That guy is a fucking faggot. Report the video for stealing the background music

That guy is a fucking faggot. Report the video for stealing the background music.

how many times are you going to make this thread

He's right though.

Glad he still likes Siege, it's really great.

hes a fucking kike why did nobody see this coming

Leave my boy George alone

ITT: Times you dropped entertainers for being cuckolds

Pic related



What's wrong? He talked about politics for like, 25 seconds, the rest of the video was fine

Are you really gonna let politics affect your enjoyment of stuff?

It sucks

He's a gaming channel. We don't give a flying fuck about his stupid opinion on politics and there's absolutely no reason for it to be in the video at all. I could watch the rest of the video without any problems but it's so divisive and unneccesary to have something like that in it.

Man, that's a fucking shame. Time to unsubscribe to TheSw1tcher

It's not having the opinion, it's voicing the opinion in a discussion that has no point in having that opinion present as it's about something else entirely.

Also the latter half of the political shit brought up is hilarious as it shows how out of touch he is on politics. But that aside, no reason it should ever have come up.

The fact is, now that he has talked about politics, the argument will now be fucking politics forever.

Politics is cancer that breeds flaming anywhere you mention it. Worse than PS4-PC console wars.

George is an idiot.

Here's a more important question you cuck: Who asked him?

he's framing the fact that for a lot of people the year sucked but gaming was fine
he's basically just saying "hey, real life sucked but vidya had a decent enough year"

it only sucked for libcuck numales like himself

no he isnt

he oversimplified brexit to an insane degree. His bias is incredibly clear and uninformed

The only people who think the year sucked are people who wanted hillary to win and stay (brexit) to win. It also sucked for people who are stupid enough to have celebrity deaths affect them in any way.

and for most of his audience, i'm sure.

its the principal that's importsnt here. if everyone let this slide or even praised him for his views/opinions, he'd do it more often and cut his community even further

if you're a gaming channel, be a fucking gaming channel. dipping into very polarizing topics for even seconds will cause you nothing but trouble

But not all of his audience, since people don't watch him for politics. Which is why it's completely unnecessary and divisive.

maybe for the audience he's left with now that he's effectivly removed a chunk of his viewerbase

lmao the year didnt suck. Libfucks were btfo not once but twice. and whats funny is that the effects of either are anything but immediate, so the real enjoyment just comes from seeing crying lefties

the guy didn't bring it up again. fuck sake why does Sup Forums love to blow shit up out of proportion?

it's to bring up the contrast. shit year in a lot of people's lives, good year for video games.

if they get buttblasted over a couple of seconds of set up for his "review", then one has to wonder why even bother.

>the fucking comments on that video

Some of those are basically "DELETE THIS"


don't let someone's political beliefs stop you from enjoying their content. only watching those you agree with is the ultimate cuck move

Sup Forumstards sometimes get out of their containment board

Nah, he's pretty right for the most part.

>anybody who is white, male, and plays video games is a racist sexist misogynist bigot (I'm okay though lol)
>also if you don't donate to my patreon then you're part of the patriarchy

>why does Sup Forums love to blow shit up out of proportion?
it's not Sup Forums. Notice there's only 18 IPs posting in this thread; the rest of the users are discussing different things in the other 149 threads currently on this board

This, not to mention he's done the exact same thing with every in review video so far

Never happened cause I'm not a retard.

Fuck off with your flagging brigade shit. The guy's an idiot in regards to politics but let him have his own opinion.

I did :(
Also pls stop bullyin me

Andy Daly

fucker is STILL butthurt about the election

Except real life didn't suck.

2016 was great unless you're a braindead moron who worships dead celebs

He sounds so deflated and smug.
He won, faggots. Get over it.


And he's very much allowed to voice his opinion, half the charm of a reviewer is their personality and views. Don't get me wrong, it's always stupid to bring up politics in media, but it sure got him some more views. Not to mention he does the exact same thing in every other year in review video.

but drumpf :(

>it's to bring up the contrast. shit year in a lot of people's lives, good year for video games.
He could simply say it was a good year for video games. Every year is shitty for someone.

Or he could just say that it was a shit year for some people and get the contrast without bringing the rest of it up.

I can enjoy his content despite his political beliefs, I just don't like misinformed garbage in my face. The reason this discussion is happening is because people like me want him to know we would prefer shit like that off the channel. I watch political content from all sorts of perspectives, but only the informed ones that have well structured arguments.

Wanting to avoid a game reviewer from spewing political bullshit is not the same as wanting to avoid other political views.

not to you, but for other people

When did he say this?

Honestly his brexit comment pissed me off more.
What the hell did brexxit have to do with stopping trade?

a breakdown of trade and security is a little bit more important than celebrities

>People think that celebrity deaths are shocking events.
Gee, it's almost as if famous people are also mortal or something.

>being so fucking butthurt you can't enjoy someone because of their political opinions
I'm entitled to believe Trump supporters are teenagers because no adult actually acts like such an entitled bitch.

It's just religious fuckwit bookburners

Sup Forums got triggered and there wasn't a warning so they could retreat to their safe space

Check his second or third season. He mentions he's pro Anita Sarkesian, brings up GG even though it's not relevant to the video, and spouts your typical "gee we gamers sure are are bad" rhetoric.

>it's always stupid to bring up politics in media
This is so ass backwards, the arts are political by their very nature and always have been. It's the absolute dumbest hivemind opinion on this website.


Literally you

>Wanting to avoid a game reviewer from spewing political bullshit

It was twenty fucking seconds

I'm sure you'd say the same thing if it was the other way around. You're either a hypocrite or a "true neutral" stoner.

HG101. They already shown signs of virtue signalling before, but they went full cuck when Trump won.

every year fucking sucks for 'other people'

the whole 'fuck 2016' and how much the year sucked is a fucking meme. I'm glad the year is over just for the fact I'll never have to hear that bullshit again and that most people will realize every year is shit if you look for shitty things to complain about

I would, I fucking put up with Trump supporters wagging their dick in every single fucking "VIDEO GAME" thread I can put up with Libtards virtue signaling in their "VIDEO GAME" videos.

I meant more from a financial view, politics does nothing but split your viewership. Nothing wrong with bringing it up, you just have to be prepared for the repercussions

But I never said the first thing at all?
Where do you get these strawman arguements from?

If a Trump supporter talked about it too I'd be just as disgruntled at the whiney manchildren whining. Hell, some people actually began calling Jontron a literal Nazi because he had the audacity to do something for Breibart.

It doesn't matter how long it was, it has no place in the video.
>Ugh why the fuck did he show a picture of a goatse?
>It was twenty fucking seconds, you can't handle that? Just enjoy the rest of the video

>Getting to butthurt about a different politic view on a gaming video that he makes a post on an anime image board hoping for confirmation
You're pretty pathetic OP, either go back to Sup Forums or commit suicide.

>comparing a picture of a man streching out his asshole to reveal the inside of his anus to a wrong poltical opinion

>If a Trump supporter talked about it too I'd be just as disgruntled at the whiney manchildren whining
And if Super Bunnyhop was a trump supporter and needlessly brought up things from that perspective, I'd be just as disgruntled as well.

You people are fucking children. Anyone Expresses a different political opinion to Yours for a couple of seconds and you start crying.
Trump is a retard no matter how hard you cry about Hillary.

This is so fucking dumb. You think you're so fucking funny don't you?

>hehe bro le cuck
>trump 2016 maga XD

How can you get to such a point in your life that something as benign as politics can dominate your entire lifestyle. It's easily the most pathetic thing to ever subdue yourself to.

We get it, you hate Trump, stop reposting the same thread every day.

What was the fucking BGM? I know it but I can't place it it's driving me crazy

it was a year-in-review video of an election year

you'd have to be from a different country or living under a rock to not talk about it on your platform, even if it's not video games

but nothing will make you happy and you're going to continue to be upset because he said something bad about donarudo turumpu. you're no better than the fucking liberal safespace filth that's been kicking and screaming since november.

enjoy comparing someone's political opinions to a picture of a man with a gaping asshole i guess

I'm of the opinion that anyone with as thin skin as the average Sup Forums poster needs to just fuck off and preferably die.

people getting triggered at mentioning trump or brexit makes my cock harder than diamonds.

please keep those tears coming, children

for a board that complains about normies, they sure do tend to dedicate themselves to normie hobbies.

Plz user, I need this sauce.

the same could be said for a lot of things, but i guess that's why we're all here

>How can you get to such a point in your life that something as benign as race can dominate your entire lifestyle.
>How can you get to such a point in your life that something as benign as gender can dominate your entire lifestyle.
>How can you get to such a point in your life that something as benign as video games can dominate your entire lifestyle.

>Literally just a comment off the beaten path in regards to real life stuff, then immediately goes into Vidya talk

So, what about all the other people in previous years making brief comments about politics? He clearly threw the few comments in on his opinion without going full politics. Is a man not entitled to his own opinion.

I think people are just mad he's not voicing their opinion. Razorfist did worse but he gets little flack since he's a literal who + He's got an opinion you guys like.

>wrong political opinion
It has nothing to do with his opinion. Continue to delude yourself that that is your opposition if you like, but the problem I have is that he chose to share an _uninformed_ opinion as if it were fact and that it was completely unnecessary.

I don't understand, Isn't the idea that people should be open to different world views and politics a common thing among the right at the moment? I thought you guys hated Tumblr for doing exactly this.

Both are shitty to look at.

W H O?

/eceleb/ when? i want the youtube crowd to leave

>People going fucking crazy when he only stated facts

Even if you think otherwise, its not the point of the video itself

>the problem I have is that he chose to share an _uninformed_ opinion as if it were fact and that it was completely unnecessary.

do you even know what fucking website you're on?

Hard to believe Sup Forums could have went from Trump supporters to Hillshills overnight, but it happened, I suppose.

The problem is that leftists are so arrogant that they automatically just kind of assume that everyone around them MUST agree with them and that those people who voted for Trump or whatever are these nebulous shadow people who exist not in the material world like you or I, but in a dark mirror plane to our own called middle America, and their evil misama just kind of seeps into the real world from time to time from whatever unholy things they're doing on their side in the form of Republican election wins. If one of these shadow people reveal themselves to be living in the material realm among the real humans, they're shocked that one of these evil beings somehow broke out from their own dimension where they belong and heard them talking shit like they wouldn't know.

That's why they constantly assert the moral superiority of their politics and the moral and intellectual inferiority of the shadow people completely unreservedly in any context, be it at work, dinner, social gatherings, around people they don't know, at acceptance speeches for awards (celebs only), or in this case a yearly review of video games. They really don't think the "enemy" is among them or might dare to argue back against such slander (which most shadow people do avoid to keep relationships mildly civil or to ensure their job and financial security by not expressing thoughts forbidden by the material realm) and when they do they act like they've been harassed when they're the ones who started it in the first place.

>The problem is that leftists are so arrogant that they automatically just kind of assume that everyone around them MUST agree with them

Good thing he doesn't paint himself as some serious political outlet you fucking mong.
People share uninformed opinions all the time, just look where you are.
Nobody even likes trump, they just want to get in on the "le libcuck xD" train

Whats uninformed?

Brexit will effect free trade and travel, and Trump has confessed to sexual assault. This isn't even leftism, these are facts.

>How can you get to such a point in your life that something as benign as politics can dominate your entire lifestyle

politics isn't just "opinions", it affects people's entire lives, so obviously some people's lifestyle is going to revolve around it

You faggots get triggered by everything these days.

>the same could be said for a lot of things
Yeah, letting one thing dominate your life so you become a super autist about it not able to stand differing opinions is really sad

>thread is obvious bait (constantly reposted) to make trump supporters look childish
>thread ends up filled with "lmao Trump supporters are just like liberals" and even more false flagging/bait posts
>both sides' opinions are just reinforced further until bump limit
>repeat tomorrow

You put too much thought into this. The fact that you think you "know it all" is absolutely disgusting. Everything here is just an oversimplification of how complex human behavior works, try getting some fresh air.

>18 minutes of video game discussion
>30 seconds of politics
>Sup Forums focuses on the politics
great board

He talked shit about Trump... how could he? THis 10 second part of a 15 minute long video completely ruined my day.

Nice try Hilldawg false flagger

>Good thing he doesn't paint himself as some serious political outlet
Which is why I watch him, and therefore dislike when he delves into politics. How is this so hard to understand?

Why can't america just have two people who aren't massive retards to run? Say what you want about Obama but he was at least presidential. Trump is a fucking retard and has already caused more incidents than Nixon's entire term.

>Getting this triggered over literally one sentence that is factual

Apart from the jab at Britain, the comment on Donald was true.

even Sup Forums knows Donald was just put in because of memes, not because he'd be a good president


I wouldn't call an off hand comment delving into politics.

>to make trump supporters look childish
wow it's not like trump supporters constitute half their fucking country I'm sure it's an aristocratic bastion of tact and decency where only the most esteemed gentlemen can hold a position

What the fuck is this meme? Is there some sort of personality required to be President? Last I heard anyone can run and successfully be elected as President, even an average Joe.

If you consider that to be the case you have no place commenting on Brexit