Find out co-worker plays vidya

>find out co-worker plays vidya
>looks like a tumblr chick but give her benefit of the doubt
>she's exactly like the tumblr chicks we meme about on here
>she gets pissy at me when I don't respond to her being happy about more diversity and female leads in vidya
>eventually add her on steam and she has a shit ton of games bought but has only played a few, the longest being Skyrim of 6 hours
I thought it was a meme but these people are real. When will they fucking leave? Holy shit.

Cool story bro

>not just acting like a normie
>not just putting up with it and potentially getting laid as an end result

It's like you guys don't know how to deal with normies.

>putting your dick in a tumblr girl

>meet asian qt in a prty
>says she's kind into video games
>prepare to cringe very hard
>her favourite video game is the XIII fps game
>few days later invite her to my house
>she plays Killing Floor, likes it and is pretty good at it

I don't how to manage this

go after that then, that is fucking rare. most chicks I meet who are actually into games are typically just as ugly as typically the guys who are actually into it.

>not telling everyone who ever asks that you hate video games and then proceeding to spend all your days off playing alone for 12 hours straight

No gf losers can't be choosers.

If she's hot go put your dick in her.

>wanting crazy
>wanting a girl to file for rape just because she's mad at you
no thanks

>Killing Floor

Fucking nice

the internet has really did a number on you hasn't it?

not even joking, this isn't from internet talk. I had a friend who once had his gf file for rape just because she was angry at him and she told me she lied and didn't give a fuck. you don't know how manipulative women can be.

>meet junior girl back algebra 1 in my first year of high school
>talk to her a bit, she likes to draw dragons and listens to Gorillaz as much as I do she was probably a furry
>find out she has a steam account and add her on steam
>play team fortress classic once and never talk again

if you like her talk to her again and give the d. niggs may be retarded in their """"culture"""" but the ones who act somewhat civilized are alright. plus they know how to make sex turn into jungle shit

>trust me I knew a guy once

faggot i'm not even memeing.
>b-b-but, lies!
eat shit. he got out of it because there was no evidence but it made me re-think how women can be. I've heard other stories as well from people who have been divorced. maybe if you stopped playing video games all day you would have some sense into how the world works.

Same thing happened to my uncle who works at Nintendo.

Ill fuck anything at this point as long as it breathes


What're you talking about? I gave no indication she was black, she was another retarded whitey.

>it didnt' happen because I never experienced it
god you people are shit. no wonder people complain about neo Sup Forums. it's posts like these that make me realize how much video games keep you distant on how the real world works. I honestly hope you kill yourselves

I told you NOT to tell anyone my story. Looks like you won't be getting your complimentary Switch console from me. I think your brother would be much more deserving of it.