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Journey, Apotheosis level.
>tfw I never got to play Journey thanks to no console
I always wanted to as well
Actually, scratch that, during the final level I was in awe, it's the ending credits song where I choked.
Buy PS4, it was ported over, plus you'll get other Sony exclusives.
For some reason Ace Attorney 1
I don't really want to buy a console for just one game.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Final Fantasy Tactics
Are you really not interested in other Sony exclusives? Welp, tough luck, then, I have the same situation with Bayo2 and NMH2. I am not going to buy WiiU and Wii just for those.
Ori did it for me in a few places. Mostly because of the soundtrack. There's a really intense part which is brilliant because the music makes it go from really frustrating to something awe inspiring. You can't really show it in a video though, you need the experience of fucking it up umpteen times to really understand.
For some reason, this: youtube.com
Dunno why. It just feels so futuristic and hopeful.
So bawling my eyes out doesn't count? The Walking Dead S1 really got to me, even though I saw it coming from the first episode.
Skyward Sword
Not really what I'm after. I'm more looking for things that are unconventional that get to you rather than things which are straight up sad.
Do patriotic feels count? This gets me every time.
That Scarborough fair cover in CivVI is pretty good. Haven't played the game, screw that cartoonish "we want the mobile pay2win app audience" artstyle. youtube.com
Persona 3
So is it basically just music that does that?
Just beat Kirby Robobot, teared up a little bit when I saw the mech crying.
Combined with an emotional moment in a game, yes.
Sounds a bit more like a fantasy game than a civ game, but I'll allow it.
I've only played one game of Civ VI, it runs like shit on my toaster. It's good though.
Things like that always get to me. Any sort of innocent or childlike character who shows emotion like that makes me feel awful, even if it's a villain.
The only thing that really affects me in violent games is if someone cries out for their mother. That shit is distressing for some reason.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
Grim Fandango.
"Are you... in love with her?"
"Love is for the living."
was gonna post this, looked up, saw it
The travesty that is FE Fates' story. The Conquest version of Fates, especially.
When I heard the premise for Conquest, I thought it sounded promising. I kept my expectations down, though, and never let myself hope for anything other decent story. I never thought it would turn out bad.
The game already has good gameplay, mostly likeable characters, and great music. If the story was halfway decent it would've been almost perfect. It irritates and makes me sad to this day thinking about it.
Also, why can't you choose which servant you want to take with you at the beginning of the game? Who thought gender-locking them was a good idea?
This part always gets me a little.
Last of us and uncharted 4
There are some parts in Outlast that gave me a lump in my throat, but that's probably because I used to work in a mental facility and quit before I could start hating the patients.
>You did the right thing. Hell, even Nix did the right thing. I just was, am scared. Do it. DO IT!
You have a heart.
I'll always feel bad for characters that had shitty childhoods or abusive parents, no matter how evil they are
Its a recent one but the ending to ffxv when there sitting at the camp and he tells ignis,prompto and gladius that they're the best friends he could ever had.
it got me because the game resonated with with the aspect of friendship and that it strongest weapon you can posses.
>Playing Journey for the first time
>Random person joins me at the beginning of the game (I wasn't sure how he got there because I didn't know how the online worked yet)
>He helps me find the orbs and teaches me neat tricks, lots of fun
>Get to the final level where you see the final guardian in the mountain (I think)
>The guardian spots me and all hell breaks loose
>He slams on the ground and sends me flying farther up the mountain
>Due to the low visibility, I loose sight of my companion
>Wait for him for like a minute
>Feel sad thinking that he died or got disconnected
>As I was about to leave I see this dim, beeping music note heading towards me (it was him because I saw I only met one player at the end of the credits)
I don't think I have ever experienced something like that in a video game. I felt so happy to know that he was still there.
>You have a heart.
Shit nigga I can't do that here. Maybe I'm actaully getting to the point where I need to grow up a bit.
Any game where you have a child to protect is GOAT to me. Bioshock 2 is a great example.
>cole narrates the entire first and second game up to this point
>after this cutscene zeke takes over narration
I couldn't relate to that because Kirby never used the same mech twice, and it was just some random one he got from Suzy iirc
Fuck dude I loved that, it felt so nice. Any other good games where you get to take care of a kid/something to that effect?
God of war 1&3 kinda
This. When he tells his bud he's crippled it just got at me.
Ori And the Blind Forest
That is sweet, user. This is one of things I like about Journey. You have no idea what kind of a person you've met, you only communicate via these notes and yet you somehow bond so much as simply two human beings.
The times I get the most sad is over quite mundane things, and often even over thoughts.
I saw a drunk with ragged clothes leave a liquor store with quite a lot of liquor. He stumbled and broke the bottles.
Sometimes I realise that someone I love will never really understand why I'm sad, and in a weird way I pity them.
I feel alone
Any game that ends where the main bros stay true bros. I choked up a tear with part of the ending of Shadows of the Damned because of Johnson and Garcia. All Out has me in tears constantly because of how comrade heavy it is Haikyuu as well.
It has to feel like genuine loyalty and passion also which is why FF type jrpgs never got me in those situations.
>I saw a drunk with ragged clothes leave a liquor store with quite a lot of liquor. He stumbled and broke the bottles.
That is pretty sad. I don't know why, for all what matters alcohol is bad for you, it's just that I can't help but feel bad for people that accidentally break/waste stuff they love/look forward to, like even a dropped icecream.
You seem like a romantic, so you should feel proud of that. Having emotions isn't bad at all.
You get me. This is exactly the reason. It makes me tremendously sad.
Thank you
That's the case of most of the people here, I think. For me, I'm easily manipulated by anything with children in it. I'd love to have kids some day. It really hurts me when I see people saying "I never want kids".
>people that accidentally break/waste stuff they love/look forward to
Sup Forums then.
PS4 Remaster when? I never got around to playing the first two games, are they above average good, or just plain somewhat good to spend a few evenings with?
>tfw I'm a romantic but I never show it to anyone so they all think I'm a cold heartless asshole
Playing this when I was just chilling overlooking a nice scenic view of the desert when 1:44 played and I got a meloncoly with how pretty the mood was and that I'll never be a space cowboy exploring an alien planet.
The ending of Tales of the Abyss.
The entire second half of Digital Devil Saga 2 was a constant haze of going between feeling empty and feeling a pit in my stomach.
I've never met anyone else who felt that way about Radiant Dawn. The credits got me super emotional even though nothing sad happened at all.
I know it's a bit of a generic one but the part where the owl babs die made me really sad.
felt like that throughout LISA the Painful. Cried real fucking hard for the ending. also cried for the Joyful's ending. it was the first time I cried because of a videogames, and the last, for now
>tfw I think I'm a romantic because I'm always tearing up and get all emotional about some fictional stories and think a lot about life and death and then one day my grandma dies and I don't shed a tear because I knew that was coming for a while and it's something inevitable that will happen to me too and I realize that I'm just a jaded emotionally uninvested in real world asshole.
2nd is really good, 1st is decent.
Are you me? Outwards I have a huge fetish for logic and order and shit but when no ones around I'll do soft things.
Lisa kinda
Witcher 3
WoW cinematics cos muh nostalgia
Metro 2033 has one level where you save a kid as his station goes to shit. It was fucking great
I'm pretty sure that a lot of people here are like that, outside of the edgy faggots.
I think part of it is that we're all more engaged with various pursuits than reality, because they're preferable to anything we'll experience in reality.
Shame nobody will ever understand us.
Well, you're still a bit of a romantic.
Halo Reach the last stand bit at the end. Just the bit when you see noble six's helmet come off and he keeps fighting until he drops. There's just something about that which really gets me.
You are never alone. Fuck I didn't ask for these feels. I'm choking here. You caught me off guard. You are a good person.
It means a lot to me that you wrote this
Thank you.
>You are never alone.
Yes he is. What are you trying to do with this fake encouraging shit? When you're that alone you just know it. Sometimes you come across threads like these and for a moment you touch people who think just like you and really understand how you feel because they feel the same way, and then it is all gone, the thread is archived, and you'll never meet them again.
Doesn't invalidate the connection in any way shape of form nor is it fake encouraging.
Treasure the moment, user. We're not getting married here but feeling empathy towards each other from time to time.
It depends on what kind of loneliness we're talking about. Simply knowing that there exist some people that you connect with is sometimes exactly what you're looking for, even if you never get to meet them.
You said it best yourself:
>Sometimes you come across threads like these and for a moment you touch people who think just like you and really understand how you feel because they feel the same way
Dude even on Sup Forums anons recognize each other. This one Brit and American like to talk about Hetalia every time they find each other, and if Sup Forumslacks can meet each other again I'm sure anons on any other board can.
My Mom used to said "I might be alone, but I don't feel alone."
This one user on Sup Forums posts a lot of fan art and names all of his art in a specific filename structure. He really likes Drakengard.
It's become a small, bizarre comfort every time I recognize him.
The ending of Yakuza 0 got me
Also the ending of FF XV, really
I'm not alone, but I feel alone.
The Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Kart 64 credits themes do it to me
Even when I was a kid, the same feeling
It's kind of odd, isn't it? Recognizing anons, and then realizing that you've started looking forward to recognizing them. I don't know anyone on here except the one who shits up threads and shows up if you mention him, but I see the weeb American on /ck/ a lot.
Every time I remember the "THE END" screen I get melancholy.
I get a similar feeling when I remember how dead Quintet is.
>There's something I'm more afraid of...
thats sad.
AA3s credits music always gets me.
For me it's the original Rainbow Road theme from MK64. Dunno why. But it gets me all emotional and shit. It aint nostalgia either. Made me feel like this back then aswell.
You're all fags
Just got through all of VLR's endings. Incredible game, don't know which I enjoyed more; 999 or VLR.
In this case, Luna's ending really got me by surprise. When I realized the message behind her password, I felt really sad.
>waa I never got to play the game because I don't have a console
>waaa I don't want to buy a console
Well shut the fuck up then holy shit
The bloody baron questlinw in TW3. Especially at the lubberkin moment
The ever escalation of war on a galactic scale where technology/production gets exponentially more powerful as time goes on.
All the credit scenes for every AA game left me feeling melancholy and sad knowing it was over. Good pick user