Xenoblade 2 Thread


Directed by godly Takahashi

Music: Yasunori Mitsuda, Ace+, Minami Kiyota

Sequel to Xenoblade.

We got another classic here boyos! Get ready to taste that Monolithsoft magic

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I hope NoE localizes it again

betchya anything it's not as good as XB1

Does any of the original cast return? Does the game take place after the end of the first or before?

I won't forget this, user.

The font used in the trailer is the font noe used for xc2 so let's hope

Takes place after. Not sure yet if Shulk and chums make a return, but it's not likely. Think of it like Final Fantasy.

Is anyone upset that they're not continuing XB Chronicles X?

Be patient

Female character design look pretty good, but the MC looks awful. I'm not talking about outfit since you can change that and Shulk's default was shit too. I mean his generic shounen MC face.

I don't know why Monolith Soft has problem with character designs/model. Anyways, pretty god damn excited for this.

The new character designs are literally being done by a guy who's only claim to fame are numerous hentai doujins and one really bad, but great looking mecha movie.

mechs in question

>Be patient
I'm still happy for another XB just sayin

I also don't like the main character, looks bland

Also, ACE and Mitsuda back is a huge plus. Mitsuda/Shimomura did very little in the original, majority of the work was ACE+, but I think Mitsuda has a bigger role this time.

I really like Sawano but he dropped the ball big time with X, so glad we're getting the old composers back.

What if he draws Xenohentai himself and the curse is finally lifted

Betchya it will be better but localization changes/ nostalgia will make the entire board hate it

No wonder the females designs look good.

he drew hentai of expelled from paradise (the movie he worked on) so he'll probably draw xeno hentai

i think he did a few xenoblade doujins in the past too

>No more Sawano shit music
>Godly Mitsuda music just like Xenogears & Xenosaga 1


>be takahashi
>fapping to hentai
>cum loads
>contact artist
>"you're hired"

>Music: Yasunori Mitsuda
Fucking sold

Takahashi has a tendency to hire hentaifags, look at Xenosaga III's official artist, of the armor designer of Xenoblade X

X had an armor designer separate from the character designer? Is that normal?

he hasn't composed good music in ages

how did they get decent clothing design for shulk and then make this new protag's clothes look so fucking gay?

Mitsuda heading to hospital again.
Might be his last trip.

Character designs look like garbage but I'm interested

>armor designer of Xenoblade X
hmmm really makes me think

shulks default clothes was lightyears better than this garbage.

That's so mean, but I laughed so hard.

shulk's clothes looked like trash

not any better than XC2 protag

>semi realistic loking anime characters

>full retarded looking anime face than even the most diehard nintendrones made fun of

>less anime than X but not as realistic as 1

I really hope they gave thought to the character design this time after the trash that was X


Weirdly I'm most hyped about the potential for the soundtrack. Xenoblade Chronicles had the best soundtrack I've ever heard in a video game, and while X had some good tracks, it just wasn't as nice as the previous game. I'm very glad to see the old guys back again.

But 2 looks the most anime of all of the Xenoblades and that's a good thing.

>xenoblade 2fps
I hope they fix it.

Elmafags get the fuck out. Your Mary Sue has gone forever.

Now *ahem* let's get back to the real Xenoblade. XB and XB2.

Stop picking fights you autistic faggot.1

Shulk's clothes could at least be mistaken for actual alternate reality clothing, aside from the silly roman sandal-pants.

Any outfit in 2 so far looks like nothing but a hentai artists retarded fetish fuel no one would ever wear in this or any other universe.


At the moment I agree, but I'd love to be proven wrong here

X had a retarded anime face on everyone. 2 at the very least doesn't look like the gave it to a fresh deviant artist designer.

You're incorrect. The girl's armor designs are neato.


Xenosaga III had the best OST of that trilogy.

Hopefully it's mostly Kiyota and ACE+ doing most the music.

Shulk's clothing was terrible. The only person dressed decently by default was Dunban. The clothing doesnt really matter though since you can change the armor. It's the face of this new MC that's triggering everybody. He looks like a little shit.

X2 has the most anime design of all though. What are you talking about? X has that 3D anime doll shit like the original Xeno games, or ZoE.

I'm assuming this was Japanese only armor? God damn you NoA.

I disagree, I thought it was too sugary.

You don't like Yasunori Mitsuda music?

Any chance Xenoblade Chronicles 1 will be announced for Switch before this game drops?

I skipped that game, wondering if the New 3DS version is any good.

Kajuira's music is a bit too sugary melodramatic for me. Mitsuda's music in XSI is the best of the trilogy, IMO.

It runs fine, it just looks a little worse youtube.com/watch?v=yati7NzIjfw

>samefagging this hard


X tries to do semi-realistic anime faces which look horrendous.
2 fully embraces the anime and that's okay, though I don't like how the artstyles for the characters and the world clash.

Only fundoshi got censored by NoA(And anything Lin wore)

>one really bad, but great looking mecha movie

Eat shit my man, EFP was decent.


>Xenosaga III's official artist

Hes a mecha designer first and foremost that does some hentai sometimes if hes broke.

I got cancer just reading this post.

And to answer your question, Chrono Cross is one of my favorite video game OSTs of all time but Kiyota did 50 out of 92 songs and ACE+ did 29 out of 92 songs for the first Xenoblade and it's one of the best OSTs as well so why not let them continue?

It was shit.

They made it slightly better too in some parts by fixing the character's AI.

It runs surprisingly decent with a graphical drop. Good for on the go, but the Wii version is preferable if you can get your hands on it.

I want you to name seven (7) reasons on why you think that and I wont respond either way

might have to dig into that asap then. hope the game drops in 2017 but I have my doubts.

Oh good another single player mmo thanks a lot.

I honestly didn't notice that, that's pretty cool.

The battle music of X has turned me off to this franchise forever.


>tfw Xenosaga III did semi-realistic faces better than XBCX
>on the PS2

>Xenoblade X was retconned for being shit
>a true Xenoblade sequel was announced
Fuck yes!

Taka said when he was making XBX that he regrets not making it more character driven like the first game and is going back to it.
At the cost of everything else.

That's a CG cutscene.

Well, after X I will proceed with extreme caution.
Character designs are already ringing alarm bells but I'm still hoping for the best.

How will the fags shitting on X in this thread react when Monolith's next game is X2?

Oh wait, I already know. They'll start shitting on Xenoblade 2 and pretend they liked Xenoblade X better all along.

That'd be the one.
There was nothing I could do to it either. After the 50th "I'm gonna eat Tatsu" joke I just said I'm done.

>it's the third game in the series

how did nintendo fuck this up?

>At the cost of everything else.
The combat in III was arguably better than the previous two entires(even thought I prefer the combat in I), the music was great like some people pouted out already

What did he mean by this?

Plot twist, X is actually the 10th game.

We don't count XBX around here.

This is in-game engine footage

looking at the trailer again it looks like the blond girls armor is like pic related, only withouth the boots so even more leg game.

Are you ready for high definition, Fiora-tier ass cheeks?

I got used to the droopy face, honestly I prefer this than the Tales of shitty style used in XB2. They blend better with the scenary.

Fuck detail, you get a dot for a nose

How long until japan is fapping to fucking stickmen


Yep. Looking forward to those not too distant masturbation sessions, user.

>Fapping to stickmen
>Not stickfutas


Fuck if I know. People have bad taste in music and are awed by shit work I suppose.
It happened and has since soured my anticipation of any future Xenoblades, X's or otherwise.

Sharla's jiggle physics better be in this game

Do you now what Tales of games look like? This meme isn't funny.

Xenobutts, when ?

you show up like clockwork.

Hold the fuck up, link me that shit

The main Xenoblade games aren't connected to X. X is an experiment and doesn't exist.


>That horrid art style


>No Yoko "I Wish I was Mitsuda" Shimomura
>No Hiroyuki Sawano

Soundtrack has a shot, boys!


why does the 2's font look like shit

That's not relevant.

I don't care if it's more anime looking. Might be because there was a bit of a backlash on how the character's looked in X and they felt this was the best way to get around it. X tried to strike that balance between "real" and anime while this is just being as anime as it can.