What was the final straw that made you stop posting there?

What was the final straw that made you stop posting there?

arguing with a clinically retarded person

When it became Sup Forums but worse because you're allowed to post there while under 18

There was no final straw. I just stopped going there after finding the wonders of anonymous posting on Sup Forums. I can't use non-anonymous forums anymore.

When I saw how delusional nintendo fans are on that site. Just visit the switch forum.

Underage shitposters on Sup Forums are a thing.
Even when they get revealed Mods do nothing.

I never posted there

When mods started putting words in mouth and assuming the worst of me, repeated times.
Plus it's getting more and more a safe space for the degenerates.

I didn't stop posting though, I just go there every once in a while lay short sentence baits and let the butthurt essay-replying rot the boards even more.

I don't even have to try hard, SBA takes years to do simple improvements users have suggested over and over over the years so he'll ground the site even quicker.
It's a miracle they are still afloat considering wikis and YT is more practical.

Why are you still on Sup Forums then?

A long time ago I joined and made a thread a legimately question about...something...and they wouldn't answer it. All they did was was say I was some one else and bring up the fact I wasn't a level 10 poster or whatever the fuck it is.

>Plus it's getting more and more a safe space for the degenerates.

Its become obnoxiously alt right just with shallow attempts of getting around moderations

Too many fucking underage fanboys.

I posted there a relatively long time, on Board 8. But when I left, which was a pretty damn long time ago, GameFAQs was for younger people and Sup Forums was for more older people. I haven't been back since, maybe the culture has changed since then.

All you have to do is stay off of the main console boards. Shitposters and doomsayers almost never go to individual game boards

putting in quotes ruined it. Now every thread is 90% people quoting other posts without actually adding anything.

>putting in quotes ruined it. Now every thread is 90% people quoting other posts without actually adding anything.


CE completely devolving into a clique based shitshow woth only a few people left. Everyone pretty much already hated me because I never fit in to any of their weird cliques and I had already discovered the beauties of Sup Forums

since I got banned
too many fucking rules there

also, I fucking hate forums that rank users based on how long they've been there and by how many posts they've made. At least here, everyone is the same and only judged by their post quality, not by reputation.

>Wiki's more practical

I can confidently say I run one wiki that consistently outdoes 99% of the rest out there, but the majority of gaming wikis are utter shite if it's not a large and well-known popular game or series.

I never posted there in the first place

I found this slightly better shithole

LL deleting the links.

Go onto the Wii U and PS4 boards, it's literally just like Sup Forums except there is more kids, more butthurt and moderators are pretty lax. You'll get sick of it in less than 5 minutes.

when I got banned for posting that my Black Wii wouldn't work

I never posted there, I hate message boards. I only put up with this shit hole because there are no usernames.

It's full of fanboys. Square fanboys and Blizzard fanboys.

too many retards abusing loopholes to get people banned while being passive aggressive and generally shitposters. the mods were inconsistent as well

the biggest problem is that shitposting there was just terrible. at least here, it's fun, and we don't need to grind a retarded account, so getting banned by incompetent moderators and retarded rules isn't a problem.

they also censored the stupidest shit over there. you couldn't even say retarded without getting some warning or other gay shit

the integration with gamespot also was terrible. the gamespot users were complete mouthbreathers. and all those factors together destroyed the faqs, so there was no reason to keep going there

it officially died the day cjayc jewed himself to gamespot. at least he was smart, i give him that. he got out at the right time. neofag's elf wasn't so bright, despite liking to pretend to be

>not by reputation.



Shit how long has it been since cjayc left? I agree at that point it felt like the whole site changed.

>Can say fuck, shit , ass
>can't say retard, pussy, faggot

there is no such thing as "post quality"

Mods play favorites, granted this might be because I had an extensive mod history, but when posting a gif of a dude swinging around his real life dong gets you a warning while a 2D nondescript dong gets you a ban, it's hard to say otherwise.

2001 or 2002 i think, was when he sold it. i think he stayed there for some years but left like 2006 or something? either way, when he announced the sale, that was the beginning of the end

I never posted there. Only liked it for the faqs. These days youtube and wiki's fills in well as a replacement. Although rarely I do use gamefaqs for some vidya help.

There whole site structure seems so outdated though.

It is, they added webm support and embedded links like Sup Forums but it just doesn't work as well

I belong there more than here.

I was banned. I don't remember why since it was over 10 years ago.
Cunts still have the Rayman PSX cheat I posted up but won't let me shitpost there.

I got modded there for point out [this person] looks like a man.

Did anyone else shitpost on the Next Gen Gaming board back during the PS2 era? Good times.

As sad as it is, for a lot of individual games, in terms of actual game and game play related discussions gamefags is one of the best places.

You can find a retro game or niche game and go there and see people talking about how they beat it, what parts they like or not, what they think about a boss etc. They may sound stupid but at least the discussions are all on topic and about the games.

I don't really post there because those boards tend to be pretty dead. And there's obviously no reason to post on the big general boards in any discus type forums because it'll be full of forum celebs and circlejerking.

I started visiting this shitpile of a board, back in 2006.

Your post is operating on levels of irony I cannot even comprehend.

I got banned for a month for making a pedo joke. It wasn't funny but it was dumb to ban me for so long considering I never broke any rules before. Fuck that place for being so thin skinned

How much karma do you have user?
>tfw probably would have had 3k but multiple accounts had been banned for shitposting


>Sup Forums not understanding irony

Signatures are so gay.

I'm a Sage, soon to be ???, stay mad faggot

I once said "i'm 12 and what is this"

They demanded my driver's license as proof that i was older.


I used to like tvtropes until they started deleting porn pages (which by the way had no NSFW images) because they wanted to be more "family friendly", ie the owner went full gay and got offended by porn.

Same with gfaqs. Mods too bitchy who get offended by everything

I agree with you now but my 14 year old self didn't I guess.

Hons deserve to die.

The problem with the mods is that they're strictly by the book in enforcing the rules. You can not get moderated or get banned based entirely on a technicality.

If you were to say
>Wow, why are you acting like such an idiot

The mods won't touch you. But instead say something like
>Wow you are an idiot

They will be on you like white on rice. Shit is almost hilarious because you bypass some of the rules simply by not rewording the post in question.

I go there for the FAQs..

I still go there to the ps4 board since Sup Forums is filled with pcucks and nintendrones. Multiconsole owners ruined that ps4 board with their pc gaming shilling.

Used to browse CE until everyone but the cliques left. It was really strange, the place had a ton of Sup Forums-import trends like Balloon Snake and Winnie the Pooh baseball. The place always had that vibe of being a shadow of its former self. Came back not too long ago and the place is Stormfront-lite. Oh well.

>2006 or 2007
>Shiny Charizard are black, so I call him Negrozard for short
>Half an hour later, I'm suspended indefinitely for 'racist comment's
Because negro isn't Spanish for black, oh no. It's only an English word for what we used to call black people before the civil rights movement.

I did this once and was flat out banned, no chance at arguing.

>girl posts "would you date me?"
>post "not gonna sugar coat you should lose weight"
>whitekinghts rush in to defend her
>i'll have you know im perfectly healthy
Trash boards

Are you joking? That's never stopped anyone from posting on a website, seeing porn, etc.

I still do. I just don't argue with people who have egos for no fucking reason and if i see one avoid them. I also left my account logged in so long its icon tier now and so if one of them won't leave me alone i get their ass banned regardless of their validity.


>post anime trap getting fucked
>suspended for 60 days
>account is fine

when 90% of the topics were stupid RP threads like Hurt/heal.


Trying not to die a 30 year old virgin at the moment. Seeing as how I turn 30 in February, my chances aren't looking too good.

getting banned for a joke

>Nah she's too old
>about an in-game character
>tried to repel it
>We here enjoy jokes but we will not reverse this ban
I believe they were all feminist women or something?

or maybe because you are posting on a site for 12 year olds?

I never posted there because the idea of a forum on a website dedicated to txt file game walkthroughs always made me scratch my noggin

Just kill yourself while you're still 29. Problem solved.

You can't just give away your mana a month away from wizardhood.

I still remember getting moderated for saying

>it's a bad idea, that would be like a white person walking through Harlem at night

yup realized that and stopped going there. Sometimes I went back when I used to play pokemon and wanted to trade but I don't even do that anymore.

nigga you post too much.

Never mustered up the courage to do the deed. Too afraid to live, too scared to die .

Proof that the internet is becoming more and more homo culture.

I still go there for information but I don't really post much anymore. The biggest problem for me is the fact it's such a god damn hug box all the time. Can't say anything remotely negative without getting shit on. Moderation is also a little too fucking tight. At least you can swear now I guess. You used to get flagged instantly for that.

you dont get karma for posting anymore

just being on the site once a day gets you your 1 daily karma, no way to ever increase it anymore.

>30 and still a virgin
Hit the gym, you dumb fuck. I stutter a lot and still manage to get pussy

I've lost 30 pounds (from 261) and still haven't managed to get anywhere.

You know what's funny? I've seen white people do just that recently, I don't live that far from Harlem and that area is currently on the gentrify list.



Stop eating junk food and/or change your routine every few weeks, not that hard.


Sounds hilarious. I used to post on RI when I was like 12/13 and holy shit I cringe at myself back then

Honestly compared to other sites like Neogaf, GameFAQs is alright. Heck the fact they offer FAQs in general makes it a step up in general.


When I left GameFAQs, the Wii and PS3 weren't created yet

Anyone here visit LUE?

I got fucking put in a purgatory for two weeks for LITERALLY just answering a yes or no question about liking transgenders which I chose the latter.

Right after a literal faggot came and tried to agitate me and I called him special and put right back there. It can go fuck itself. What an absolute bullshit site.

Please get on my level, comrades.

>not just going there for the FAKS

>not liking traps

Are you a faggot or something?

Some guy kept sperging out on the Jak 2 board (don't ask me why I was there), this guy would show up in every thread and try to correct everyone/answer every question about anything, acting like an expert and stroking his ego all the while. Eventually he said something incorrect about Jak 2 so someone corrected him and he went FULL SPERGLORD MODE, I've never seen anything like it, not even on Sup Forums. Me and one or two other posters would correct him and explain hy he was wrong and then he would launch into multi-paragraph posts about how he was actually right using "my dad works for naughty dog"-tier arguments. Eventually I told him to shut the fuck up and my account got suspended or something

Well memed

Yes, and I also went to LL

I'm from 2003 and I have almost as much Karma. You fucked up pham

I hate the all Nintendo consoles, but I only play video games that are for all ages and all audiences (rated E for Everyone on the ESRB)

What would be the best console for me then?

I added some friends from there. They without exception had emotional problems.

Kek. I'd fucking pay to read the exchange

Since no game released today requires any kind of walkthroughs as they are all made for literal 5 year olds level of complexity.