ITT: Annoying enemies
ITT: Annoying enemies
any dogs
from any game
>he uses slow two-handed weapons
I use big weapons for big damage.
Also referring to the fact that they DRAIN your maximum health.
But there's really not much else in that area that's dangerous and you can stunlock the jailers to death. Just wait for your health to come back after they're dead.
Rabid skags from BL2. In TVHM and UVHM they're a pain to deal with, they're fast, constantly charge at you doing large amounts of damage, and they can be hard to hit when they're right in front of you for some reason. Just a nuisance all around.
>big weapons for big damage
>in DaS3
literally pointless user they barely do more damage than small weapons in fact they might even do less damage
any enemy in baldur's gate series that energy drains
they are extremely vulnerable to backstab
>not spiders coming at you
>when you are zero
I second this.
I haven't played much Zero. Do you mean the spiders in Tiny Tina's DLC? They usually seem pretty easy to deal with, and go down pretty quick.
>just dont get hit and you wont die lol
The problem is that they're stacked in big groups sometimes and they leave you with literally 1 hp for doing nothing except being close to you
I was dreading these guys after Sup Forums but they weren't really an issue, charge in with claymore, charge hit then swipe. Dead. I was expecting harder placement for them, I think they only killed me 5 times when I first came to this area.
These motherfuckers. I hate those enemies that are slow/normal speed and all of a sudden they get a berserk switch and run across the map in half a second. They also deal absurd damage.
Use a bow and pull them into the side rooms. Kill them in the doorways.
this fucker right here
I know it's just from the demo but...
>that fucking attack where they spin their arms for like 20 seconds and you cant get close to them
>your light attack is not even half the reach of that attack so you can't outrange them with it
>your heavy attack is too slow and it has a weird angle so you might not hit them before they reach you
>you get hit once and you'll eat at least 20 punches
>the only way to deal with this attack is by spamming the infinite iframes from dodge.
it really points out why the game's combat will be shit
Fuck these cunts
This motherfucker right here
My peanus weanus.
the ones you have to shoot in the ass for crits
there are plenty of them, they have a big head like a shield so it's hard to hit their ass when they come at you
>have to do a bunch of shit to kill them instead of being ble to just walk into them and kill them.
The thread says "annoying" enemies, not hard enemies. And what you described is a total chore, meaning that the enemy is in fact annoying
i quit ds3 because of these cunts
>vampiric wraiths from Watcher's Keep
>always go straight for weakest party member
>one million damage per hit
>can go invisible at will
>always hasted
>drain levels
What did I do to deserve this?
They're only annoying you because you're an idiot who can't use his brain to make them not annoying.
skeledogs piss me off
thralls also piss me off
grave wardens piss me off sometimes, when they do a big circle weehoo backwards right when you try to attack them, making you whiff, and they catch you right after
yeah fuck these cunts
Got killed by one once and only once.
The big problem I have with that is that it's pure trial and error. No one knows what's going to happen when they first go into that area, so almost everyone will die to them at least once.
I think game devs (even when making difficult games like DS) should avoid trial and error gameplay. If it's something that will kill players only once and never again, it's probably a bad idea to put it in the game.
these guys are easy peasy.
those corvian harpies should've been mid-game enemies
The method you described for "making them not annoying" is annoying in itself. Take out your bow, throw an arrow at them, wait for them to react, come close to you and attack you so you can kill them. then repeating the process one or 3 times. As opposed to every other enemy in the game where you can just rush and kill them all at once. How is that not a chore?
>Variant of these guys with the cannon in their chest
>They fire at random and have no pre-fire animation
Just buy arrows in bulk and that shit takes 4 seconds to do