Warhammer Online Private Server


Anyone here playing?

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Yea been playing on the server for about a year now, still enjoyable. As an NA player, things seem to be looking good recently.

got bored at 40/40

turns out without my old mates it's not the same

Oh damn, I didn't even know about this server, used to love warhammer online. Should I try it out?

Who did you play with?

I would say trying the server out now would be the perfect time. They merged t2/3 so you can get action in all 4 tiers now instead of the middle tiers being a ghost town. Also, they are getting close to getting client control which will let them finish dungeons and implement forts and city sieges after that.

Redpill me OP

It's free why not?

What's the population looking like? I just unsubbed from WoW and I heard good things about Warhammer Online.

It's the best large scale PvP MMO, unless you can stomach DAOC, and hopefully until camelot unchained comes out.

There is a counter on the front page, Server is mostly EU so it's starting to die down now but it will get over 1k quite often.


Looks pretty cool, decided to check out. Never played it and never though I would.
How is it compared to WOW?
Mostly thinking about leveling.

You can level completely from PvP, from level 1 you can even que for battlegrounds or participate in ORvR.

You can PvE if you want, and it might be a bit faster but you wont get renown ranks which are just as important as levels.

yea i dont even know u kid, nice try


If you enjoy PvP you will love the leveling. You can basically level purely through Open PvP (RvR) and instanced battlegrounds ( scenarios)

You might have to farm a little if you are playing late NA though as t2/t3 is sort of slower at that time.

But that sounds awsome.
Why did the game fail? I though it was because the game had you know, some flaws?

EA, as always, being a terrible company and rushing out an unfinished product.

I don't like how they made it so Destruction and Order players can talk to each other. Really killed the mood for me when I tried it out.

The game was unfinished and clunky as shit. There were glitches absolutely fucking everywhere.
It was a shame because the PvP was really enjoyable.

It wouldn't have been Warhammer if your enemies weren't able to hear you WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH

Yea basically this, and there are still bugs but even this private server is soooooo much better than when the game first came out. And this server won't have insane gear gap for end game either

its missing 40,000 thats why it failed

wow I might give this a try. Is it stable or an ultra bugfest? I really enjoyed playing this game while I was still underageb&.

I mean I only did PVP and barely had any idea what I was doing but it was still very fun.

I wonder if the graphics held up though.

nah bruh, WAR fantasy is where its at

play the game and redpill yourself

All aspects of PvP work without any known bugs, PvE is another story but no one really gives a shit about PvE aside from dungeons/raids whatever.

Reshade/sweetfx helps the graphics out even with just sharpening/AA filters.

>those arms

had a sub 10 people guild on destruction side and we ran the entire server

Everytime there was a big siege going on in the aftermath people would talk about these big number guilds with hundreds of people in them, but mention us most highly.

We also coordinated the entire server off our voice. Fun times. 1.3 and the eternal BW meta made us quit eventually.

How are you supposed to get gear if PvE doesn't work?

>Really killed the mood for me when I tried it out.

being able to talk with the other side is the best part this time around

Through PvP silly.

players drop loot

Man, the armor design in this game was top notch.

It's a bug that happens sometimes if you switch from order to destro characters, and you are the only one who can see it. All you have to do is relog or type /rel to get rid of it.

Virtually all the best gear comes from PvP, there are PvE counterparts, and certain tome unlocks that are good but you can totally BiS gear out a character with nothing but PvP gear.

You get Gear through PvP? I thought it was only levels. Sounds fun though.

Well anyway downloading now.

Cool story bro.


No pansies allowed, only hardcore PvP players. But dungeons are coming soonish for dem PvE noobs

You asked.

get a room fags

Thankfully the balance is alot better now than in those days, and there is a team dedicated to balancing the game. So far they have done a decent job. But they need input from good players, so come and play.

>someone asks a question
>someone answers it

>then we have you


damn I really want to end exams and resume playing Vermintide. I only played 2hours but it's so fun.

They are thinking about combining the t2/t3 scenarions now, as they have already combined both for RvR and it has worked well. This means that no matter what time zone you are in there should be sc's popping

It didn't die because of EA alone

The design was also too big. Should have been 3 tiers and squashed down. Also way too many starting zones. They had too much content to create which took them forever.

There was a lot of bad decisions made by devs on this front. Also the netcode and server capability was awful. Like 6s of lag in very populated areas.

Next, the balance was terrible and the devs didn't listen to testers on how bad it was. I literally told the people in charge of balance exactly why Bright Wizard was so OP and made like a 10 page post + statistics on why, and they ignored it.

The game died because the person in charge was a fucktard and lots of other drama. The people at the top all played corporate politics to get on the star wars mmorpg team afterwards too. So it was a lot of reasons and not just EA's fault. The dev team just took the easy way out but the game was out very late and it is 100% mark jacob's fault. Especially with who he put in leadership positions.

I used to play Sorceress, those bomb squads were fun for a while, then got bored with it and respecced to dot spec and people was less likely to play with me....

Fun times.

Played on Burlok, then after closing it on Karak Azgal IIRC.


If anyone played the closed beta. I was by far the best Bright Wizard but they appointed some PVE shitter to be the "class lead" or someshit. The person just told them to buff bright wizard more and more because he was awful

meanwhile in scenarios on the beta I would hit 20x as much DPS as the next best non BW player.

There was a 5 second AOE stun that happened to be a tier lower to use than 7s single target stun. That's how retarded the balance was.

Hows low level population?

T1 and T4 are always alive, T2/3 (merged) have some problems outside of EU prime, but you can just level out of it in PvE.

T4 is all that matters anyways.

I remember it kind of

There was a special power thing you got and 4 tiers of it.

The tier 2 bright wizard ability was a big AOE 5 second stun. While the higher tier ability which was harder to get and save for was 7s stun single target.

These people had no idea how to balance. Also bright wizard could cast all of it's dots while moving if you just spun around super fast, so you could kite entire groups of enemies easily while dishing out insane damage to everyone of them, which charged up your stupid ridiculous 5s stun thing.

The balance team was told 1000000x times by me that bright wizard was OP

The patch before release, they buffed bright wizard.

The incompetance and retardation among the devs and mark jacobs can not be exaggerated. I feel sorry for anyone funding his recent kickstarter.

>There was a 5 second AOE stun that happened to be a tier lower to use than 7s single target stun. That's how retarded the balance was.
and that was a moral stun so it couldn't be resisted and I'm not sure if it was affected by DR

shit was bananas, destruction had nothing comperable

Here is how they did """balance"""

They had a bunch of retarded PVE monkeys and class cheerleaders called "Class Leads" and would listen to them for advice from testers. THe bright Wizard one was a complete fuck up and constantly pushed for buffs.

Basically anyone who blames EA needs to kill themselves. Mark Jacobs is 100% responsible and was given an enormous budget and years of extra time.

Still not great, but as someone else said t1 and t4 always have good action, the middle tiers get more filled out with higher pop. But the population in general has been slowly climbing on the server.

t2/t3 are my favourite tiers by far

yeah, I posted very deep explanations of why bright wizard was so powerful. I posted screenshots of going like 35-2 in scenarios with DPS around 10x the next highest player.

They had some sort of self-damaging mechanic that also increased damage and people said this is why it was balanced lol. As if dealing 350k damage, being unkillable, and the next highest non bw damage was like 40k

It was beyond a joke. I remember just going 1v6 at times and winning easily.

Yea I enjoy them alot too, the smaller RvR lakes lends to some really good fights

I remember when keeps were not working.
When you was unable to push T4 zones and was forced to play in just the 3 of them.
When pushing T4 zones was fixed but capitals were unplayable.
When Order dominated so heavily that we were fighting over IC all the time.
When we had to stay all night to get to Altdorf when Order players were sleeping.

Coming off the 1.4.8 patch? On this server balance is done with this forum:


I think you gotta be logged in to see it.

It works alright, and there haven't been any objectively dumb/bad changes but it's not perfect either and they dont exactly have the best players in charge of the final decisions.

The lead dev constantly makes changes, and listens to feedback so if any change is actually stupid it gets rolled back within a day or two.

heres a list of changes, I think it's missing a few things though


none of it was done

At the end of beta most dungeons just consisted of some placeholder tank and spank stuff.

A week before launch the lowest level dungeon was basically not working completely and gave no loot.

They had a huge problem of very poor dev leadership from the top that had shit planning. So they blew up the scope of the game and had way too much content to create even with 2+ years of extra dev time.

Was that by chance on Gorfang? I still remember the old Arsenal Saturday morning city push

I was talking about before retail WARhammer

The balance methods they had and how retardedly braindead it was. They had a bunch of people in charge of "cheerleading" for a class and asking for stuff. They then got whatever they asked for.

It wasn't based on balance but on how well the people argued or made up stories about how week something was.

AKA the bright wizard lead just complained for more power, the black orc for more HP, or whatever. It was some sort of retarded balance plan for everything to be "cool"

Burlok, EU, but it happened everywhere at some point. Here's some fun stuff from Karak Eight Peaks:

Here's how it worked

BETA had some private forums, in those you had class specific balance threads. Now they also selected 1 person for each class to be the "lead" and he would get to talk to the devs directly.

Each of these leads was a cheerleader if that makes sense who would argue for more power.

That's how they did balance. They ignored everything else. So I made very fucking detailed, statistic based arguments for BW being OP and sorc to a lesser degree that got ignored 100%. While balance was handled by a retarded process that led to a completely broken game.

Bright wizard when played perfect was unkillable and did 10x more damage than anyone else, even raping sorcs. Not many even got to that level because mmorpg players are shitbrains but some could and even in retarded hands it did near top dps.


Anyone remember bunny hopping from beta?

I kept pestering the devs to fix it and even threatened that if it was still in on release I would immediately make it public on the forums.

They never even acknowledged the bug, but then on release day it was gone.


This isn't abnormal for any mmo at launch. You're lucky you got what you did at all. You think the balance team has any currency when you're in crunch?

BW is def balanced now, for those that only have memories of it being way too OP like in the beginning of the game

Yeah good thing they balanced bright wizards by the time it mattered

The entire game was a mess and failure. It's not like they can go back and justify not having any semblance of balance. The other obvious failures are not things I ignore either. I just hope people realize it was a complete failure of everything besides maybe art.

>it was a complete failure of everything besides maybe art.
tome of knowledge was gold

Game was released way unfinished like the others said. Also the pve was designed as one long chain leading you from quest hub to quest hub. This spread the players around pretty bad so most Public Quests were undoable and made the world feel pretty dead.

Also it really really needed a 3rd side instead of just 2 to help balance things out.


black guards are such a cool class holy shit, but they suck so bad



bognadoffs own the server btw, steer clear


Blackguard doesn't fit in to the meta group comp at all right now but it's still a fun class to play and is great for duo / solo play.


Yes i DO