin Megami Tensei demon negotiation system by removing the RNG from such negotiation.

Also the music was pretty rad.

>universally liked
Except of course for all of the people that don't like it.

Meh, it was GOTY 2015, now all the people that know what they're getting into and have set opinions about things they haven't played yet hate it on principle.

The only semi-valid complaint is that it's not "hard enough", but difficulty does not equal quality in any regard. It has two difficult fights for people that want difficult fights, so that's not even completely true.

All he was saying is that people exist who hate popular things on principle and he noticed the game was getting popular, so he decided to warn people in advance. He's not calling everyone who dislikes it contrarian, as he himself admits it has flaws.

>it was GOTY 2015
But GOTY was pic related.

>It literally has no replay ability
If I want to see my waifu again I need to play through the game again.
It's not like I can make a save and load it.
She wouldn't allow that.
So there's replayability there, in that it's forced in order to keep meeting my waifu.

your b8 is showing

>People genuinely consider it's "lol so random XD" humour to be a redeeming qualit
I laughed for 2 straight minutes after reading the sign in this room.
No I'm not gonna tell you what the sign says
Play the game yourself, build a bridge to the sign, and read it.

>GOTY 2015


Tbh pacing was pretty awful and the plot wasn't very good except for one twist.
Solid game though, don't regret getting it on release.

It was very good, but I've already forgotten most of it. Undertale, on the other hand, has stuck with me.



For best ending.

Date Undyne, then slaughter 9 monsters, one of which must be Mettaton.

I spare Muffet because she is Unfff, but she's worth a lot of xp so you can kill her if you want.

Mettaton + 8 Knight Knights will get you to Lv 10 or so.

And it gives you the best ending

Toriel will take over as queen of the underground, making it human-sympathetic
but Undyne will be crippled by depression, since Alphys and Asgore are dead, and because she befriended someone who then went on to kill others. This way, Undyne won't be able to resist humans any further.

The 6 human souls are lost, too.


The underground has a human-friendly policy
The underground doesn't have the human-killing extremists
The underground is stuck there for a good long while
Alphys kills herself, which is a plus on its own, but also means no more science bullshit to open the barrier.
And the player, while not being uber strong, is at least not a lvl 1 weakling.

This ending ensures the best future for Humans.

Genocide may kill the monsters but it also erases the world (and presumably humans in it)
And any other neutral ending has an underground with hostile-to-human elements.

>buying a console for game
I'm one to talk, I bought my PS4 hoping for an Ace Combat sequel.


And the majority of people who hate it are just doing it to be contrarian. Coincidence? I think not.

>implying dog president isn't best ending

I just finished the first playthrough after a friend got it for me, I'd say 8/10 is pretty reasonable. There's not much particularly bad about it, but it isn't particularly amazing either. All of the meta shit is amusing at times and at other times it gets a bit grating.

Would have been nice if I had the option to call out some of the bullshit "HUMANS ARE THE REAL MONSTERS" stuff, like how it tries to make you feel bad about getting 'Execution Points' when many of those monsters wouldn't think twice about killing you, but eh.

The loud minority?

Toby leading the underground is a good ending, true.
Unfortunately, Goatmom and Papyrus must die to have this ending.
Goatmom arguably deserves it.
But Papyrus?
Shit man you can't say an ending without Papyrus is the best ending.

>No one can possibly like something that I don't

This is the literal definition of autism. You should genuinely get that checked out OP, could get some help

It didn't make ME feel bad about getting execution points.

Maybe your DEsensitized Feelings (DEF) stat isn't high enough IRL.

Because you're right. Those monsters DID need to die. But the game isn't trying to make -you- feel bad. It's trying to make -weaker scrubs- feel bad. People who aren't sure of themselves and the decisions they make. People who can be swayed by the words of a smiley trashbag.

Think of it as like a carebear filter.

What's wrong with simply killing asgore and leaving, giving no fucks about what happens there anymore?

It panders to the Eathbound fanbase. They like mediocre graphics that are beyond outdated, half-assed unfinished writing and boring, tedious gameplay.

OOT > Undertale any day of the week.

Genocide run was best run.

Leaving a job half finished.

This is decent bait. Unfortunately, it's too far down in an Undertale thread to trigger the OOT community.

oh and furries latched onto it too, because shitbags like Kayla-Na need to sell Undertale porn because they're too autistic and anger-filled to hold real employment for more than 6 hours.

Well I did say "tries". Personally I thought that Undyne and Mettaton were right cunts, and after seeing what happens when you usually let them live in a neutral run I don't feel any differently.

I wish we could kill more things.

Like maybe go down to the true lab
Slaughter the evacuees
Kill Alphys
Maybe kill some more things too, not sure what.

Crawl back under your rock old man

nah, not bait, just Truth. OOT is still a great game after almost 20 years, Undertale was never great. Then again, Earthbound is also pretty bad.

It's a poster child of post-postmodern "ironic" age of art where nothing is true and every convention exists to be made fun of. Perfect for the millenial crowd. The idea of combining bullet hell concepts with RPG elements is okay but I can assure you that's not why people like it.

Or maybe some people just enjoy drawing porn and find it a useful way to make a living

But Undertale isn't ironic and I do like it for its gameplay partially


Joke's on you, you little shit! My rock has an ADSL connection!

Toriel's a cunt too. Abandons her husband then tries to kidnap children, and taunts him for being weak and unwilling to commit to his choices, when Toriel could pretty easily just take a human soul herself and go topple Asgore directly, but she doesn't.

Goatmom a shit.
Sometimes literally if you read the fanfics. People are quite kinky.

How many layers of postage stamps are you on, my man?

This just in: Everything is objectively good and nothing can ever be bad or criticized because "someone had fun with it"

>Caring about what Sup Forums and their shitty opinions think about you and your favorite games

Just remember that this was the website that brought you "Fun is a buzzword" and "You think you are having fun but you aren't"

I'm not familiar with this dank meme.

It was charming, fun to play and well made. I think the fact that I played it right after playing MGSV made me appreciate it more.

Game reminds me too much of the mother series and makes me wonder why I'm not playing that instead.

From the story revolving around parental love, from end bosses being defeated in an almost exact sense, to even using similar sound fonts and melodies. There's simply way too much allegory to the mother series even in battle and art direction to even try to deny it.

Arguably I blame 2015 for being a crap year in terms of video game released. That gave undertale the chance to ride the coattails of an already familiar cult classic and Nintendo's backwards localization team for not officially releasing mother 3 in english. Had they done so, more people would have realized the references and the game would not have been as lauded as it came to be.

I see you are no amateur.
But I am no amateur myself!

Yes but playing MGSV could make you appreciate watching paint dry.

>Game reminds me too much of the mother series and makes me wonder why I'm not playing that instead.
Possibly because you've already played those games and this is something different?




brb masturbating to Temmie x Chara slashfic

Played it recently just out of curiosity with the extreme butthurt it caused on Sup Forums.
It's a straight 8/10, and I'm honestly almost embarrassed by myself that I let Sup Forums sway my opinion on it. It's pretty clever and detailed in a lot of interesting ways, the music is great and it managed to be charming and creepy without going too far. Worst things I can say about is that some characters and writing was a bit cringe and it could've had some better mechanics. It's not the second coming, but it was still ultimately a solid experience and I'd recommend it too anyone who only hasn't tried because they're afraid of being called reddit or associated with the gay fandom or something.

Except it's not which goes back to my point that if Mother 3 had gotten more exposure more people would have also realized that.

Was in the same boat as you. Avoided it mostly because of Sup Forums's reaction and the cancerous tumblr fanbase.
Turned out to be an enjoyable experience.
Listening to the ost now actually.